Appearance of brilliant light as loving, accepting caring, nonjudgemental often angel, Christ, or any God according their religion.
9. All NDE aren't +ve some report terrifying experience of fear, panic, loneliness, desolation, & gloom. One spoke being sucked in vast black vortex like whirlpool, other intence cold, or unbearable heat, noise 'of wild beast, & other hellish vision, pit of hot steam & vapour.
10. A door fence line river or barrier of some kind recognized as line that if crossed allows no return to life. No one to die at near bed has feeling of preventing death.
11. Beauty of other side convinces many that they don't want to come back so waking up back here they take a while to adjust, No one will like to return or wake up from beautiful dreams..
12. Returnee has no doubt that experience were real but rejection & scorn upon telling others after cause pain conflict & withdrawal. 13. NDE are more philosophical view of life's meaning. 14. loss of fear of death gives new view of death.
15. Survivors often remembers events while they were dead & out of their bodies such as details of medical procedures or words said by grieving family in another room.
There are five types of NDE.
1. peace, calm 2. body separation 3. entering into darkness 4. seeing light or entering into light. 5. next common-body separation floating sensation, out of body travel & seeing sensation, out of body travel & seeing one's own body below.
A psychiatrist at university of connecticut Bruce Greyson proposed 4 fold typology of N.D.E.
1. Cogrutive involving thought process alterations such as time shifts life review & sudden understanding.
2. affective - involving peace joy painlessness, cosmic unity apparent encounters with loving being of light
3. Paranormal involving apparent out of body travel precognitive visions, extrasensory perceptions & hyperacute physical senses.
4. transcendental involing apparent travel to an unearthly realm encounter with a mystical being, visible spirits of deceased or religious figures' & a final point of no return.
Plato reports an ancient NDE in his legend of Er in the republic. Ancient Tibetan book of the dead - suggests familiarity with NDES. Card Zaleski in her book other world journey reports records of many archaic & medieval NDEs & parallels.
George Gallop studied the phenomenon statistically & reported in 1982 that about 15% all adult American or about 23 million people said
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