Ethics & Psychology
Have something in common psychology deals with human behavior and conduct psychology deals with mental states such as emotion feeling volition dissatisfaction failure wants unfavorable situation arouse anger Man digs mines. Wells & piercing earth yet it gives gold silver diamonds water grains fruits flowers. Anger is madness does not let sanity prevail & give rise to tension mental torture unhappiness may spoil health. Morality functions in society, conducts acts in spiritual plane.
. Vedas acara in smriti jainas caritra in Acaranga sutra Buddha's vinaya in vinaya pitaka, manu says good conduct gives self satisfaction Harita smriti says faultless person's conduct is worthy as being emulated Patanjali sutra gives eight steps of spiritual growth in which pratyahara resembles Jain's unodari-vrata. Tapacara. Twelve penances external & internal are Anasana unodari vritsankep Rasatyaga related to food kayaktesh sallinata relates to body prayasehit vinaya svadyaya vaiyavach relates to mind meditation & Kayotsarg relates to soul... How Jainacara related to Health psychologically & physically
Truth-tetting gives internal happiness keeps away of guilt, conscience keeps tension free e.g In business if you adopt dishonest means such as show beautiful sample & dispatch ugly one will arise conflict & may ruin business will spoil your health psychologically & then physically
Helping Others - Charity to needy satisfies us and gives happiness Penance - gives control over desires passions
Self study - Meditation discipline our mind and body eating less keeps healthy body Eat nothing at late night
Late evening eaten food is not digested properly Libido & hunger should not be given free reign which obstructs spiritual growth & may affect health
Fasting Means renunciation not only of food but also of passions & carnal desires, chastity Fast is an effort to control desire for food Body benefits from periodic fasting . Fasting is abstinence from food in process of self purification & spiritual meditation elevate individual morality, spiritually , Physically & mentally. By allowing the digestive system to cleanse itself As well as the liver is stimulated to release toxins which then travel through the blood stream & migrate south to exit body. Fasting helps to purity the state of mind cures physical as well as mental diseases.
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