witness, or threaten by act of violence like chased, paralysed, violently attacked, abandoned, rejected, imprisoned, kidnapped, subject to disaster, such as tidal waves, earthquakes, fire, terrorism or life threatening diseases. We should be aware of potentially toxic impact of nightmare & to recognize when they are contributing to a worsening of our mental health. Pop star Michel Jackson was threatened by his father in childhood by vampires, horrifying faces. & was beaten by belt after hanging him with legs & head down. He use to have nightmares & his sleep was lost by childhood bad memories in his subconscious mind. Who have experienced extreme trauma & was suffering significant depression due to accusement of crime child sexual abuse assault or post traumatic reaction to crisis. Nightmares rub salt on your emotional wounds. For survivors of disasters, accidents, violent attacks each nightmare can be a painful experiencing of horror. During waking hours we avoid troubling thought of bad episode, but during nightmare, we are vulnerable because we can't protect ourselves. Nightmares are more terrifying than waking memories & thoughts. Nightmare exaggerate our deepest fears, but if we explore their themes & symbols, searching for patterns their terrifying grip will loosen. Take nightmare as source of awareness instead of torture. When mind & body are at peace, rest, recuperate your dreams take you into wonderful character in your play you can soar & dive like eagle, swim like fish, defy space, leap buildings, defy time & gravity. In dream impossible & absurd seem effortless real & believable. Sleep is good for us. Growth hormones are responsible for growth tissue, repair & renewal. Sleep deprivation tend to have severe mood swings.
Brain produces two chemicals serotonin & nor epinephrine which controls body & brain functions attention & learning. Once you go to sleep slumber it will follow pattern everynight 1st ten minutes is twilight zone neither conscious nor unconscious in one hour you reach deep sleep & most relaxed your heart beat & breathing are slow & regular your blood pressure & body temperature have decreased movement is almost non-existent & the electrical activity in your brain has been reduced. & after 45 minutes you reverse your journey. Your body changes position pulse accelerates & breathing & blood pressure quickens. History of dream
Greek philosopher Aristotle believed dreams were augurs of illness. Egyptians, Romans Hebrews believed dreams were messages from Gods, Chinese believed dreams were messages from another world. Japanese emperors took it as political guidance. Psychoanalyst Freud, jung brought new interpretation. According to Assyrians dreams were work of evil
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