Jung maintained dreams convey dreamer what they are ignoring or are obvious to in waking life Nature of dreams manifest true representation of the inner world of dreamer. There is no latent content (what they really are) that requires interpretation all that is needed is an understanding of the symbolic games that unconscious mind play when creating a dream. There is no reliable methodology for interpreting dreamsymbols or imagery because even dream is unique in itself & to the person who dreams it Chief function of dreaming is to allow the unconsciousness & conscious minds to reach a state of balance & symmentry. Any emotion or urges or sexual instincts operate on unconscious level are not suppressed does not dissipate but lies dormant & waiting for escape: When in sleep conscious mind is not controlled by person & in dreaming unconscious state of mind emotions of suppressed in waking state play in dreams suppressed or ignored can be brought to surface by dreamer.
Freud divided our mind into id, ego, super ego. Id represents our animal urge to act upon our instinets & desires rather than from social or cultural conditioning. Ego is our conscious mind which makes rational decisions. Superego is our conscience. Dreams have power to alter the dreamer's future in sense there are possibilities of choices. Persona is face that we wear in society & represent the part that we want to reveal.
Dream is mystical connection with universal energy which expands, life's perspective to a non-ordinary state of consciousness we interpret reality through our five senses sight, sound, smell taste and touch. Our awareness is based on input through our five sensory input areas.
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