parts must adjust. Evolution is a long series of self induced change “ changes are slow & local.
Fertility is the ability of soil to receive, store & release energy. Soils depleted of their storage or of organic matter which anchors it wash away faster than they form. This is erosion Water like soil is part of energy circuit.
Industry by polluting water or obstructing them with dams may exclude plants & animals necessary to keep energy in circulation
Transportation- Plants & animals grown in one region are now consumed & returned to the soil in another transportation taps energy stored in rocks & in the air & uses it elsewhere we fertilize garden with nitrogen fish etc. 1. Land id not merely soil 2. Native plants & animals dept the energy circuit 3. Man Made changes of different order than evolutionery changes have effects
Every person should be free to do whatever he wishes to do in context where his actions do not interfere with the interests of other human beings waste is bad thing There is scarcity of available resources our aggregate labors our skill so none of these resources of labors or skills should be wasted.
Everyone should receive by continuous redistribution some minimal share at aggregate wealth so as to avoid a level of privation is non possession Environment is derived from environs meaning in circuit or turning around
und indicates an external relation without a context, a relationship of organic into dependence.
Environment is better expressed by Chinese philosopher shengsheng-pu-yi in cessant activity of life creatively to understand depth of meaning of environment we have to understand life & living process of life & constitutent & condition of life means we have to understand the Tao contents & tao process in environment way of life creativity in cease less movement in multi tude fact. Modern man's conception o environment is founded on the surface meaning of environment typified by technology & science with materialism. dualism naturalism is objectified, mechanized, rigidified, dehumanized, deenlivened & so deenvironmental surrounding the physical perionery & material condition visible, tangible external environment is more than visible, tangible external Chinese focus on the internal relation of man to his surrounding & harmony between man & world.
Nature of completed work of mechanical forces with one dimensional natural laws 'controlling its working man as the consumer of nature express continuously the beauty, truth, & goodness of nature & articulates
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