Book Title: Rajkumar Mahabal
Author(s): Pushkar Muni, Devendra Muni
Publisher: Laxmi Pustak Bhandar
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ RAJKUMAR MAHABA Author Upadhyay Shree Pushkar Muni PO Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ RAJKUMAR MAHABAL Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Editor Devendra Muni Shashtri Story is the heart of Folk-literature. In Indian literature the Jain and the Bauddha literature in the form of stories have special significance. In the Shraman tradition, the Jains and the Bauddhas have not only increased the story-literature but they have given a new direction to it. Such an invaluable storehouse of Jain story-literature has been presented in popular language. The main purpose of this Pushkar-Prasadi Series of Stories is to give moral advice through the medium of entertainment. The language of the stories is simple and palatable. The theme incidents and the narrated therein are attractive. The people of Gujarat will welcome this series also. Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ RAJKUMAR MAHABAL Author Upadhyay Shree Pushkar Muni Edited by Acharya Shree Devendra Muni Shree Laxmi Pustak Bhandar, Ahmedabad-1. Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Published by Punamchand Dhanraj Kothari Shree Laxmi Pustak Bhandar, Gandhi Road, Ahmedabad-1. First Edition : 1995 Price : Rs. 100-00 only. Printed by : Radhika Type setting 259, Sutharwas Opp. New Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad-380 016 Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Dedicated to Great Reverend Rajasthan Kesari Spiritual Yogi Upadhyay Shree Pushkar Muniji At the Lotus-feet of Great Reverend whose religious teachings have always been a source of inspiration. -Dhanrajbhai Ghashiram Kothari Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Dublisher's note Story is the heart of folk-literature. It is equally useful to the learned, the illiterate, the child, the aged the rich and the poor. to all. It is the specific qualitp of the story-literature tчat in whatever numher it is heard they all are naturally remembered. There is no so easy to infuse culture into man's life as the stories. It is because of this reason that literature in the form of stories has been popular in each and every part of the world. means The story-literature of Jainism is very vast. It is written in Sanskrit-Prakrit-Apabhransh and various other provincial languages. Respected, the best amongst the good teachers, spiritual Yogi, Upadhyay Shree Pushkar Muniji Maharaj has given one great gift to Hindi literature by presenting the stories of Jainism in modern emotional and purportive language. The language of the stories, here is simple and palatable or agreeable. The incidents narrated therein are simple and attractive. The credit for editing these stories. goes to most learned and capable author Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1 Shree Devendra Muniji. I am grateful to Reverend Gurudev Shree Pushkar Muniji and Shree Devendra Muniji for giving us permission to publish this literature in English language. There are quite a number of people even in Gujarat who have a taste for good English and who desire to see their Highschool going children reading stories in English. I feel therefore very happy in publishing this book with a purpose of translating such literature in English and thus making it possible for the people of world as well as Gujaratis staying abroad to take full advantage of it. I am sure, the enlightened intelligentia of Gujarat will appreciate our efforts in this direction and they would also prefer to serve the cause of great world religion by intimating about this to their friends staying abroad. I experience delight in publishing this book for the readers, with the expectation that the people of world will welcome this literature. Dhanrajbhai Kothari Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Editorial In literature, the story-form is the easiest and immediately effective art. In the world literature also, the literature in the form of stories has always been found most popular. It is because of this that the development of stories has become on a wider scale compared to other forms of literature. In regard to Indian literature also, one finds a vast literature in the form of stories. The inexhaustible storehouse of stories is the special wealth of Indian literature. Even in Indian Literature, the Jain and the Bauddha literature in the form of stories. have special significance. In the Shraman tradition, the Jains and the Bauddhas have not only increased the story-literature, but they have: given a new direction to it. The original purpose of stories is to provide entertainment and through the medium of entertainment to preach. In the Shramanic tradition, the motive is not simply entertainment but along with the entertainment the aim is to present the subjects like Renunciation, good conduct, duty, darshan, morality, re-birth, the results of actions: etc. The Jatak stories of Bauddhas are also almost of this pattern. The fundamental aim of the Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain literature of stories is at least always this : "To inspire the reader to do some good action or other through the medium of storytelling." Right from the Agamas, in the Puranas, Biographies, Poems, Rasas and Folk-tales, there are thousands of famous stories. Even today they are read with interest in the form of the Puranas, Rasas and the Akhyanas. It is true that because the majority of this literature is written in Prakrit, Sanskrit, Apabbransh or modified, Gujarati or Rajasthani language, and they are moreover, in poetry form, majority of persons can not take advantage of them. Such people can know something only by hearing their significance and description. It is extremely necessary to present this valuable storehouse of the Jain story-literature in English language. It is beyond the ken of one single individual to compile inexhaustible and immeasurable story-literature. Just as the Chariot of God Jagannath can be drawn only by thousands of hands collectively, in the same way, long-standing efforts of many thinkers possessing originality are essential in order to rejuvenate the ancient literature available Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 in the form of stories. With a view to fill up this need of the hour reverend Gurudev Rajasthan Kesari, the Spiritual Yogi and Upadhyay : Shree Pushkar Muniji Maharaj are trying hard in this direction. Reverend Gurudeyshree has written hundreds of stories pertaining to Jainism on the strength of his vast studies and contemplation. These stories are useful in judging that most ancient culture, civilization and human nature. In these writings, evaluation and study of hundreds of published or unpublished manuscripts-books of Sanskrit-Prakrit-Apabhransh Guiarati and Rajasthani languages have been done. From amongst those, thousands of stories have been compiled after deep study of historical, religious, pauranic, folk-stories etc. etc. Even today, under the able guidance of Gurudevshree our efforts are going on and it is our strong determination and will to present in a book form the complete vast Jain story-literature. It is our great fortune that we have been entrusted with the responsibility of editing that vast prose and poetrical story-literature written by Reverend Gurudev. It is left only to learned readers to judge how far we have been successful in the attempt. Shree Devendra Muni Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ From the Pen of the Author Jain literature in the form of Stories: -Motive and Nature. We can know that much from the historical research of the Jain Agama literature that God Mahaveera was skilled in making the serious subjects of Religion and Philosophy, most simple, of good advice and palatable by introducing the narratives-stories and metaphors in his spiritual sermons. It is at least clear from the Agamas like Nayadhammakha, Vipaksootra, Niarayavalika, Uttaradhyayana that God Mahaveera had made use of thousands of such illustrations and metaphors in his sermon. Unfortunately only small part from amongst them is available today and most part of them is destroyed. In the preachings of God Mahaveera the usage was done mostly of short stories, narratives and brief metaphors. One holy object behind these stories was that the curiosity of the listeners to know what is Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 12 good may be awakened. To inculcate in them the inspiration for activities of moral bearing by forsaking the evil actions was the high and noble ideal in formulating various stories, and this is the unique characteristics of the Jains' story-literature. Generally, the motive behind telling or writing stories is to provide entertainment; but it can be said authoritatively that in the case of the stories of Jainism that its object is not simply to entertain, but to motivate people towards good actions by showing the bitter results of bad actions. It is the main end-in-view of the story-literature of Jainism to establish reputation of nobler social, moral and spiritual values, to encourage the virtues like fundamental moral adventure in an individual, experienced efficiency of ruling, nobility, generosity, moral conduct, steadfastness in adhering to pledges etc. It is also the main purpose to sow the seeds of such good culture in man's character. Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A new change came about in the story-literature which was written next, after the Agamas. To insert digressions, in the main subject matter of the original story and to enrich the original characterisation by narrating the incidents of past birth and after taking in aid the Agamastories, biographies as well as the big and small incidents of the lives of great men was a sort of style of the literature written in a later period. One can see the influence of the Ramayanas, the Mahabharat and the Jatak stories on this sort of style of stories. If we term this style the Pauranik style then the most ancient storybook is the Vasudevahindee, (Prakrit. book) which can be considered the oldest: source book. Thereafter Vimalsoori wrote a gigantic book “Paumchariyam' on the style of the Valmiki's Ram ayanas and another big book 'Harivanshachariyam' on the style of the Mahabharat written by Vyasa. Since then the Pauranic style became Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ : so much popular that independent biographical books like “Trishashti-shalaka Purush-charitram', 'Adinath-charitram', 'Shantinath-charitram', 'Mallinath-charitram', 'Neminath-charitram', 'Mahaveercharitram' and of many Tirthankaras like 'Chakravarti Vasudev', ‘Baldev', etc. were written and by weaving hundreds of digressions in that whole pattern, the books were made palata ble and detailed ones. The Jain preceptors wrote many interesting story-books on the subject of the method of narrations also. The narrative stories like 'Tarangvali' of Padliptasoori, ‘Samarichchakaha', “Updeshapada', Udyotansoori's ‘Kuvalayamalakaha", Vijayasinhsoori's 'Bhuvansundari Katha', Jineshwarasoori's ‘Nirvan Leelavati Katha', etc. are the principal and famous books written in story-style. In the creations of storybooks the development of a third style also came forth. We have them today in the form of 'Kathakosha' or 'Katha Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 15 sangrama'. Jineshwarasoori's 'Kathakoshaprakarana', Amradevsoori's 'Akhyanaka Manikosh', Harishena's 'Bruhatkathakosha', Dharmadasha Mani's 'Updeshmala', 'Vardhaman deshna' written by Shubhavardhamangani etc. are various story-lotuses and these story-books are spreading the smell of good inspirations through short illustrations. Over and above these, the learned preceptors have written many stories-books at different times by sellecting some Pauranik Figure or independent forms. These were written in Prakrit languages, then there was Sanskrit styles and the Age of Apabhranshas came, when they were written in Apabhranshas and then many a Jain poets enriched the store of Goddess Saraswati by writing in Rajasthani-mixed Gujarati. Their works were in the forms of Rasas, Chaupais, which were very interesting, agreeable and inspiring story-poems. Because difference. in traditions, the distance and because Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 16 of long range of time, there was a remarkable change in the matter of storyelements and narrations of incidents. There are such numerous stories which are found different in story-books, though they are very famous. Some stories are described in the Agamas. The same are found to have been elaborated in the subsequent literature by adding digressions to them. After seeing such a diversity in the story-sootras, it seems necessary to make a research as to where is the original source of the stories, how it is as also to see whether the difference in view-points found therein or the digressions that are found there are acceptable or not. This task is as difficult or unfruitful as churning of water. Our attention should be focussed on its inspiring ability rather than on the historicalness of the stories. It is but natural that there may be differences in opinion, in patching up the different Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 17 story-patterns as also in respect of names in the story-books that are written by thousands of authors in different times and in different places. We have got trust after studying different books that instead of doing post-mortem examination of the ancient books, we should form the habit of evaluation of the element of goodness (the scrutiny of the element of welfare) contained therein. We should accept without any partiality whatever books are there which have high ideals, inspiring element or life-ennobling values. It is seen in many books that the same story-element is described in different occasions and in different forms. Sometimes the former part of a story is left unfinished without the later, part, sometimes only a small part of the later half is given. In such a situation, it becomes extremely difficult to write the story-elements in complete forms, and there there can arise, controversial question in that. In such cases, we have tried to complete the moreover 7 Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 18 story, in so far as we get complete words. or phrases, by conjoining the context of the book; but in spite of this the completeness of the theme of the story, its comprehensiveness and its ancientness. can not be fully guaranteed. It depends. on the enlightened readers that if they can find some new By-story in respect of the story in question, they may intimate it to the author, so that there can be progress in the enhancement of the research about that. 14 1 We trust that many readers will get varied inspiration through the medium. of many types of palatable biographical stories. We hope that we shall be able to achieve success in our attempt to satisfy various tastes of different readers possessing different trends and inclinations. I wish success of 'Sadhuvad' to Deven-dra Muni and Shree Shreechandji Surana for editing the series of these stories. Shree Pushkar Muni Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Rajkumar Mahabal Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 210 Index 1 Rajkumar Mahabal 2 Keshavraj 3 Kunchika Sheth Casually narrating 4 Kunchika Sheth 5 Poor Seduck 6 The Benificent Jindatta 227 231 269 315 7 The Ungrateful Bheel 361 8 Truthful Vasu 417 Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Rajkumar Mahabal It is an old story of a Byegone Agé. A King named Virdhaval ruled over the people of the city Chandravati king. Virdhabal kind, was religious, brave and the protecter of the People. He had all the virtues worthy of a king. : : He had two queens named Champakmala and Kanakmala. Just as both the eyes of a Person are loved equally by hịm, in the same way, the king loved both of his queens. It appeared so. Though internally the King loved the elder queen Champakmala more intensely. There was a reason behind this. The elder queen had more virtued of non-attachment, help to others and franckaess. As against this, the younger queen Kanakmala was very much Selfish and jealous. શ્રેણી ૪ ફ. ૧ Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Inspite of this, the two queens did not quarell among themselves. Both loved oneanother. The reason behind this was that non of them had a child. Generally there is a friendship between persons who are equally unhappy, though they might have opposite tendencies or nature. · The pain of not having a child the was as much to the king as they were to queens. The King always worried that. "After my death who will be the heir to the throne ? How will my progery increase ? The king had made many attempts for geting the child. But it did not meet with success. The king was completly disapointed. He satisfied himself with the conslation that it was the strange decree of Fate. When they were talking in solitary place they used to tell : “None of us two can give even one Son to you." At that time the king replied, “Both of you are unhappy needlessly. Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 3 The People of his Kingdom are like to children to a king. In State; there are children which are more than match to the other. Believe them to be our children" Thus when the disappointment and misery due to their childlessness were getting intense. The king and the queens used to console themselves. YOGI VIJAYCHAND In the City of Chandravati, different classes of people like rich merchants, farmers, artisans, peons, were living. Two businessmen decling in iron goods, Lobhanand and Lobhakar were staying in the city. Both were brothers the sons of the same parents. The name of the son of the elder brother Lobhanand was Gunvarma. He was brave, having spiritual tendencies and intelligent young man. The Younger brother Lobhakar was Childless. Lobhakar Lobhakar loved his nephew as his own son. Gunvarma also respected B Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ his uncle as his father. One day, King Veerdhaval was relaxing in his palace. Gunvarm came to see him. The asked the purpose of his visit. Gunvarma narrated one incident and his own experience. Concluding the narration he uttered the following words. which were overheard by Champakmala : "Your Highness! The Yogi sprinkled water on my father as well as on my uncle. The water was sanctified by Mantra. As a result of this, both of them had terrible burning sensation in their bodies. They began to cry for life and made painful gestures. The burning sensation of my father subsided by the grace of that yogi. I told him: "I regard my uncle as my father. Please pacify the burns felt by him also. Hearing this, the Yogi replied 'that whatever it may be, I am helpless because he is childless....." After narrating this incident Gun Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 5 varma went away. Queen Champakmala asked the king : "My Loard! What is the secret of what I just now heard from Gunvarma. If you do not want to keep it a secret and if it has no relation with any political future, please narrate to me the whole thing." The king said "My dear the secret of it is that childless-ness in a great curse. However dear we hold others' son, ours is ours and other's is after all other's. Somebody has rightly said that dewdrops do not quench a thirst. Lobhakar considers his nephew Gunvarma as his own son. Yot he can not be regarded as his son. That is why the pain of Lobhakar could not be cooled. I was thinking that only that there may be lakhs of means of happiness, but the life without a son is a big curse." Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The queen also became sad at this. Remaining silent for some time, she said : “My dear husband ! Who can undo the decrees of Destiny ? Why should we bear with sorrowful heart what has been destined to be ? Our misery is common. Now please tell me why Lobhanand and Lobhakar were made to suffer this burning sensation by the Yogi po! The king gave the details : “There is a city of Kushvardhanpur very far from here, King Surpal ruled there. He had two sons-Jaychand and Vijaychand. Jaychand was the elder of the two. So he was made an heir-apparent during the very lifetime of Surpal. The younger brother Vijaychand felt bad. He thought that his father shows partiality. So he left the house. Once an “Acharya' came in the city. The king renunciated the world, hearing his sermons. Now Jaychand became the king. He ruled his subject honestly and religiously. Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 7 Vijaychand wandered here and there after leaving the city. He studied Yoga and became a Yogi. One day he came near to our city. There he heard a cry of an unhappy person. The Yogi went near that person, and began to serve him. The person was one 'Vidyadhar.' He was verymuch pleased by the services of the Yogi He gave one oblong vessel to the Yogi. In thet vessel, there was such liquid as can turn into gold. Over and above this, two types of types of magic knowledgeVasheekaran and keelan-also. our Having acquired these two powers and the vessel, the Yogi came to iron merchants Labhanand and Lobhakar. Both these brothers served the Yogi with utmost devotion. The Yogi was treated nicely. He was taken to their homes. After staying for two or four days, the Yogi said: Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 8 "Sheth! Now I must leave this place. Please take care of my vessel 'Tumbadi.' While returning, I will fatch it.” The merchants who were not greedy took the Yogi to one of the godowns. The showed one place there and said : ! "Yogiraj You may keep your vessel here. You may take it back whenever you return.' The Yogi went away leaving the vessal. 99 We can never be sure about man's mind just like the shadows of the clouds. Justs the butter melts near the fire, the mind of man also gets changed at the sight of wealth. Due to excessive heat the liquid of the vessel got boiled and came to the rurface. From there, it began to flow so far as the iron kept in the godown. To whichever portion the liquid touched the Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (9 iron, that much iron was turned into gold. One day the elder brother Lobhanand came to the godown. His surprise knew no bounds. He thought that 'We will be a millionaire by the help of this 'Tumbadi'. He was victim of greed. He brought it home, and put another one in its place. He broke the new one into pieces. He tought: We will bluff to the Yogi: "The vessel I must have been broken. How can we know ?" He told this secret to his Younger brother Lobhakar also Both the brothers were congratulating themselves. The Yogi returned after some days. He asked for the vessel. Lobhanand replied carelessly: 6 It will be lieing where you had left it in the godown. You take it yourself." Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 The Yogi went inside, but he did not get his vessal. He said to Lobhanand : “My vessel is not there at all. Come on, show me where it is." Lobhanand got angry : “How can it not be there? It must be there. You must not have seen minutely. Come alyng, I am accompanying you." Lobhanand and Yogi both went into the godown. Lobhanand made a show to find it out. After seeing here and there, he said : “Yogiraj! Here is your 'Tumbadi'. I think it is broken due to of fall ironl on it.” He continued, “Your holiness! We had kept it at a safe place. But we don't know how it is broken. Now there is no other way. If you say so, I may bring a new one. Even man Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ can not be alive again, once he is dead. After all, this vessal was made of wood only ! How can it be repaired even ?? Seeing the shrewdners of Lobhanand, the yogi was wird with rage. His eyes turned red. He washed Lobhanand and said : “Sheth ! Don't pretend to be innocent. My Tumbadi is not broken. You have hid it. My one was not an ordinary one. It had liquid in it. This broken one is a fake one. Give back my Tumbadi to me. There lies your future welfare. Otherwise you will have to repent.” Now Lobhakar, the younger brother also joined. Both the brothers spoke out. with one voice : “This is not the age of benevolence. We preserved your Tumbadi and you put charge of theft on us to add insult to injury ! Do what you like. We can not rejoin the broken vessel.” Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 12 The Yogi again explained: "Sheth Think once more about this. This Tumbadi will prove costly to you. You will have then nothing but repentence. Try to understand still and return it to me." Both the brothers angrily replied: "We told you once that do not put false charge on us. You can do whatever you like. We do not know anything. Then why should we have to repent ?" The greedy does not think of the results. Though the yogi explained them, Lobhanand and Lobhakar did not confess. The yogi, with reddish eyes, took same water in his right hand. He uttered some mantras and sprinkled some water on both the marchants. As a result, both of them began to burn with unbearable heat. The Yogi left them in the same condition and walked away. Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lobhanand and Lobhakar began to suffer unbearable pain. They were shouting. loudly. The son of the elder brother,v iz. Gunvarma came there. Seeing such a bad condition of his father and his uncle he went to physicians and brought them there. The physicians tried hard, applied cooling ointments, but the pain was not lessened. The ailing and wailing Lobhanand told the whole story of the yogi and his Tumbadi to Gunvarma. Gunvarma thought that the burning sensation will not be removed without the help of the yogi: The yogi who has given this pain in anger will be the only person who can cool it by his grace and mercy. So he set out in search of this yogi, along with his friend. But after some days, the friend was fed up. So he cancelled the idea of going further and he returned. Gunvarma alone procedeed. He walked on and on. At last he came to one deserted town. Gunvarma was Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 14 surprised to find such a to wnwith no soul living there. There were well-decorated shops, there was a market quite in order. The wells, the gardens, beautiful residential buildings ware there as also the main road. But not a trace of a human being was found. Pin-drop silence and peace of a cemetery were in the atmosphere. Gunvarma was just engaged in seeing this city when he met Yogi Vijay chand. Gunvarme got some hope now. Going near to him he lowed to him and asked : "Revered Sir ! What a strange city is this! Everything is meant for the enjoyment of men, and there is no man here. There are shops well-equipped with things for sale. But there is no seller, no merchant, no buyer! There is the road, but there is no pedestrian to tread upon. Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 15 Please show me what is the this strangeness ?" reason of Yogi Vijaychand was not knowing that the man who talked to him was the nephew of those two brothers who had stolen his Tunbadi. Moreover, Gunsharme was also not sure whether he is the same Yogi who talks to him. Vijaychand replied: "Brother! I am also surprised to see such a condition of the city. What I know, I tell you. The remaining we will both try to find out." The name of this city is Kushvardhanpur. My elder brother Jaychand was the king of this city. My father Surpal took to the life of renunciation. Before that he had given throne of his kingdom to Jaychand. So I was displeased and went away from the city. When I set out from here, the city was populous and rich. Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 16 All types of persons stayed here. After I left, I studied Yoga. I also got from one Vidyadhar the magic powers of Vashikaran and keelan. Moreover I was lucky to get a gift from him. He gave me a wooden vessel. It had a liquid in it. The liquid could turn iron into gold. I came to Chandravati city with this vessel as one of the kits. There two iron merchants-Lobhanand and Lobhakar rendered valuable services to me. I sat out for a tour keeping my 'Tumbadi' there under their care. Those two brothers were victims to greed. They hid my vessels. I got angry. Chanting some Mantras I sprinkled some water on them. I punished them by this because now they must be ailing from a terrible burning sensations. Then I came to this. city. These are the thing which I know. Now come with me topalace. We may. perhaps know the secret from there. My courage is increase after seeing you. Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 17 Two are better than one” Gunvarma walked along with Yogi Vijaychand. He thaught : 'This is that Yogi who has punished my father and my uncle. But I should not tell him now I am First of all I will please him by my sorvices. Only affer getting pleesed, he will pacify the pains of my father and uncle. Not before that.' Gunvarma thus did not disclose his identity. Both reached the palace when they enteredit. They found that the queen of king Jaychand was sitting with pale and miserable face. She was the sister-in law (Brother's wife) of Yogi Vijaychand. The Yogi introduced her to Gunvarma, “She is my brother's wife.” . By this time the face of the Queen brightened like a lotus when she saw Vijaychand. She was surprised and she said “O Prince ! Why did yon became a ?Yogi Your brother made great search Den x . 2 Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 18 for you. Where were you for so many days ?” Vijaychand replied : “My dear sister-in-law : Now I have come. I will tell you the whole story. First let me know whether there is any body or not in the palace. Where has my brother gone ? Neither the servants nor the army can be seen here. Not a single soul is seen by us in whole city. How all these things happened ?” The Queen began to weep like anything. Then, she gave seats to both these persons. When they were comfortable she narrated her story : “After you went away, your elder brother ruled with justice. Because of this he was popular. We all lived happily. One day, a great ascetic who had aequired many powers came to the city. Your brother give him due reception. He Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 19 invited the sage for dinner also. The service rendered to him always gives good fruit. So I was entrusted with the work of serving meals to him. I also took it as mygreat fortune. I prepared the meals myself and I placed the golden dish full of numerous 'menu' in front of him. I began to fan so that he may not feel heat. I was also serving more and more and made him eat. But I noticed that the ascetic gazed at me often. It seemed he had more interest in me than in dinner. I was alone in the kitchen. He was infatuated with me. So much so that he expressed her unworthy wish before me. I was afraid to hear such an indecent demand. In order to bring him back to the moral way I said: "Yogiraj Such an immoral demand does not befit a recluse and great man Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 20 like you. Your path is a path of religion. You should instantly drive out from your mind such bad thoughts." But the ghost of passions had caught him in its clutches. My advice had no effect on him. He became silent for the time being. He finishes his meals and retirep to his guest house after cleaning his hands and mouth. 9 The Yogi could not sleep that night. When all were asleep he rase. By some means or other he came into my pursonal bedroom. He tried to rape me. I raised hue and cry shouting for help. The guards arrived and they caught him He was. given a good beating by them also. The Yogi thus insulted went out side the city. He made bad use of his magic. powers. He declared his decisive will : 'Whatever powers (Siddhis) I have procured so far, on that basis, I hereby Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 21 declare my wish and will that I may be the destroyer of this city after my death. After uttering these words, he left his body there only. Because of the strength of his penance his will came true. He had resolved to destroy this city. After death he was born as “Devrakshas’a demon born among the gods. Due to his penance and other realisations, he was born in the form of a god but because of immoral wishes he had demonish tendencies. He remembered the resolution he made in his previous birth. His whole body shook with the fire of anger and revenge. Enraged he decided to destroy the city. First of all, he made me a widow. Your brother was killed by him. Then he killed many citizens. Some people ran away from the city being afraid of his terrific and fearful shouts. In few days, the city became deserted. I Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 22 also thought to leave the city. But that recluse of past birth, god-demon spoke : "You have not to go anywhere leaving. this palace and this city. It is for only that I have nullified my spiritual powers and have become a 'Devrakshas'. To win you; I have played this havoc and done sins. You have to stay here protection. me." under my You have no fear from stay here I was afraid and began to only. By day time he goes out and eats human flesh. By night he returnd. Once chit-chating, I asked him : "God! You do not stay with me all the time. If anyone kills you, who will protect me then?' He laughed loudly hearing my worries. He said: "Dear lady! It is no joke murdering. me. If any male person puts on the dress. Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ... 23 of a wromen and is he massages the palms of my feet, then only I will die. Moreovre, if I can know that it is male and not a female and if I go to sleep in that condition of massaging, then only I may die, otherwise never. No body else knows this secret of my death. I tell you only. But you are a woman. How can a male person know that he should massage my feet, in the dress of a woman. Moreover, no male person is able to come here.' Since then, I have always been thinking that if any male person comes up. I may be freed from this sinner-god. Today because of the grace of God only that you two males have come. Now I have some hopes.” Then she added : “Brother-in-law ! You hide yourself along with your friend Gunvarma, in the adjoining room. Now it is time for the god's arrival.” Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 24 King Veerdhaval telling the above story to Queen Champakmala, continued : “Yogi Vijaychand and Gunvarma hid themselves in one room. And Jaychand's queen began to sit and wait for Devrakshas as usual. In a short time, the god-dmon arrived with terrivble noise. As soon as he come he asked : 'Beautiful lady! To-day I smell of a man. Has any human being come here ? The queen replied : You stay amidst man, the whole day, You nourish yougrself by eating human flesh only. So you smell of a man every now and then. I am alone here. Who elso can dare to come here ? The Devrakshas was relieved. He said : "Alright, I go to bed then. To-day I am very much tired.' Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 25 on a cot. The Devrakshas got asleep The queen began to press his feet softly. Due to the delicate touch of the delicate hands of the queen, he began to succumb to sleep. Seeing a good chance, she made a rign to Vijaychand and Gunvarma. Gunvarma was alreaby dressed in a woman's clothes. He sat on the cot noiselessly and then then he began to massage the palms of his feet. On this side, yogi Vijaychand meditated on his family-god. He also began to chant mantras of Mohinee and Stambh magical powers. It had the required effect on the god-demon. He woke up in-between. He also had a flash-Ideal whether the massager is really a Woman or a male drersed as a woman. But because of the effcets of Mohinee, the moment he sat up, he fell down on the cot, drooped. At last he lost his consciousness. Now Gunvarma stopped massaging. On the other side Vijaychand got on the Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 26 chest of the demon with a naked sword. He became angry seeing his murdersr seated on his chest. He tried all his strength and powers. But he was helpless. At last, being frustrated, he said: "Prince! If you leave me alive, I will utilise my powers in your service. I promise you that I will do as you say. Bnt please let me live." The god promised three times. So Vijaychand released him from his grip and let him be alive. Then he ordered to him : "First of all, make this city inhabited.. It should look like a joyous city as it was before." The god created some illusory beings. by means of his magic powers. The musical notes from musical instruments began to be heard. Hearing these the people who had run away from the city returned and Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 27 began to stay in their houses fearlessly. Thus the whole atmosphere looked as cheerful as before. The farmears began to do cultivation, and the traders began. to do business. Yogi Vijaychand was now King Vijaychand. His Installation ceremory was celebrated with great pomp. The new king ruled his sudject honestly. Freed from all worries, Vijaychand said to Gunvarma : “Friend ! How can I express my gratitude to you ? It is by your help only that I have been able to be a king of Kushvardhanpur. I have succeeded in getting this city re-inhabited because of you only. I am very much pleased with you. So I give half of my kingdom to you. You may ask anything you like over and above this.” Gunvarma replied : “Your Honour ! If you are really pleased with me, qlease pacify the burning, Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ - 28 sensations of my father and my uncle. The businessman of Chandravati, Sheth Lobhanand is my father. Though his fault is great and serious your forgiveness would be greater. I ask of you only this much.' King Vijaychand replied : "Gunvarma ! Sometimes bad men beget good sons and goodmen beget bad sons. This is the law of Nature also. The lamp which brightens up and removes the dark. ness of the world produces black soot; from the mud, a lotus blossoms. In the same way you who are a treasure-house of virtues is born as a son of a greedy miser. There is a difference similar to gold and brass between yourself and your father. But I can not reject your demand; It is mere lack of sense of gratitude to forget the good done to us by a benefactor. Gunvarma! At a little distance from here, there is one cave of a mountain. Just opposite that cave, there is one lake. Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 21 When you will reach there, two parrots caught in two different cages will make aweful noises seeing you. You should not turn your back and look at them; you will die if you turn back and see. So you should proceed fearlessly towards the lake. From that lake, bring some water in your oblong vessel (kamandal.) I will sanctify that water by mantras. By sprinkling that water on them, they will be freed from the burning sens’aions. This goddemon will accompany to help you in this. He . will take you from here and bring you. back from here.' King Vijaychand ordered thegod-demon accordingly. Devrakshas reached along. with Gunvarma, the cave of the mountain. Gunvarma went to the pond as directed and returned with water in the kamandal. King Veerdhaval said to Champakmala : The Yogi sanctified the water with the Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 30 mantras. Devrakshas came to Chandranagari along with Gunvarma and king Vijaychand. He sprinkled water on Lobhanand and Lobhakar. The elder brother Lobhapand became normal and quite alright; but Lobhakar could not be cured. Gunvarma prayed to Vijaychand : ‘Your holiness ! Why is not my uncle cured ?' Vijaychand replied : 'Gunvarma ! His pain can not be removed, because he is childless.' Veerdhaval said to his queen : “My beloved ! Gunvarma was telling this thing only to me, short time ago. You have heard the end-portion of it. He was telling me that though he regarded his uncle as his father, as I am not his son, his burning sensation could not be cooled.... Seeing such a cursed living without a child, king Veerdhaval and queen Champk Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 31 mala were feeling acute mental agony. As days passed, their misery was also decreased became bearable as the sky overcast by clouds before gets cleared. However great may the mạisery be, man gets accustomed to it bearing if for long. KIDNAPPING OF CHAMPAKMLNA King Veerdhaval and Veerpal were two brothers. Veerpal was younger and Veerdhaval was elder. The elder one got the throne. So Veerpal became enraged and he left the home. Veerpal was waiting for a chance to acquire the throne by killing Veerdhaval any how. Once he clombed the of the Palace from the reverse side. It was night time. All were asleep. It was summer; so the king and the queen were sleeping in open terrace. Veerpal had an open sword in his hands. As soon as he came near to kill the king, queen Champakmala woke up by chance. The Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ - 32 queen shouted : “Who are you ?.' Due to this unexpected hindrance, Veerpal was. puzzled and afraid of being caught. So he ran and in this process he fell down from the terrace. What is more, his own. sword was thrust into his chest while falling hendlong. He was on the point of death. He now repented for his desired aim to murder his elder brother. He thought : 'How great a sinner am I ? I had come to murder my brother. He is like my father. What right have I to get the kingdom? The elder is always entitled to that. Bharat and Rama were two brother Rama went to the forest relinquishing the throne. He kept it for Bharat. Yet Bharat did not accept the throne. He made only one decision that 'the sole heir to the throne of Ayodhya is Rama.' I have no right similarly to this throne. God has punished me rightly. I deserve it. What: is done is quite proper. The sword which: Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 33 was meant for killing my elder brother has struck me, and proved the destroyer of me.' At the time of death, whatever is man's wish so his fortune and action becomes. Because he has noble feelings, he was born as god. After getting godhood, however, the oldenmity for his brother again revived in his mind. So he began to think : : 'It is only because of my brother that I had to meet with death. I could not take revenge in my previous birth. Now, I have more powers than human beings. Now I will surely avenge him, which I have not done for so long a time.'. Transforming his idea into a will, he thought : ‘My elder brother Veerdhaval loves his queen Champakmala most. If I can separate her from him by any means, then Delr 5. 3 Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 34 he will sacri-fice her life, not being able to bear this pain. So by hook or crook, Champakmala should be kidnapped. Nobody will know anything and my foe will die of his own. Not only the snake will die, but the stick will not broken also. Good omen forecast good happenings and had omen forecast bad happenings. This thing is true for both types of persons for those who believe in fate and for those who do not believe in any such thing. Omens do not create an event. The event is only the result of our actions. The owen gives only an indication in advance. - One day, queen Champakmala's right eye, began to throbe. Now, this is considered a bad omen for a woman. So due to fear future misfortunes, the queen trembled. She began to think: 'Who knows what is going to happen to-day? Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 35 My right eye throbs very often.' her: The king when told of this, consoled 'My beloved! Who can undo what is to destined happen? We should be alway sread to reap the fruit of our past deeds with patience and fortitude. Suppose there is nothing like good or bad omen. Even then what is destined to happen does happen. By omen we only get suggestion of good or bad future by omens. You are sad. So have a walk in the garden along with the maid servant.' The king's words reduced the intensity of the queen's fear and anxiety. She went to the garden for recreation. When she returned, she became more nervous. She told the servant to prepare a 'pansupari' for her, and then she lay down on the cot. When the maid-servant came back with the pan, she found the queen swooned. The king was informed. He Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 36 came hastily. He examined her. She was: no more in this world. She was dead. The whole palace was upset. Hearing the tragic mourning of the king, all were moved; they had tears in their eyes. . The king thought : 'What shall I do now alive, without her ? I will also die by burning myself on the funeral pyre along with her.” All important persons pursuaded him when they were sorrowful with this grave: decision of the king who was restless due to attachment for his dear one. But the king was firm in his decision. The dead body of the queen was brought to the cemetery. The funeral pyre was arraged. The dead body was being placed on it. The king also went to the river for a bath before taking to the self-immolation on the pyre. There they saw a. Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 37 wooden box floating on the river. The King ordered the sarvants to take out the box from the river. When the box was opened, All were terribly surprised. in that box. Champa, kmala well dressed and ornamented was lying. She was unconscious. When she got the touch of fresh breeze, she regained her consciousness. She was greatly surprised when she saw the king and many citizens ready for bath. She asked the king: "Swami ! How do you happen to be here? Who is dead ? For whom This pyre has been prepared gas The king was just on the point of saying something when the figure of the dead body of Champakmala kept on the pyre became smoke and vanished in the air. All on-lookers were surprised beyond limit, The queen said : “Swami ! Just oppsoite there is a Page #59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1.38 banyan tree. Let us relax there in its shade and talk. You narrato your .story, I will narrate mine. : Both of them begam to gossip under the tree. The people who had come to the cemetry began to hear them spellbound. The queen said : “Swami ! My right eye had throbbed. and it thus forcast the future difficullties. Because of your suggestion, I went to the garden for a strol There your younger brother Veerpal who has become god after death, Kindnapped me. After that....” “But you had returned with your maid-servent, from the gerden. You sent for a pan. The maid sarvant gave me message of your being fainted. We all thought you to be dead and so your body was brought here. I came here for bath, leaving your dead body on the pyre. Upto here I have seen everything with my own eyes...!" Page #60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 39 The queen now intercepted and said: "Swami! I do not what happened in the palace after myself being kidnapped. But from what you said and from all I see here, I have known practically all things. Though it was the artificial Champakmala that had returned from the garden. The of the god had made me reach on one mountain peaks. After that he himself must have assumed my form and returned along with the maid-servant. Now when the good saw that the maid-servent. Now When the god saw that the original real Champakmala has arrived, he disappeared. Now I tell my story further." The queen began to narrate. : "I lost all consciousness after that. When I reganed my consciousness I knew that I am on the peak of a mountain. I could not find out even why I reached there, nor did I learn how I was brought there and who brought me there? Thinking that What eveer is destined to happen Page #61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ *40 map hapyen, I got down from the mountain. Down below was a cave there, I sat there. I began to chant the holy names of Bhagwan Rishadhdev. After that I went further leaving the cave. After walking a little distance, I saw one Muni sat in meditation under a bunyan tree. Seeing him I had hopes for my future. I was sure that now I will be able to see my husband in a near future. When he awoke from meditation, I bowed and asked : “Prabhu ! How did I came here? How far is Chandravati Ciry from here? Shall I be lucky to see my husband ? The Muni gave me courage and Consolation. He advised me not to leave patience and Dharma. The patient and the religious man is capable of getting the shore after passing the greatest difficulties. As aganist that, the irreligious man diverts even by feu difficultics. The Muni taught me the Navkar Mantra, and said : Page #62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Good woman ! Chant this Mantra with faith, All your miseries will go away its power.' I obeyed wholeheartedly the commandment of the Rishi. I began to repeat the Navkar Mantra. After that the sage flew away through the clounds by the help of Janghacharan type of Knowdlege and power, I felt as if he was sitting there simply to show me the way. By the powerful effect of the Mantra, there appered before me the goddess Shasof Bhagwan Rishabhdev. I bowed to that goddess named Chakreshwari. I prayed to her to save me from misery. the goddess said : ‘Daughter ! Don't be afraid. You will be able to see your husband shortly. I am very much pleased by your devotion. Ask what you will. I will fulfill your wish to-day.' Page #63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 42 I replied: 'O Goddess! God has given me many things; but I have a blot of being childless. I have no child to fondle in my lap. But now I have high hopes instead of frustration after hearing your blessings. I may be get a child is my wish.' After hearing my wish Chakrashwari said, 'Daughter! My word never fails. It is my blessing that you will have a child. You will have one son and one daughter.' On hearing the blessing of the goddess I felt as much happiness as a man born blind feels when he sees with both his eyes. Then I asked politely. 'Mother of the mother goddess ! How did I come here? Who brought me here.?' In reply to my question the goddess told me story of your younger brother Veerpal. How Veerpal came to murder Page #64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 43 you and how he became god-demon after his death all these things were told by the goddess. I asked : “Now this god is after us will he then give us trouble ? How shall we be: protected in future pus The goddess replied, “Daughter don't worry about that I am pleased and impressed by the repeatation of the Mantra by you. I have taked him to task. Now he. will not do any harm to you." “My dear husband ! After that the goddess gave me a garland named Luxmi punja. After consoling me the goddess Chakrashwari Shasandevi disappeared. Than I became eager to see you I was ihinking of what to do next,at that time one Vidyadhari was seen coming to wards me. She was surprised to see me Page #65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ at such a lonely place. Seeing me unhappy she asked. : Why do you wander alone in this terrific forest ? Have your companions been separated ? You seem to be unique in beauty. It seems that you hail from a royah family. You tell your misery I will help you fully. 'I told in brief the whole story to Vidyadhari. I also requested her to make me reach Chandravati city." Vidyadhari said, 'Now for you to stay here is more painful. My husband will just now return. If he sees you he will be mad in love with you. He will not allow you to go from here. So I can not take the help of my husband in enabling you to Teach your place. I myself should find out some way.' She continued and said, : 'Swami ! that Vidyadhri by her power cut a tree Page #66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 45 and carring it from inside made something like a box. She herself helped me in putt ing on beautiful cloths and ornaments. Then by placing me in the box she floated the box in the river. She had told me before this - “This. river flows towards to Chandrawati after passing through danse forest and deserted. places. Somebody will surely take out this. box from the river near your city. At that time you will be able to see your husband king.” “Remembering Bhagwan Rishabdev I set in the box. The box began to flow with the currents of the river. You know alr-- eady all the events after that.' On hearing the story of the queen: all persons heared a sigh of relife. For the king it was a new birth of the queen. The queen was sescurrected, as it were. The king celebrated this festival with much more pomp than what he did at the time of his Page #67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 46 marriage The king threw open the whole treasure and gave alms poor. '. The king and the queen lived as happily as before. By the blessing of goddess Mahashwari the queen became pregnant. At appropriate time she gave birth to a prince The birth of this prince was celebrated with grate pomp and show. The whole city of Chandrawati began to batre in great delight. The name of the prince was selected as Malayketu. After some months the queen delivered a princess also. She was named Malyasundari, The princes had machless beauty The king and the queen sometimes remembered the old days; At that time the queen used to say. (Please read part 2 for further) Page #68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Rajkumar Mahabal 'My dear husbend ! W hen your brother had kidnapped me, how much misery you felt? You had become ready even to burn yourself along with me on the funerd pure. But this kidnapping proveal a blessing for us. Had it not been so, how could we have got two jewels in the form of Malayketu and Malay sunbari?' The king also said: 'Queen my dear! The happiness and misery are the results of actions. Who can know in which happiners the misery resides and in which misery which happiness is disguised? If a man does not abandon the path of religion and paticence, then even the miseries get transformed in to happiness. If you had not remembered God Rishabhdev or if you had not chanted the great 'Mantra', how would the goddess Page #69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 48 Chakre shwari oblige with a blessing of your adandon getting a child? Yon did not even in miserief. It is your Dharma because of this that the kidnapping proved to be a boon. In future also, we should continue to observe Dharma,' There was a time when Champakmala and Kanakmala were both friends. But now Kankmala began to envy champakmala. She was thinking that I remained still a childless lady. Even otherwise the king loved Champakmala more. Now he will give all love to her only. So I must instigate the king agaimt Champakmala anyhow. In this way, Kanakmala used to arrange plots to do harm to Champakmala and her children. On this side, prince Malayketn and Maluysundari were growing under the care of nurses. As days went by the children became skilled in education and arts. The whole subject loved them. Page #70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 49 THE MEETING OF MAHABAL-MALAYA The years when king Veerdhaval ruled Chandravati city, king Surpal ruled over the city of Pathanpur in the Bharat Region. King Surpal also was religious, lover of justice, brave and popular. Queen Padmavati was a virtuous lady. She was faithful to her husband and a woman whose strength was Dharma. Their son Mahabal was God cupid in beauty and Brihapati in intelligence. His bravery and strength also unparallaled. Perhaps because of this that he was named Mahabal, the great Mighty one. were There is always a tie of friennship between man of equal tastes and virtues. And such friendship is always stable and fast. King Veerd haval and Surpal were fast friends. On each occesion, both of them exchanged gifts and presents. They thus continued friendship. Sometimes both visited one another's kingdom. * Once the prince Mahabal went for a શ્રેણી ૪ કુ. ૪ 3 Page #71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 50 tour in the forest. He saw there a beautiful lady sitting alone. She gestured to the near her. prince meaning to call him Mahabal thought: "This damsel is perhaps in some difficulty. If I can do any good to her, it is better. He went near her and asked : 'Good woman! How did you come alone in the forest? Is there nobody with you? Order me. What Can I do for you?" The lady smiled and said: 'I am one goddess. My husband is not now with me. In his presence please put your self in his place and do that sort of service to me.' Hearing this unwarthy demand of her, the prince Mahabal became disapointed. Showing his heppless, he said : "Goddess! You are like my mother. I am not a worthy person to punish you, Page #72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ but I atleast say this much that never betray your husband. Believe me to be your son. As a son, I will do anything you command.' Now the goddess told clearly : "You look as handsome as a cupid himself. I have never seen such a charm in human beings. It is only because of your handsomeness that I am tempted. This youth is not meant for being wasted or dried up. Make it fresh and evergreen by watering love to that plant.' Closing his ears with his hands, the prince said : “Mother of goddesses ! Now don't say anything more. Even my standing herë is now a sin. How did you get such bad thoughts ? I only wish that God may make you balanced.' With these words, Mahabal walked away. She became wild like a she-cobra Page #73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 52 and said. 'Oh you wicked Chap! You do not know my power. See how I teach you a lesson four impudence. If you had agreed to my proposal, you would have been very happy. Now that you have not accepted my proposal, be ready for reaping the fruits of it.' Mahabal walked on. Every woman, goddess of human, has some vices befitring ladies. That goddess also acted a drama, She tore her own clothes, dishevelled her hairs, applied spitting in here yes and then begen to shout : 'O dear husband? Where are you? Be quick. 'This wicked man is going away offending my chastity. Protect me from him.' Hearing the pretended shouts of her, the god appeared in person and spoke Page #74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ -53 'Who has dared to cast an immoral eye at you ! I will just now punish him. The goddess said : ‘Swami ! The man who goes away there had tried to ravcd saved myself anyhow. He is now going away frustrated. 'I just now see to it, - and punish him.' So saying, the god want forward towards Mahabal. He said to Mahabal : ‘Prince ! I am pleased with you because of religiousness and votion I have overheard all discussions between my wife and yourself, You tried verv much to take my wife of bad character to the right path. You remained firm in your Path. Now you ask from me anything you like.' Mahabal replied : 'God ! If you are really pleased, give me only that blessing that I may be as Page #75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 54 firm in my vows in future as I was today. Not a single power can swerve me or tempt me.” Seeing this sort of non-attachment, the god was even more tleased. He said : 'That will be. But you did not ask for anything. So, now I give to you, of my own accord three things. You will get sacies always with. Pheir help. First I give you knowledge and power about 'Form-transformation in'. With this, You Can tran-rform yourself into any figure you like. The second ane is “Vashikaran Vidya' or power to bring. others into submission to you. You. can even control your encnies. The third thing is the power by which you can change the form of other beings. For this, I give you one mango. You have to rub it in the mango-juice. By doing the sacred Symbol ‘Tilak’ with this on the other's forehead, you can change Page #76 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ him or her according to your wish.' Giving these three powers,' the god disappeared. Mahabal returned to the City. One day, Surpal, the king, was -sitting in the Court. All Courtiers were sitting on their proper seats. Prince Mahabal was also there. The king told the Minister-chief : “For so many days we do not have any news about king Veerdhaval, our fried. You please take my letter with you and proceed to Chandravati. Tell him that we are quite well. Bring good news about them also. "Prince Mahabal also expressed his wish to accompany the Minister. The king permitted him. Mahabal and the Minister both reached Chandravati.King Veerdhaval was extremely Page #77 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 55 pleasead. They were given a good Guest House for staying. The letter of King Surpal was delivered. Veerdhaval asked albout Mahabal : 'Who is this great man ?' 'He is my Colleage the jewel of the Royal Court. Once the minister and Mahabal went to a forest for a change. When they returned in the eveming, Mahabal said: 'Minister, you may relax in the Guest House. I will have a round in the city and then come.' When, taking a stroll, Mahabal reached near the palace, he caught sight of Malayasundari who was standing at the window. Both saw one another. The love of the previous birth was revoked. Both of them gazed and gezed at each Page #78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ - 57 other. Malaysundari threw one Chit from above to Mahabal. The prineess had invited him for love-axchanges. As mahabal was standing for a very long time and doing nothing, the guard warned him : You seem to be a stranger. It is not proper to stay for such a long time near the palace. Now you retire to your residence. Mahabal returned to his guesthoase. Both of them took eveing supper. Then they went to bed. When the night was passed a little, the prince Mahabal got up coutiously and begen to wate towards the palace. Befooling the guards he reaches the upper storey of princess Malaysundari. But by mistake and because of haste, he entered the room of Queen Kanakmala instead of the bad-room of Malayasundari ! Kapakmala was startled. She got up. But when she saw the handscme prince, her passions were roused. Welcoming the prince, she said : Page #79 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ “Come, be seated. Why have you. keptstanding ?Mah abal realised that he had come to a wrong place, He replied: Politely 'I have vely urgent work of the princess. Please show me the way to her room.' Kanakmala insisted. •There you may go. But before that . please give us company. Then you may go to her.' Mahabal found out a trick : 'I have very very urgent work of hers. So please show me her room first. And then, after completing my business, I will sit with you leis reuly.' Kanakmala was fooled and she could not undersand the trick. She took him to Malaya's room. When they came near it, she went back and the prince enterved Malaya's room She immedietely recognised him. Page #80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ $59 Both sat opposite to oneanother. Eash gave his and her introduction. Malaya had with her one 'Lakshmi-Punj' necklace of her motherr. She garlanded Mahabal and said: 'Prince This is my smallest gift. Now I request that let us have secret marriage the Gandharva Lagha. You take me to your City Pathanpur. I can not live without you even for a momene.' Mahabal said : 'Secret marriage is generally the last resort. We do not have such failures or halplessness. I will marry you. with full-fledged Ceremonial marrige befitting the Aryas Keep patience and wait for that day. When you will aronge your Sellection ceremony (Swayamvar) I will attend to it. You may declare your choice there. I will take you then, as a Kshatriya, after droper marriage." Page #81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 60 Mahabal and Malaya were thus talking. Kanakmala thought 'My rival queen Champakmala and her daughter Malaya can now be put in troble be me. This is the best chance. I will get her caught red-handed talking in private with some youth, at night-time. The king will surely pump them severely.' So with this idea, she closed the doors of Malaya's room from outside. Then she went to call the king. Malaya began to tremble with the fear of a possible misery. Mahabal asked: 'Princess Why are you afraid? Let me know the reason of your fear.' 'Prince, you don't know Kanakmala is my step-mother. She is very jealous of my mother and myself. She is very jealous of my mother and myself. She always contrives some plot or other to make us look sinners. To-day she has got the opportunity. She has Page #82 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 61 bolted the door from outside. You can not escape. Now she will bring my father. Showing me with you in private talks, she will fullfill her wish. Now I can't. be saved.' Mahabal smiled and said : ‘Don't be afraid. Simply because a: cat wishes, the hanging basket of butter does not fall down. Your step-mother will be defeated: She will have to accept her defeat. You see my miracle. Let her bring The king at least. All that very time, Mahabal changed bis figure by the power of 'Form-Transformation knowledge. He became Champakmala. Malaya could not believe her eyes. She was astonished so much. Mahabal said: 'It I wish, I can change your form: also.' શ્રેણી ૪ ભા. ૨ Page #83 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 62 comply by god, her Then he narrated how he had got this knowledge. The goddess was mad in love with him. He refused to her immoral demand. So, the husband was pleased and as a reward he gave him (Mahabal) those powers. Learning about the sound and firm charaeter of Mahabal, Malay was very much satisfied, Kanakmala awoke the king, He was startled seeing her at an awkward time. He was first speechless. Then he asked: 'Why did you come so late at midnight? What sort of calamitly had made you do so?" Kanakmala was all joy with the hope for a sure victory. She said with confidence : as a 'Uptil now, you regarded me lier. Yoy never trusted my words. You believed that I am jealous of Malaya, Page #84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 63 and so I make out stories. But to-day. you will see with your own eyes the sins of your dear daughter.' King Veerdhaval did not trust her still. Yet he had had curiosity. He asked: 'What evil has been acted by Malaya?' Kanakmala replied: 'What is there to be done? At this hour of night, she is exchanging lovetalks with her lover. I have bolted the door from out side and have come to take you there. You see with you own eyes.' 'Have you seen with your eyes १ I hope you have not seen something in place of something else, blind with jealousy as you are.' The king retorted. Kanakmala was very angry : 'That is why I say to you that you please come with me. She will he caught Page #85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 64 eyes of red-handed. Do you trust your not ?' The king then accompanied, Kanakmala, to the room of Malaya. Kanakumala threw open the door of the room with great force. Mahabal was aleady changed into the queen Champakmala. He (she) welcomed : Welcome the Emperor ! As I couldnot sleep, I came here to sit and Chit-Chat. But how is it that your honour paid a a visid at such hour ? Oh, the younger queen Kanakmal has also come ? Come sister, you may also be seated. Kanakmala felt like being buried under the earth. The king looked at her angrily. Seeing Kanakmla speechless, he said : ‘Day and Night you burn yourself in the Fire of Jealousy. Were you not Page #86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ashamed of putting a false charge on my daughter who is as pure as the Ganges? You could not recognise even the elder qveen ? How is that you have reduced the difference between a male and a femala to such an extent ? Kanakmala replied this much only : “What can I do against this magic ? I had surely seen a handsome young man in her bed-room. But I am sure you will always blame me only.' Insulted Kanakmala returned to her room. The King also went away. Mahabal and Malaya were happy with the Victorp. Giving promise of a marriage, the prince returned to his guest house. The insulted enemy becomes always more active and fiery. Kanakmala was fully determined to kill that girl, Malaya, Who had cheated her. The minister of Pathappur came to king Veerdhaval in the morning and said : Rigil k. 4 Page #87 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 66 “We have stayed here for many days. Now please permit us to return. We have many urgent busiаess there.' The king said : ‘Meeting and parting are inevitable in life. I can't detain you, even if I wish so.' The king wrote a letter addressed to king Surpal and gave it to him. Many gifts were also given. After completing their travels, both the prince and the minister reached pathan pur. Mahabal gave the necklace Lakshmipunj to her mother Padmavati and said : 'Mother ! This divine neclace has been presented to me by the king Veerdhaval. He loved this more than his life. Please preserve it Carefully.' Queen Padmavati was very much pleased to have such a necklace. She put it on gladly. Page #88 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 07 Mahabal and Malaya One day a messenger from Chandravati came in the court of Surpal, the king of Pathanpur. He gave the message of his king Veerdhaval saying : “The 'Swayamvar* ceremony of the princess Malaya has been fixed on the eleventh day of the later half of the month of Jyeshth. The kings from distant places will be coming with a desire to marry the princess. It is the specific invitation of our king that you also send your prince Mahabal that ceremony..' The king Surpal noted the days of the Swayamvar and gave prires tothe messenger. The king said to Mahabal : "Prince ! You have to attend the Swayamvar caremony of Malaya to Chandravati city on the Eleventh Day of Jyesth. When yon go there you also take with you the Page #89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 68 Lakshmipunj neclace." On hearing the news, the minister did not show any joy. He stood as dumb as a rock. The king asked : "Son! Why are you sad? Did you not experience the feelihgs of joy ?" Mahabal replied: "My dear father! I am unhappy because of some other reason. For some days, I have found that my precious articles are stoben secretly. The thief is so shrewd that one does not know at all about his visit. After the thing is stolan. One comer to know of it. Even the Lakshmipunj necklace has been stolen. Because of this, the mother is so much worried that she has pledged : "If the necklack is not found with in five days, I will burn myself.' I have also pledged that I will catch hold of the thief Page #90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 69 with in five days and I will get all the other things back. If I can't I will also burn myself on the funeral pyre.” If Inforning this, Mahabal returned to his room. When it was dark nignt, he shut all the doors. Only one window was kept open. He sat with a naked sword on his hand and decided to keep awake the whole night. He hoped that as usual, to day also the thief would surely come. He decided to catch hold of him. Nothing happened till midnight. After sometime, one lovely hand enterel in the room from the window. Mahabal first thought is better to cut off the hand with a sword; but then he revised his thought to arrest the thief himself. So with full force he caught hold of the hand. That hand, with a terrıle force flew along with Mahabal to the clouds. Mahabal could see only the hand. The thief was completely invisible. Mahabal was awefully :surprised. So Mahabal asked : Page #91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ... 70 “Who are you? Where are all my things ?! Mahabal did not get any reply. He tried to get the hand and himself brought down to the earth. But he did not succeed. He himself got one blow and he was separated from that hand. But the protector is always mightie than the killer. Had he fallen on the ground, he would have broken his bones. Because of the stock of good deeds, he fell in a sitting position on a mangotree. He was thinking how he was trapped in an unknown forest. He even did not know how far his city was there and in what direction ! Jurt then, a python was seen encircling the trunk of that tree. It was a huge python. It had a man in its mouth. To save that human being, Mahabal thrust a sword in the eyes of the python. It began to suffer severe pain and so the Page #92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 71 human being was escaped. Mahabal caught hold of that man, going near there. The man was unconscious. The human being was a woman. When he observed minutely he could see to his great surprise, that the woman was Malaya herselt. Mahabal asked : "Princess Malaya ? How you are here? I had seen you quite hearlhy when I left you. What a destiny is this? I also happened to be here exactly this hour !" Malaya replied: "Prince ! The step-mother Kanakmala has suceeded in her fraud. I have been reduced to this position only because of her. She had actuadly killed me. But because of the good deeds of previous births, I have been saved off and on. Prince! I will narrate to you all that had happened to me. But please let me know when you come here? did Mahabal narrated the whole story. Page #93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 72 Both of them were exchanging news. Then at that very moment, a lady was seen wandering and approaching in their dircetion. Mahabal realised that by remaining in their original forms, a trouble will arise. So he thought it wise to change Malaya to a mala's figure. Mahabal took out the mango-seed. It enafbled Form transtfor mation He rubbed it in the mango juice and he made 'Tilak' sign on the forehead of Malaya. Thus, she was changed into a male. Both began to wait far that woman. When she came nearer he asked. "Who are you? Why are you wander ing have alone?" The lady was Shobha, the maid servant of Kanakmala. She said, "I will surely tell you about me. But first let me know who are you? Why are you sitting here ?" Mahabal replied, "we both are foreingners, we have lost our way. We are sitting here to pass the night time. As soon Page #94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ as it is morning we will set out. Now you let us know your story. You seem to be wandering in great worries. You are a woman, we are males. Perhaps we can help you." Shobha replied : “I am a maidservant of Kanakmala, the younger queen of king Veerdhaval of Chandravati city. My name is Shobha. Kanakmala has run away from the palace. But I wander after her getting many difficulties. One who sows thorns for others themselves get the thorns. Kanakmala was bearing with jealousy for her rival queen Champakmala and her children. She has decided that I will rest only after killing princess Malaya. Accordingly she really killed Malaya but after that she hereself became restless." Mahabal, too anxious asked. Page #95 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 74 "You let me know from begining to the end how Malaya was killed? Where is she now ?" Shobha said; "Queen Kankamala and myself were just relaxing and talking. At that time, suddenly, the Lakshmipunj necklace got itself round the neck of Kanakmala. I was surprises. I asked: 'How is it that this necklace fell round your neck so suddenly ?" Queen Kanakmala replied: "Shobha now see the surprises which will follow still more. You wait and watch what happens onwards. I have acquired such powers that 1 can achieve the impossible. By that power only, this necklace has come upon me, travelling hundreds of miles. With the help of this necklace, I will wipe off my enemy Malaya and I will make the king do whatever I demand.' One day, she met king Veerdhaval and said: Page #96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 75 'My dear husband! How long can truth be veiled? You are sure that whatever I say would be a lie. But can you tell me where is that Lakshminurj necklace?' King Veerdhaval said: 'Why not? It is with Queen Champakmala. She has received that necklace from Chakreshwari goddess. She has got her own things alright.' Kanakmala said: The elder queen had given the necklace to her daughter, Malaya.' The king Then it must be with Malaya only.' 'What new thing is there?' Manipulating the tricks of her fradutous plot, queen Kanakmala said: 'That is the real secret. The necklace Page #97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 76 is neither with Champakmala, nor with Malaya. The necklace has been given in gift to her lover.' trust her The king took time to story. He asked : What guarantee is there that what you say is correct? I at least am sure, that she has no lover. My daughter has not a bad character.' Kanakmala put before him necklace and said : "Its proof lies before you, here. When her lover was going away, this necklace was dropped. I have taken it up. What more proof can be there ?” Still, the king did not trust her. He said : “Queen Kanakmala! You enery Malaya and her mother. Can it not be possible that you might have stolen it Page #98 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 77 from their rooms? You have devised this new conspiracy to defame them." Kanakmala began to argue out: 'Your Honour! First thing is is that this necklace remained in the possession of Malaya. She used to put it on. So it was difficult for anybody to steal it. Secondly, had I stolen it she would have at least informed you that it is stolen. It is like a guilty conscience of a thief. If Malaya had not given it to her lover, the matter would be clear by inquiring about her. You inquire of the mother and the daughter. You will then be sure of the truth of my story from their replies.' The king liked this clever scheme of Kanakmala. He called Champakmala and. asked her, about the necklace. She replied that it is with Malaya. The king showed that necklace to Champakmala. The elder queen also was surprised. The king bid. Page #99 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 78 her farewell by giving her the necklace. Then the king then went with Champakmala to Malaya's palace. Malaya was asleep. The king awoke her, alerted her and asked : ‘Malaya, where is Lakshmipunj neclace ? Give it to me. I want to-day.' Malaya became nervous. She did not dream even that the king will ask about the necklace. She could not give any reply. Her silence proved her guilt. The king asked her second time with scolding her bitterly : “Why don't you show it ? Whom you have given the necklace ? You scoundrel of a woman ! Show it. Tell me to which of your lovers you gave it ?” Malaya was not a blot on the family. But it was true that she had given the necklace to her lover. Still, she was silent. Now the king was quite sure that Page #100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 79 Malaya was guilty and a bad character. Veerdhaval gave no consideration to his love for Malaya. He decided to pass a Death-Sentence on her. The king ordered the chief of the city, Kotwal : 'Take away this wicked girl from here and hang her at once.' The whole harem was stunned and full of agonising sounds. Sensation prevailed in the whole city with the news of the possible execution of Malaya. The minister-in-chief said : 'Your Highness! The princess seems to be innocent. Please forgive her. Moreover, the day fixed for Swayamvar draws near. The kings of faro-ff places have already been invited. Now we don't have even that much time that we can inform them of the cancellation of the progrmme. The kings will come here. If the princess Page #101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 80 is not here, we will be brought into disrepute.' The opinion of the minister was quite true. But to an angry man, only what is felt and opined by him is true. So the king did not think over the minister's suggestion. Puffed with anger, he said: 'It seems you have lost your intelligence to-day. The kings are to assemble here. Simply because of this fear, should I consider my daughter a thing of glory instead of a matter of shame and blot ? I can't tolerate the disobedience to my order. We will inform the kings to come, that the princess has died a premature death.' The princess was very much endeared to all the people of the state. The elected representatives of the people, therefore, came and prayed : 'Your Highness! Malaya is not your Page #102 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 81 daughter only. She is like daughter to us also. We request that you may please forgive her, we are sure that she is perfectly innocent. Please see that you have not to repent afterwards.' The king did not pay hed even to these requests. The ‘kotwal went along with Malaya to the ground for gallows. The crowd of people went behind them. Malaya made the last attempted. She sent a message to the king through the nurse, Vegmati, who was also the maidservant of champkmala. The message was : "Your Honour! The princess requests only one thing that you please listen to her only once. She is quite innocent. The king refused point-blank. He said'inform your daughter Malaya that I do not want to hear anything. Her death is sure now. She has to reap the fruits of her sins.' Malaya learnt of this decision of the all r £. $ Page #103 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ..82 king. She had no hopes now. She therefore requested the city kotwal : "You have to carry out the order of the king anyhow. I am to be killed. I only request that you should not speil your hands with bloodshed. I will jump into the well in your presence only. You may inform of my death, later, to the king.' The princess, in persence of all, went to the riverside. There was a well. Malaya jumped into it. The news of her death was spread all over the city. To give the news of the death of Malaya, the king went to Kanakmala. At that time Kanak-mala was justsaying to me : ‘Shobha ! Now you have seen my miraculous power. I have removed for ever my enemy, Malaya. Now the king is completely under my control. One day, you will see that, I myself will be the Queen ruler of this kingdom.' Page #104 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 83 The king was overhearing Sall these as he had hid himself behind the doors. He fainted on hearing this. He regained his consciousness after many attempts. He began to wail : 'Oh! This wicked kanakmala pushed my dear daughter in the jaws of death. She cast such a magic network that my senses were stunted. What would I do now even if I am alive? I will beg her pardon even by being dead and going to her." All the courtiers and citizens thought that the princess has already left and now we will lose even the king. We will be orphan without the king. All citizens reached the river-side to search again for the princess. Some of them even jumped into the deep well for searching her there. But they neither got Malaya alive nor her dead boey. Now the king was fully sure that 'my daughter is no more in this world.' Page #105 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 84 Sobha, the maid of Kanakmala said further, continuing the narration 'The king ordered angrily that Kanak mala along with all her precious things should be locked in prison. But Kanakmalr with her necessary Kit and Lakshmipunj necklace escapen from the palace by the back-door. I was told by her to accompany her. Now I am going to her only. Mahabal asked her : 'Do you know where has Kanakmala gone Sobha replied: 'She is at present as the house of Magadha, the society-girl of this city. she a notorious prostitute of. She is the friend of queen Kanakmala.' Mahabal Did not king Veerdhaval inquise for her? : Sobha The king is at present thinking of nothing but burning himself on the funeral pyre. He had ordered his servants Page #106 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 85, to prepare the pyre in my presence only.' Sobha then went away after narrating this story. Mahabal began to worry. He told Malaya, dressed in man's garb : 'Malaya! Time is very scant at our disposal. And all things have to be done. It will be a great disaster if we can't save your father. Moreover, is Lakshmipunj necklace is not found out, my mother queen Padmavati and myself will both do self immolation by burning on the pyre.' Malaya replied: 'Prince my mother has taught me that however big a calamity befalls us, if we do not abandon the religious path, the calamity is transformed into happiness.' I have been saved from the jaws of death by virtue of constant repeatition of God Arihant and by observing religious rules.' Mahabal was encouraged and became hopeful by these words. He said : Page #107 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ‘Mahabal ! At present there are four or five main things to do, before us : 1. First priority is to save the life of your father. 2. Second thing is to procure the Lakshmipunj necklace from Kanakmala who hides herself at Magadha's house. 3. Third thing is to save the life of Padmavati by handing over to her the necklace. 4. Last thing is to marry you by arranging Swayamvar. You finish up the business of procuring the necklace from Kanakmala. I will no the remaining things. As soon as the day breaks, we will set out on our respective missions. We will again meet here tomorrow night. If you come first, you wait and if I come earlier, I will wait for you.' In the carly morning, both Mahabal Page #108 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 87 and Malaya cdressed as male and in the form of male) went out as decided. At a little distance from the tree where they met, there was an old temple. Both decided to meet there only, at night. Malaya, in the dress and form of a male reached the town. She found out the house of Magadha. At that time there was a big crowd near her house. She was engaged in hot exchange of words with one man. People were watching them. Magadha was very much disturbed. Malaya made her way through the crowd and went straight to Magedha. She said to her : 'Good lady! What is the matter ? why is this man quarreling with you ?' Hearing Malaya's polite question, Magadha regained her spirit. She thought that 'from amongst so many people, there is at leas one person who feels for me.' She replied to malaya, who was in male's form: Page #109 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ .88 , Young man ! Please save me from the clutches of this wicked man. I am ready to give him many things; yet he does not allow me to live in peace. The fact is I was terribly tired yesterday night. I had told il jest that whoever from this assembly of persons in my apartments, relieves gives me relief, romoving my fatigar will be given by by me 'some thing. This man removed my fatigue. I gave him wealth as a prize. But He has been saying, "I will take only 'something'...” Then I gave him gold, silver, jewel etc. but he is firm in telling "give me that 'something'. Now how Can I bring that something' for him ? Malaya said : “You don't worry. Tell that man that he should come at four o'clock in the evening. He will get ‘something'...' The prostitute told that stranger. as was suggested by Malaya. The man went Page #110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 83 away. The people dispursed. Malaya came with Magadha upstairs. Malaya called for one earthen pot. She (He) then got it filled with scorpions, serpents and someother biting insects. The mouth of the a pot was covered and closed tightly by a piece of cloth. Malaya explained in details everything to Magadha. She became ready to do as per scheme suggested by Malaya. At four o'clock in the evening, that man came. Magadha said : “Please see what is there in this pot, by placing your hand inside it,' The man thrust his hand in the pot. Immediately, the scorpions and other biting insects wrapped round his hand. The man shouted weeping ; ‘Oh my God ! There is 'something in this pot. Something bit me.! Page #111 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 90 Magedha replied: 'Then you go away taking your 'some thing.' The man and wailing with that pot. had to go away weeping. Magadha said to Malaya : 'You have done a wonderful job! You saved my wealth and saved me also from the calamity. I am indebted to you. Please show me any work which I can do. for you.' Malaya said: 'One more calamity will befall you, still. You have given shelter to a criminal of the king Veerdhaval of Chandravati city. The soldiers are all on their way to search out. When they will see you, you will invite their anger.' On hearing this possibility from Malaya, the face of Magadha became pale.. Page #112 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ She felt as if the earth will give way. She requested Malaya : 'Young man ! As you have saved me from that man please protect me from this calamity. I will remember your good act till the end of my life.' Malaya consoled her : 'All right, I will try. First you show me the place where she had hidden herself.' Magadha showed Malaya the room of kanakmala. Malaya went to that room. Because she was dressed as a male, Kanak mala could not recognise her. She was. surprised to find a man in her She said: room.. 'Young man! From where do you come? I am a guest of Magadha. Her apartments are there. I think you must. have come here by mistake.' Malaya replied: Page #113 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ - 92 'I am a foreigner. I had come here. to spend a night. Now I will have to go away quickly. I have actually come here to warn you of one danger to you. Being inspired by this feeling of benevolence I have come. The state police is in search of you. You will now be made prisoner shortly. You will be frined.' Kanakmala's throat was choked with emotion. She kneeled as Malaya's feet and spoke : 'Foreigner ! Now I am at your mercy. You have shown benevolence once just now. So please do good to me once more. save me from this calamity. Take me also with you. You accept me as your wife. I hope your spirit of benevolence will not merely stop at warning me. You will also protcet me. I will be your wife.' (Please read part 3 for further.) Page #114 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Rajkumar Mahabal Making his position strong, Malaya said: 'Good lady! To give shelter to a criminal is also a crime itself. Yes I will help you. Please give me all your precious. materials. My friend is also with me. Both of us have put up at one old temple. I go with your luggage. I can't take you now with you, because the policemen will find you out in broad day-light. You come to that temple during night-time. All three of us will set out next morning. I myself am married. So I can't make you my life-partner. One thing is there : my friend is a bachelor. He will marry you.' Kanakmala handed over one small bag containing ornaments. Malaya saw Page #115 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 94 that there was no Lakshmipunj necklace. She asked : 'Is there anything left now ? Give it whatever it is.' 'I had with me Lakshmipunj necklace. I have buried it under one pillar outside the city.' Kanakmala replied. Malaya went to the directed place, but he could not find there the necklace, Malayareturned and informed Kanakmala : ‘There is no necklace.' Kanakmala said : When I come there at night, I will bring it with me. Malaya reached the temple in the forest. After some time, Mahabal also reached there. Mahabal asked : Page #116 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ succeed or not in today's ‘Did you mission ? Malaya told Mahabal everyting that had happened from the beginning to the end. You will get the necklace. Moreover the guilty person will be slave to you.' Mahabal and Malaya discussed about what type of attitude they should adopt towards Kanakmala. They finalised the scheme. Malaya saw from the top of a tree that Kanakmala was approaching. She got down from the tree, and welcoming Kanakmala, she said : “Some robbers and thieves have put up at the temple premises. So it is not advisable for you to go there. You give me the necklace which you have brought with you. You hide yourself in this box for the whole night. Mahabal and Malaya had prepared one huge full-length box. Man or woman Page #117 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 96 can easily be accomodated there. Malaya took possession of the necklace. The box was prepared from the hollow part of the tree. Malaya shut the box from both the sides and then made a sign to Mahabal. Then bothof them made the box float along the waters of the river. Thus they lest Kapakmala to her fate. Hearing a sigh of sure success, Malaya said to Mahabal : 'One thing is at least over. You had entrusted to me only this much work. Now you tell me how far did you succeed ? What did you do the whole day !! Mahabal replied : ‘Understand in few words that your father is saved. When he was just going to step into funeral pyre, I reached exactly at that time. I consoled your father. I was dressed a an astrologer. I told. him that your daughter is alive. I will Page #118 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ take many days in completing all the three tasks fixed for me. Until Your father does not see you with his own eyes, he will not trust me. At present he is swinging between hope and despair. You have to stay for the present in this temple in the figure of a male. After I complete my work I will show you in details what things I have done and - how I got success one by one ! In the early moring Mahabal set out to complete his work. PREPARATIONS FOR THE FUNERAL PYRE During the night Shobha, the maidservant of Kanakmala narrated the story to Mahabal and Malaya. That is why he had entrusted the work of bringing the necklace to Malaya. Malaya had gone to the house of the prostitute Magadha for bringing Lakshamidell x $. v Page #119 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 8886 98 punj necklace. Mahabal went to Chandrawati city. After reaching there he took the form of an astooroger. He came with him the books of that science. The books were wrapped in red Cloth. In one of his hands had a hand book which showed the dates and days etc. There was a white sacred thread on his shoulder. He had put on a dhoti and had kept a small towal of yellowish colour. With a 'tilak' sign on his forehead he looked very much handsome. It looked as if he had come straight from Banaras. He entered the city and went to the stables för the elephants. There he saw one strange thing. Some persons were searching for something in the excreta of the elephant mixed with water. Mahabal asked : 'Brother! What are you all doing Page #120 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 99 here?' One elephant trainer replied: 'Gentleman! Yesterday, a prince Malaykumar had come here. He lost his ring somewhere here. We doubt that the elephant must have swallowed it up along with eating grass. If the elephants, any of them. had swallowed it, then it must have certainly been thrown out of the body along with the excreta. We are searching that only.' Mahabal had a flash of thought. He found out one trick. He saw that flour in big quantity was lying there softened. One man was preparing big rolls of that flour and was feeding the elephants with that. Mahabal also begen to feed one of the elephants. He secretly mixed his own ring in the flour and fed the elephant with that. As soon as this work was over, he went away. Mahabal found the city deserted. Page #121 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 100 Gloom pervaded the whole city. Mahabal, being surprised, asked one old man : 'No body is seen in the city. Have all persons gone to take part in some festival ?' The old man replied: 'All the people have gone to the cemetery to day. Our king will burn himself on the pyre aftea his dear daughter. Only the old and the invalid have stayed in the city.' Without giving any reply to him, Mahabal went straight to the funeral place. From a distance only he saw that the king was proceeding to the pyre after taking bath in the river. Walking speedily, he shouted : 'Wait please, your Honour! I have brought good news.' Hearing this, the king stopped. People Page #122 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 101 also looked in the direction of Mahabal. They felt as if the drowning man got a piece of wood. Reaching near, Mahabal said : 'Your Honour ! Who will arrange the Swayamvar for the princess if you sacrifice your life? Your daughter is not dead. She is alive.' The king said ? ‘Learned man ! How can you say that Malaya is alive? We had made a search of the whole well in which she had jumped to death. She was not found. Now why, do you wish to save me by wrongly cnonsoling me go Mahabal, in the garb of an astrologer said : 'Your Honour ! Remember one main thing. If there is less salt in the cooked vegetables, it can be added; but if it is more than required, if can not be decrea Page #123 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ... 102 sed. If Malaya is not alive, you can sacrifice your life even afterwards; but we can not resarrect you if Malaya is found alive, if once you are dead. On the strength of my knowledge, I claim to know that Malaya is not dead. Yet I give you a proof of that. By tomorrow evening, you will get a ring on which the name of Malaya must have been carved. If you get such a ring alright, take my astrological knowledge to be valid. Then you please wait for the arrival of Malaya. If you do not get such a ring, believe me and my knowledge to be untrustworthy. I will come to-morrow evening again.' The king was much consoled. He returned to the palace in the city. The courtiers and the cityzens became glad. It was next-day evening. The king. began to think : Page #124 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 103 'The astrologer did not turn up still. We did not get Malaya's ring also. He gave me false consolation. Now only the fire of the pyre will remove my worries and miseries.' The king was lost in deep thought. Just then, Mahabal in the garb on an astraloger was seen to be approaching. When he came near, the king offered him a seat. Mahabal was just taking his seat when a man came running from the stables for the elephants with the news that they had found one ring with the name of Malaya carved on it. He said : 'Your Honour ! We have found this, ring from the excreta of an elephant.' The king observed the ring carefully and then pressed it to his chest. He spoke out : 'Daughter ! If you are alive, save me by embracing me. This ring gives proof of your living.' Page #125 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ HOA ? The king then said to the astrologer (Mahabal) ; ‘Learned man ! One of your forecast has come true. Now you please tell me when shall I meet Malaya ? In her memory and pain of separation, Champakmala has become very much weak. Because of weeping profusely, her eyes have lost their vision practically. Now only in the hope of seeing Malaya, he remaining lustre is left.? The astrologer said : ‘Trust me, your Honour ! The forecast which I do is unchangeable. You please listen : Your Honour may plasegmake preparations for Swayamvar. On the day fixed by your viz. the eleventh day of the second half of Jyestha, for Swayamvar, she will Present herself in the theatre. Just one day before the Day of Swayamvar, you will get one big box on the western side, fifty yards Page #126 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 105 far from the Royal Gate. From that only princess will make her apperance. But beware! You have not to open the box. If you open it, there will be great havoc. In the Swayamvar only, the would-be bridegroom will open it. At the time of opening the box, the scene will be like Swayamvar of Sita, the daughter of king Janak. Just as different kings had assembled to tear apart the bow in Mithila, So will the kings try to open the box. There is nothing to wonder in this. Such miracles do happen in the lives of great and holy men. Your elder queen Champakmala is religious and your daughter also is a jewel among the girls and she follows the righteous path.' The king and the courtiers were listening most attentively to the forecasts of Mahabal. The king disclosing the joy of his inner heart said: 'Astrologer! Please tell me little Page #127 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ - in6 more as to who will marry my daughter Malaya ?? The astrologer replied : The prince Mahabal, the son of king. Surpal of Pathanpur will be your sonin-law. Now please wait and watch and see whether my forecasts come true. I will daily see you till the actual Day of Swayamvar.' The King became very glad. With his voice choked up with emotions, he began to offer wealth and many gifts to Mahabal. But refusing to accept them, Mahabal said : Our purpose is to do beneficence, Your Honour ! We do not want to earn wealth by selling our knowlege. I will not accept any gift.' All had surprise mixed with delight, when they saw this sort of non-attachment and sacrifice of the astrologer. Page #128 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 107 THE MARRIAGE OF MALAYA Mahabal and Malaya had met in the old temple of the forest. Malaya narrated how she was to get success in getting the Lakshmipunj Necklace and that Kanakmala was to come definitely at night. Mahabal also narrated to Malaya in brief, how he saved the king, her father. The next day, Mahabal purchased the necessary things for implamenting his next plan. He began to wait for malaya in the temple. He was very eager to tell the remaining things to her, such as how the King trusted his astrological forecasts, how the ring was found out by the servants of the king etc. etc. Now he began to think out ways to make his other forecasts come true. He was lost in such deep thoughts. At that very time some thiefs come there to steal. Page #129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ...- 108 The thiefs told their companion : 'We keep this stock of stolen goods with you. We again go for stealing purposes. We will distribute these amongst us after we return.' The thieves went away. The Thief who was to be the Custodian of stolen goods, had in his heart, one more thief. He wanted to grab the share of his colleagues also. During this time, he saw Mahabal. The Thief asked : “Who are You ? 'I am also your brother only.' The thief then said : 'If you help me, we will both distribute fifty-fifty from these goods.' Mahabal said : 'I am also a thief just like you, but I never betray my colleagues. I do not Page #130 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 104 want your wealth. Yet I will help you.. You will also have to help me.' Mahabal had already in mind one big box. He pointed to it and said : “Help me in lifting this box. Mahabal and the thief brought the box upto the temple. mahabal hid the thief in one of the Cupboard like big space in the temple along with his goods. The Cupboard was so big that one man can easily relase there. moreover, sitting there he can see every things that happens outside. Then Mahabal climbed one tree. He began to wait for Malaya. Then he saw that all his goods, which had been stolen, was in the hollow place of the tree. Mahabal collected all his belongings and got down from the tree. In a short time, Malaya also come there. Mahabal narrated everything to her... Page #131 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ - 110 Malaya decorated the person of Malaya. She was helped in putting on rich clothes and ornaments. Mahabal put the Lakshmipunj necklace round her neek. He then placed her in the box. He told Malaya : 'The stopper and chain of the box is in the inside. So you bolt the box from inside. When you hear the music of the Veena then only you open the box from inside. You have to be very careful in this. If you unbolt the box before hearing the music of the veena, then you will be cheated. When you come out from the box, you will find me dressed in the garb of a brownish colour, I will look like a sage. ! will have a Veena in my hand also. You put the garland round the neck of the sage.' Then, the thieves who had gone to steal more, living as leaving many precious goods in the care of their companion, came back. He asked Mahabal : Page #132 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 111 “Who are you? We had left one of, our colleagues here. Have you seen him ? Mahabal replied : 'I am also your professional brother. I will tell you about your companion later. First do me a little favour.' The thieves asked what type of work it was. Mahabal replied : “The Wooden box which is lying here has to be taken near the town. If has to be kept fifty yards far from the Royal Gate, on its western side.' : The thieves did their job as directed, Then Mahabal said : Your colleague had broken the lock of your box and he had taken out of it all the goods. He prepared a boat from the wood of the box and then he ran away by the river-route.' The thieves went in search of him. Page #133 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ * 112 Now, the eleventh day of the second half of the month of Jyestha arrived. The king made all preparations of a Swayamvar. The whole city was decorated. All roads and streets were sprinkled with scented powders or liquids. The whole atmosp. here was filled with decent smells. A big theatre was eracted. In the midst of it was a pandal. Kings from far-off places had assembled there. All of them, sitting on high seats, were eagerly awaiting for the Swayamvar to begin. The king's heart throbbed and throbbed. 'If the princess does not turn up, I will not be able to show my face to anybody. The astrologer even is not seen still." At that very moment, Mahabal, in the garb of an astrologer arrived. He told to the king. 'You please send with me some men, so that the big wooden box can be brought here. Four persons were asked to: eccompapy Mahabal. The box was placed Page #134 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 113 fifty yards far from the Royal Gate. The box was placed in the pandal by the astrologer. The king made a declaration on the lines suggested by Mahabal as follows : The princess Malaya is lying in this big box. Just near the box are kept a bow and the arrows. From amongst you, whoever is able to open the box by only one arrow, he will be garlanded as a husband, by Malaya.' One by one, all the kings began to try their might and skill. During this time Mahabal managed to slip away. He was not seen. Most of the kings could not even raise the string of the bow. And those who could do that much, could not open the box. King Veerdhaval was disappointed. Is there no such a brave person who can open the box with one stroke ? King Veerdhaval was also thinking that most of the forecasts of the astrologer Page #135 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ - 114 had come true; but now the vehicle itself has stopped. By that time one sage dressed in the reddish brown coloured clothes came there. He was playing the musical instrument, Veena. He played the musical instrument for sometime, near the pandal. Then he raised the bow. He shot only one arrow, and the box opened. From inside, the princess Malaya came out. All were surprised beyond words. Queen Padmavati ran and embraced Malaya. her dear daughter. The king also embraced ber. From his eyes, there flowed tears of love. They were showers of love. Malaya garlanded Mahabal who was in the garb of a yogi. Just when she was engaged in doing this, a big chaos and commotion prevailed in the whole Assenbly. The kings present there began to comment : . It seems, a fox wants to relish the dinner of a lion. This can not be allowed Page #136 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 115 to prevail. We are Kshatriyas. And so long as we are here, a yogi will not be allowed to take her away in marriage.' From all sides, there were shouts of 'Arrest him, kill him.' Mahabal, in the garb of a yogi, there upon challanged: 'You cawards! If you were brave, you would have been able to fulfill the conditions of the declaration which was made. Whoever loves, his death, may come up to fight with me.' Uttering these words, Mahabal threw away the musical instrument. He took a sword in his hands, he threw a challange to the kings. The wrath of the kings was pacified. King Veerdhaval was worriedly thinking The predictions of the astrologer came perfectly true. But in the end, he had also predicted that prince Mahabal of Pathanpur will be my son-in-law In spite Page #137 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 116 of myself being a king, has it been at last so destined that my son-in-law will be a yogi or a reclues ?' arose At that very moment, there sweet shouts of 'Hail to prince Mahabal ! Victory to Mahabal !' The king was overjoyed. But this joy was temporary for him. Because what is the advantage of his arriving, now that Malaya has already exhibited her choice? Now the real time has gone. At that time, some people who came from outside, informed the king. Veerdhaval that : 'Whom you take as a recluse, he himself is prince Mahabal.' The king's heart leaped with joy. He himself declared : 'O Kings! The person whom you see as a recluse is prince Mahabal, the son of king Surpal of Pathanpur. have seen that the lion's food Now you had been Page #138 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 117 grasped by a lion only. Now you may please return to your respective cities and kingdoms. Prince Mahabal and princess Malaya were married with great rejoicings and pomp. Celebrations like that Diwali were manifested in the city. That night, Mahabal and Malaya were sitting in their apartments. Vegmati the, nurse-mother of Malaya was also there. Malaya said to Mahabal : ‘Swami ! This is my nurse-mother. Nothing of mine is unknown to her. Please narrate how you got suceess, to her. Because of your grace only my father and myself have got a new life.' Mahabal narrated everything to the mother of Malaya. Then he said to them : 'Both of you stay here. I am just .coming. I hove come after getting the thief Page #139 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 118 seated in a big closed cupboard of the temple. None but me knows this thing. It is very much necessary to release him. I am just coming after releasing him.' Malaya insisted on her accoupaying him, as she said : 'My dear husband! I will also come with you. After jumping into the well, I have remaining with you ever since. Even in the forest and the deserted places also, I have stayed with you. Our relations have become eternal after our marriage. Wherever you go, I will come with you.' Pursuading her, Mahabal said : 'My Beloved! It is a question only of few days I don't go on a long voyage.' Malaya insisted : 'It may be anything, I will surely come with you.' Page #140 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Mahabal saw that Malaya very much wished to come with him. He said to the nurse-mother : "Mother ! We both are going. If anybody asks, tell him that we have gone for worship to the temple.' Malaya and Mahabal reached near the old temple of the forest. OBSTACLE IN REJOICINGS Mahabal and Malaya were returning from the forest. They had released the thief. There was a cemetery on their way. Naturally, ghosts and other evil spirits used to inhabit the place. Two ghosts in a tree were talking with oneanother. Mahabal and Malaya who were standing under the tree were overhearing it : The first ghost was telling : ‘Friend ! You have come to our place from very far. Tell us if there is any news of your place.' Page #141 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 120 ** The second ghost replied: “Yes, there is one news. The queen of King Surpal of Pathanpur will burn herselb in the funeral pyre day after to-morrow. The king also will burn himself along with her. The first ghost showing surprise, said : “Why should they do such things? Do they not have any interest In life. ? This is nothing but suicide. And if they commit suicide, they will both be ghosts.' The second one replied. ‘This is not suicide, but keeping a promise. The Kshatriyas Value their promises more than their lives. Tha Lakshmipunj necklace of Queen Padmavati was stolen. She had promised that if they do not get the necklace within five days, then 'I will burn myself on the funeral pyre.' Mahabal, the son of queen Padmvati, Page #142 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ D had set out for searching the necklace, but he has not returned so far.' Day-after-tomorrow will be the sixth day. The Queen has thought that she did not get the necklace and she lost her son also. Now, what is the purpose of living ? The King loves the queen very much, So he thinks that without the queen and the prince, it is not worth living. So he will also burn him-self with her.' The second ghost added : 'If you come with we both may see that sight.' The first ghost asked : ‘How far is Pathanpur from here ? The second one replied : 'Not so far, If will be only eight hundred miles. Page #143 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 122 The first one said : 'For us, ghosts, eight hundred miles. is not much. We are having airy, gaseous body. We do not have physicality of the Earth-element. We will both reach quickly. But I have one trouble.' 'What trouble?" The other asked. 'I can't leave this house. For some time. I have to stick to this tree.' The other one replied: 'This is no problem. We will uproot this whole tree and we will reach the cemetery of Patbanpur, with this treetrough sky-route.' Then the tree was uprooted comletely. It began to fly through the clouds. Mababal and Malaya held the trunk of the tree firmly in their hands. So they also could fly. Page #144 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 123 Mahabal was telling to Malaya : ‘My beloved ! I had forgotcen Completely that we have to save the life of my mother by giving to her Lakshmipunj Necklace. How strange are the ways of Destiny that we will reach Pathanpur today only. Otherwise we would not have reached before her death.' Malaya said : "My dear husband ! It is also good that I came with you. Otherwise, I don't know how long I had to wait for you.' The tree along with ghosts and the two persons Mahabal and Malaya reached the cemetery of Pathanpur. Mahabal was quite faniliar with the place. So he said : We will spend the night here only. In the early morning, we will enter the city.' Both were sitting together and chit Page #145 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 124 chating. At that time a tragic weeping was heard from somewhere. Mahabal thought: 'Who can be there to miserable in my Kingdom that he or she has to weep at this hour? I must go and find out.' He therefore said to Malaya : 'Beloved! You stay here only. I am just returning after finding out who weeps at this hour.' Mahabal was knowing that Malaya would insist on her accompanying him. So he made use of Form rtransformation magic. He had with him the mango-seed. He made a tilak of it on the forehead of Malaya. Malya was transformed into a male. Mahabal gave her his earning and some extra clothes and said : 'Princess! I would have taken you with me, but it is proper for you to stay here. I simply went to know what ails This man who weeps ? you remain Page #146 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ here.' 125 Malaya complied by the advice of Mahabal. Mahabal went in the direction of the sound of weeping. He kept the Lakshmipunj necklace with him only. when he reached near the person who was weeping, he came to know that it was a woman. Mahabal was much surprised : 'What misery can harass a woman in the religiously conducted kingdom of my father? Why must be she weeping at this hour and in a cemetery? Mahabal went near her. One dead body was hanging on a tree just in front of him. The woman was weeping for her pitiable condition.. Mahabal began to inquire. * Much time elapsed and yes Mahabal did not return. Now the morning approaching. Malaya thought: was Page #147 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 126 “This is an unknown city. The roads are also unfamiliar. Where can I search him? Better thing would be to enter the city. He will also come to the city, not seeing me here. My form is that of a male; so there is no possibility of any difficulty.' Thus thinking, she began to walk to 'wards the city. Now in Pathanpur, only a few days "before, one thief named Lohkshur had played havoc. Everyday the travellers were being looted and robbery was a daily job. People were so much harassed that all of them became ready to leave the city. But the efficient guards of the king arrested the thief. The king passed a sentence of death for him. The friends of the thief ran away. Their leader being dead, the power of the thief was much decreased. Yes they were still trying to consolidate and to take Page #148 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 127 revenge of the king's orders. The kingprų cast a net of his guards all over the city. The kotwal was also insriucted that any stranger, if seen, should be immediately put in chains. Malaya, in the guise of a male, was passing through the gate of the city. The kotwal asked her sternly : Who are you? From where do you come ? Where are you going ? Malaya was afraid. She did not know that so much inquiry will be made. Seeing her puzzled, the doubts of the village policeman increased. He inspected the belongings of Malaya. There they found the clothes of Mahabal and ear-rings. The policeman was now sure that this man must be a member of the tribe of thieves. These persons only seem to have made Mahabal unhappy and invisible. Malaya was brought before the king. The king asked : * Page #149 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 128 'Have you any relation with the prince Mahabal? How do you know him?' Malaya said: 'Your Honour? The prince is my friend. We made friends in Chandravati city.' The king thundered : 'You are telling a lie. I know each and every friend of the prince. We have found on your person the clothes and the ear-rings of the prince Mahabal. So you are à doubtful character. I am not ready to believe any of your talks.' The king ordered the kotwal : "Hang this thief also as his leader, Lohkshur was." The minister in chief had in his mind. a sort of intuition that the individual was innocent. Of course, there was no proof Page #150 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 129 of his innocence. But the docileness on his face itself shows that he is innocent. So he pondered for some moments and then said to the king : 'Your Highness! Let us punish him in such a way that he may reap the fruits of his action and you may not have to repent afterwards.' The king could not grasp it. So, he asked : 'Minister I also do not wish that he may meet with injustice at my hands. You tell clearly how he must be punished.' Minister said : 'Call for one black cobra. Tell this man to hold that cobra. If the cobra bites him, he will soon die. If lhe cobra does not bite him take it for granted that the man is innocent. Order the snake-charmer that the cobra should be deadly poisonous. શ્રેણી ૪ ક્રૂ. ૯ Page #151 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 130 As soon as it bites, the man may s his life.' The king liked the trick suggestod by the minister. Many people assembled to see this strange punishment. In a vast open space, the king, the queen and the officers like the minister were sitting on high seats. The snake-charmer came with a cobra in one earthen pot. The king asked: 'Is the snake poisonous ?" The snaker-charmer replied: 'Your Honour ! The snake here, is so much terribly poisonous that by its single exhale of breath, the grass gets burnt. On one side it bites, and on the other side, the man dies." The king ordered Malaya : 'Young man! Take the snake out of this pot by placing your hand inside.' Page #152 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 131 Malaya meditated on God Arihant. She remembered the Great Mantra (Navkar Mantra). Then she poked her hand inside the earthen pot and took out the cobra. The cobra brought out from its mouth Lakshmipunj Necklace and placed it round the neck of Malaya. Then it licked the tilak of her forehead. So Malaya got back her original female from. The cobra made a shade over her head by spreading wide its fanas. All were shell bound by feeling this wonderful right. shout like 'Victory to God snake, Viktory to Goddess snake' rent the air. The onlookers were discussing amongst themselves : 'This cobra is no ordinary cobra. This woman is no ordinary woman. This is some god in the form of a snage' and some goddess is in the form of a the king had punished her, she would reduced the city to ashes. The minister-inchief saved the whole city by his intelligence.' woman. If Page #153 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 132 The king thanked the minister : The credit for injustice being not done, goes to you. To day, we had the darshan of this goddess.' The king told the snake-charmer : 'Give ample milk to this snake and release him at a place from where you caught it.' Then the king and the queen led Malaya to the palace with honour and hospitality. The queen was very much afraid with a thought that this is a very big goddess. She kept Malaya in the harem itself with great respecf. The king asked Malaya : *Dear daughter ! Now you at least give me your introduction. Who are you?' Malaya replied : 'I am Malaya the daughter of king Page #154 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 133 veerdhaval of Chandravati. I will not give any further details about me. You also please do not force me in order to know more.' The king said : 'I will not ask now anything more. King Veerdhaval is my close friend. I will send my messenger to your father. He must be worrying about you.' The next day, Queen Padmavati said to the king : “Respected husband ! Lakshmipunj necklace at least is procured by us. But I did not get my dearest son, the light of my eyes. I had pledged to sacrifice my life, if I did not get back my Lakshmi punj necklace. Now, if I keep myself alive, in the absence of my son, woe unto me! I will sacrifice my life today only. Now please forgive all my faults uptil now and permit me to die.' Page #155 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 114 The king's eyes overflowed with tears. He said : 'Beloved queen ! Do I not feel sad because of the loss of my son ? After yonr death, my sorrows will be doubledone sorrow because of the son and the other one because of losing you. I can not live without both of you. I will also die along with you. But just wait for one day more. I have spread the net of my spies and messengers. If we do not get back our prince by to-day evening, then tomorrow both of us will abandon our souls, by jumping down from the peak of the mountain. In the evening, the mersengers and spies gave the news : 'Your Honour ! The news about the prince are not available from anywhere. We saw forests, mountains, wells, rivers, ponds and lakes, villages, citied. all places." The king was all disappointment. He Page #156 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 135 decided to jump to death, the next morning. They set out accordingly, next morning. The people went along with them-the king and the Queen. The people prayed 'Your Highness! Our would be king, prince Mahabal went away leaving us. And now you also are going away leaving us orphans. How shall we live without you?" The king, with tears explained to them: 'After I go, your Dharma and your deeds protect you. I also feel acute pain in leaving such loyal and religious people. But promise is more valuable than life. Those who save their lives but lose their vows are not worthy to be called Kshatriyas. Now bid us farewell, smilingly.' The king advanced futher towards the mountain. At that time, one man came shouting: "It is strange that some person may be terribly miserable in your kingdom, your Honour and you don't know even. One handsome youth is Page #157 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 136 hanging upside down. He has been bound with the sankes. Please save him and punish the culprit-severely." The king thought: "Who is such a man who has taken law into his own hands Even if that man in bondage happens to be a thief or a robber. it is I who should punish him. Any body and every body can not pass sentences of justice. It may also be possible that some thief might have tied down some innocent person. It may be anything. In view of both these possibilities the problem is worth investigating. Now, after solving this problem only, I will sace my life. Thus, after almost reaching the mountain, they all returned. The king, the queen, the minister and all other hanged upside down, and bound by the snakes. The minister got the branch of the tree cut cautiously and carefully. Attempts were made to bring him to Page #158 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 137 congsciousness by first enabling him to lie down on the ground. Who could be that young man ? Meetimg of Malaya malaya had become completely calm. The lustre of her body was sparkling. King Kandarp hed been fascinated by her beauty. King Kandarp made attempts to make malaya his principal queen. He called one clever female messenger. He then told her : “Go with this present to that beautiful lady and give it to her. Use your intelllgence and see that she becomes :my own." That female messenger waa very proud of her intelligence. She went with that present to Malaya. She told Malaya all the sentiments of the heart of the king. She then said to her : Page #159 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 138 "You are really lucky. The king has. been most graciously pleased with you. The king has never before hanoured any other lady with so much grace., Malaya stopped the maid-servant from speaking further. She said to her a litle scornfully : "You are also a woman like me. You ought to help other women. In stead of doing so, you are advising me to fall into hell. Women like you are a stain on thr society of women." Altough Malaya said so much, the woman messenger tried to impress her with her talk. So Malaya slapped on her check in anger. She then scornfully said to her : (Please read part 4 for further) Page #160 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Rajkumar Mahabal "Go away from my presence if you desire your safety. Never come here again even through mistake." The woman messenger told to the king: name. Can "Maharaj! Please let go her Leave away all efforts for her. However much you may churn water, butter never be obtained. Leave aside the thought to get her. She is the goddess of Anger herself. I was slapped and insulted by her." King Kandarp allowed the messenger he he started thinking Thereafter to go. himself alone : "The woman-messenger has failed to understand the feelings of her heart. I have however undrrstood them. She Page #161 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 140 does not desire to have any intermediary between herself and me. She expects a direat contact with me. She has made such an indirect suggestion by slapping the messenger that I should not use an intermediary. So I shall myself now go to her." The king then went to Malaya. He tried to win her by barious attractions. He begged her love also. With the idea of turning the king to good path, Malaya said: "Maharaj! You have saved me. You have thereby given me a new birth. So you are like my actual father who brought me in this world. Ordinarily also, a king is consided the fulher of his subjects. I am also one of your subjects. It is a very great sin to have such on idea in mind about one's oun offspring." The king paused for a moment. Then be thought: Page #162 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 141 "See how she is teaching me religious. precepts. Let her kick to-day the offer of the king of such a big empire. But she will have to come round one day. Some more time should be given to her for considering further." With this thought the king went back. Malaya had engrossed herself in religious worship and in the recital of mantras and prayers. One day the king was sitting in the terrace of his palace. Suddenly a ripe mango fell in his lap. The king thought: "How did this mango come here although it is not its season. Such a unique present obtainied without any demand for it will make that beautiful lady extremely pleased. She will thereby be attracetd towards me.": Thinking accordingly the king called one meid-serbant. He gave that fruit to Page #163 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 142 and that maid-serbant said: "Go and give this fruit to that beautiful lady." The maid-servant gave that fruit to Malaya. Malaya was extremely pleased with that mango. The maid-servant said to the king: "Maharaj She has accepted the present of the mengo given by you will great delight." Hearing these words from the maidservant, the king became sure that the lady has now come round. Malaya accepted the mango. Afterwards when it became night-time, she closed the doors of her room from inside. She then extracted juice from the mengo. mango She then took out a seed kept hidden in her hair. She rubbed that seed in juice. She made a 'tilak' therefrom on her forehead. She was immediatly converted into a man. Page #164 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 143 some All saw next morning that a handsome young man had come there from where. All the queens in the harem were fascinated by that man who was Malaya in her changed form. All were wonderstruck : "No one has seen this man coming here. From where has he tnen been born?" The king also got this news. He also came to know that the beautiful lady whom he had found from the sea-shore had suddenly disappeared. Mareover, how was it that this handsome man had suddenly come there? It was clear to the king that this was the magic practised by that lady. The king at once got imprisoned Malaya in the form of a man. Malaya some how or other fled away from the prison. Running on and on she reached one forest. She thought: Page #165 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 44 “My life is full of thorns. I get failures at every step. I once became free from the snare of difficulties and got back my husband. I however again lost him. Now fie on my life. God gave me one son also. I have been deprived of him also. For Whom should I remain alive now la Thinking this way, Malaya determined to commit suicide. Having determined to end her life by falling into a well, she addressed the animals and brids of the forest as follows : “Oh animals and birds of the forest ! Oh goddess of the Farest! You are all my witnesses. If ever my lord of life happens to come here, give him my news. I pray that if I have far ever remained fully devoted to my husband, I may get him only as my husband in my next life.” So saying Malaya jumped into a well. Mahabal also happened to be in the Page #166 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 145 same forest. He recognised the voice of Malaya. He immediately ran towards the well. But Malaya had already jumped down into the well before he could reach there. Mahabal also jumped after Malaya. He began to lament loudly, saying, “Oh dear Malaya, where are you ?” Malaya also recognised the voice of Mahabal. Now both of them started to call each other in loud voices. me are you 2,%, “Oh No recognised ENTRY OF KANDARAP IN TO FIRE One year had already passed since Malaya left Pathanpur. Another year had already set in. There is a saying; “If any one has genuine love for another, he will undoubtedly meet that other one one day." Accordingly Mahabal and Malaya happened to meet in the well. Daily .20 Page #167 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 146 There was not much water in that will. Both sat on a stone in the well and began to talk with each other. The tilaksymbol on the forehead of Malaya had disappeared somehow. Malaya and Mahabal informed ench other as to what they had undergone till that day. The king came to klow in the morning that the young prisoner who had been arrested on the previous day had escaped from the prison. King Kandarp set out with his attendants to search for Malaya. He was quite sure that that lady had changed herself into the form of a man and had thereafter escaped. The king was moving about here and there with his attendants. When he reached near the well, he heard the voices of the conversation between two persons. The king bent low and looked into the well. Malaya, the principal queen of his dreams, was talking with some man, Page #168 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 147 The king got a rope hung from the top into the well. He then told to both of them : "Hold this rope one after another. We shall take you out." On being pressed by Mahabal, Malaya took hold of the rope. She was pulled up. The attendants hang the rope again. Mahabal was then pulled up. But as soon as aha bal was about to reach the top, the king cut down the rope with his sword. Mahabal fell again into well. King Kandarp returned to his palace with Malaya. He put her into a prison. In the well Mahabal continued eo recite "nankar" mantras. Mahabal had gone deep into mediation. When the recital of the mantras was over. Mahabal opened his eyes. He saw there just opposite to him a cobra with a jewel on its head, swinging to and fro. The brightness of the jewel had spread all around. Page #169 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 148 Mahabal saw in that light a small door there. That cobra entered that door. By so entering into the door the cobra appeared to signal Mahabal to follow it. Mahabal removed the stone over that small door. He then followed the cobra. The brightness of the jewel lighted the tunnel also. When the tunnel ended, Mahabal could see that he had come near the palace. of the king The codra then naturally naturally handed the jevel Mahabal. Thereafter the cobre disappeared. over to Malaya was in the prison. The king received news that the beautiful lady whom black he had brought was bitten by a cobra. Malaya was about to die owing to the effect of poison. The king felt great anxiety. He had made strenuous efforts to obtain her. She was now about to be snatched away from his hands. Great mantra-reciters, snake-charmers and physicians came. Page #170 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 149 The poison of Malaya however could no be removed. Mahabal also heard this news. He communicated to the king that he was a physicien who could remove the paison of a cobra. The king at once sent for him. He was taken to Malaya. Seeing unconscious Malaya, Mahabal said : “This lady has been bitten by a dangerous and poisonous cobra. Leave me alone. I shall make full efforts.” When he was alone Mahabal took out his cobra-jewel. He rubbed it in water. Then he dropped some of that water in her eyes and nose. Then he sat in a meditative posture. He meditated upon and prayed to Arihant Bhagwan. In a short time Malaya opened her eyes. Her poison had gone away. Malaya got up and sat. Mahabal and Malaya began to talk with each other. Page #171 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ - 150 The king thought : "Let me see what the physician is doing. The king saw that, that beatutiful woman had been cured. She was sitting and talking with the physician. The king went to them. and said to the physician : "By saving this lady you have saved me too. May I know the name of the physician who has done me this great. obligation ?" Mahabal said : “Maharaj ! My name is Vaidya Sidhdhraj. This beautiful lady is my wife. Now kindly favour me by returning my wife to me." The king was not prepared to lose Malaya at any cost. So he thought : “I should kill Vaidya Sidhdhraj by finding. out some plan. That will distroy the hope of this lady also to obtain her husband. Then becoming helpless she will agree to Page #172 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 151 become my prinapal queen. In order to carry out his fraudulent plan, the king said to Mahabal : “Vaidyaji ! Do me one more favour. I shall then return your wife. I have been suffuing from head-ache since long. I took recourse to many remedies but the disease is not cured. One physician has prescribed me his most effective drug. If some obliging vaidya would give me the ashes of his body and if the paste of those ashes is applied to my head, my disease would be cured. If you do my this much work, I shall return you your wife.” Mahabal said : “Get prepared a pyre. I shall perform your that work also.” All persons who were present that thought : “This vaidya will be consumed to asbes. There-after to whom is the king Page #173 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 152 going to return his wife? This is injustice on the part of the king. We are afraid that the sin of the king will affect the subjects also. King Kandarp was a sinful and uncontrollable king. He had two ministers named kumati and Mandabudhi. The king got prepared a very big pyre. This pyre was just on the aforesaid door. It was the door of the tunnel. The tunnel led to the will in the forest in which will Mahabal and Malaya had met. Mahabal entered the pyre. At that time the king, the ministers and innurnerable people had come there to wintess the sccne. Fire was applied to the pyre. Mahabal speedily removed all faggots of wood aside. He also hurriedly removed the stone which covered the door. He went down into the tunnel. Through the tunnel he reached the well. He remained Page #174 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 153 up the weil for the whole night. The pyre was consumed to asbes. Next morning Mahabal found out one earthen pot. He filled it with the ashes of the pyre. He then came with it to the king. The king was sitting in the royal court. All were extoremely astonished when they saw Mahabal alive. The king's eyes become will open. The king asked in great astonishment : “Vaidyaji ! You were burnt in the pyre in the presena of all. How did you regain your life p? Mahabal said : “I had actually been consumed to ashes in the pyre. My soul straight away reached heaven. A philanthropic man gets heaven. Seeing me, Lord Indra asked me, “How did you come to heaven before time ?” I told Indradev the whole story. Indra came with me to earth. He poured nectar on my unconsumed bones. As a Page #175 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ... 154 result I returned to life. I have done your work. Now give me back my wife.” When the sins of a sinful person crop up, he fills the pot of his sins by committing sins, one after another and still another and so on. In the end he has to suller their consequences. King Kandarp was such a sinful man. He said to Mahabal : “Vaidyaji ! You are really on obliging man. You also posses the power of turning impossible into possible. I have one more work to be done. You alone have power to do it. Plese do that work for me also. Thereafter I shall return your wife.” Mahabal asked what that work was. The king in reply said : “I am suffering from one incurable disease. That disease is curable by mangojuice. But this is not the season for mangoes. There is a mountain situated at a Page #176 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 155 little distance from this city. In a grove of trees at the foot of that mountain there is a mango-tree which bears fruits for all the twelve months of the year. Bring some mangoes from there. My work is this much." When Mahabal had entered the pyre, Malaya had prayed in meditation to Arihant Bhagwan. Mahabal returned to life as a result of his grace. When this time Malaya heard that her husband had gone to climb the top of the mountain, jump from there and bring mangoes, she sat down in meditation to "Panchaparmesthi." Mahabal climbed the mountain. Down below there was a mango tree. He began to recite 'navakar' mantra. Then he closed his eyed and jumped down. When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was in the lap of a god. Mahabal was thinking as to who that god was and how he happened to be there. Immediately the god' said : Page #177 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ - 156 “Prince ! You do not recognise me. In my previous life I was a mahatma. You had brought me a dead body from a tree for the fullilment of my mantras. I could not fulfic my mantras owing to my own mistake. So the preseding goddess of the mantras threw me into a frying pan filled with boiling oil. After my death 1 attained this godly life. I reside on this mango-tree.” Mahabal heard what the god said. Then he told him his own story. In reply the god said : “Prince ! Do not worry now. I shall remain invisible and come and remain with you. I shall be able to see you. But nobody will be able to see me. I shall teach king Kandarp a lesson of his life.” Mahabal took a basketful of mangoes. He then presented himself before the king. He put the basket of mangoes before him. He then asked him to return alnya. The Page #178 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 157 king again thought: "Let me see how long this man can remain alive. Now I shall direct him to do such an impossible work that he can never do it." The king said to Mahabal : one "Vaidyaji! There still remains work to be done. Thereafter I shall not entrust you any more work to do. This time I promise you. If you will carry out this work, I shall difinitely return. you youa wife." That god was sitting invisibly in the basket of mangoes. He roared in a frightening sound : "Should I eat the king or minister ?" his. All the courtiers and the king were frightened. All said to the king: "aharaj ! Your Majesty her now cros Page #179 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 158 sed all cimits. Your Majesty can see that this is a powerful man who can produce miracles. If such a man will be angry, we shall also meet with derth along with you. Kindly return the wife of Vaidya Sidhdhraj to him. Otherwise ants will also be reduced to powder along with wheat." The king did not care for the words of any one. He had lost his senses as if far completely filling the pot of his sins. The king said: "Vaidyaji! I want to see my back with my own eyes. This is my last desire." Mahabal called for two big mirrors. There in he showed to the king his back. The king however was not satisfied. He said: "Not in this manner. I want to see my real back with my own eyes." A loud voice was again heard from the basket : Page #180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 159 I eat the King or his “Should minister ?” On hearing this voice coming from the basket, Mandabudhdhi became very angry. He kicked the basket. A flame came out from the basket. The minister came within the sweep of the flames. He fell down flat on the ground, The king did not still come to his senses. He still continued to remain obsticate about seeing his own back. Mahabal said : "I am competent to do this work also. But you will have to repent afterwards. Think Proherly. I shall be Powerless to do anything afterwards." The king said : “First finish the task entrusted to you. As regards the result, the responsibility is mine." Page #181 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ .-160 Now Mahabal signalled to the god. The god turned the neck of the king and made it backwards. The face of the king went on the side of his back. The king began to struggle his hands and feet on on account of pain and as a result of his diformed oppearnce, His appearance became harrible. There was a great commation in the palace. All the queens fell down at the feat of Mahabal and began to lament : They entreated mahabal as follows : “Brother ! Restore our husband to his original form any how. He has done very serious injustice to you. However, look at us and our tears. Please forgive all his unpardonable offences." Mahabal said : “I had explained to him everything and warned him from the beginning. But he did not care for what I said. Now it is impossible to do anything." Page #182 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 161 The queens entreated egain : The heart of Mahabal was filled with pity at the weeping of the queens. He said: "Now there is only one remedy left. There is a park outside the city. A gracious saint has come in that park. The king should go on foot to that saint. He should walk through the city. He should repent before the saint for all his sinful deeds with a fully sincere heart. If he would do like this, he will be restored to his original form." The king was helpless. He started going on foot thiough. the city. A large number of people had gathered all along the way in streets and squares to see the king. All people were at first struch with wonder on seeing the deformed and strange appearance of the king. Afterwards they came to know the reason. After knowing the reason the whole city began to criticise શ્રેણી ૪ કુ. ૧૧ Page #183 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 162 the king. The king reached the park. He bowed low to the saint. The saint gave religious pricepts to all. He gave a warning to them also. He said: that this body is meant for collecting punyas. Sins spoil both the earthly as well as the heavenly region. Thereafter the king repented for his sinful deeds and said to the saint: Gurudev ! I am a sinful man. Show me how I should expiate for my sins." The saint said : “Oh king! You have Committed avery serious offence. But you came walking through the city. You openly disclosed your offences in the midst of such a large gathering of people. You are repenting for yous sins. So you will become alright. Go home. Then pray sincerely to twentyfour tirthankars by way of expiation for Page #184 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 163 your sins. You should recite mahamantra with a pure heart. Only by these means you shal! be free from this worst state." After returning to his palace the king did all that the saint asked him to do mahabal also prayed to the god that he should cute the king speedily. The god cured the king. But a part of the sin still remained in the mind of the king. He thought to himself : “This is all due to the wickedness of Vaidya Sidhdhraj. It is he who has humiliated me in the whole city. I shall now get heace only ofter I kell. him.” Sinful thoughts again returned in the mind of the king, As soon as such a thought came into his mind, there broke out a great fire in the stable of horses of the king. There was great commotion everywhere. All were afraid that that fire will Page #185 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 164 spread throughoui the city within a short time. The whole city would in that case be reduced to ashes. The king at once called Vaidya Sidhdhraj who was realy Mahabal in that form. He said to him. "This much is enough. Now do this much. Extinguish this fire and see that my horses come out safely. I do not now disire to have any thing else from you." Mahabal went into the stable of the horses. He had the help of god. He took out all horses safely alive. He also exringuished the fire of the stable. The fire of the stable did not spread at all anywhere outside it. Mahabal came out riding a horse With on easy gesture. He stood before the King. The minister and all the Courtiers who were present there were struch with wonder. They asked Mahabal. Page #186 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1165 “You entered in to burning fire. How could you Come out alive thirefrom ?" Mahaval Who was was dressed as Sidhdhraj said : "This is not ordinary fire. This is a holy fire. If an old person entirs this fire, he Comes out as a young persom, if a diseased person entrs it, he comes out cured from the disease. A person who enters it gets a divine body and long life.” The king asked in wonder : "Is this really true ? If it is, so. we shall all enter into it.” Mahabal said with a firm voice : "Where is the need of a mirror to see a bangle on hand ? My very presence in front of you is the autharity. I have became brighter than before. Look at me only." Page #187 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 166 All took as truth what Mahabal said. Who would not like to become bright, healthy and end owed with long life? All become ready to enter the fire. The king said at once: "Nobody shall enter it so long as I am hire. I shall be the first to into the fire." enter Mahabal also supported the king : "Wait all of you for some time.. Let the king come back from the fire. Therefter you may all enter into it one after another." The minister said to king Kandarp. "Maharaj ! Please take me at least. with you. The company of the king and the minister is generally undivided." The king took minister Kumati with him. He entered with him in the fire of the stable. There was now no question of their coming back out of fire. Page #188 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ $167 They abtained fruits in accordance with the uature of their deede. A long time passed away. The king and the minister however did uot come back. The people became full of anxiety. They ashed : "Vaidyaji! How is it that that the king and the minister have not come out as yet ?" Mahabal clarifired the matter as under : "The end of their sins was to come in this way this way only. The punyas of the subjects of this place seem to be rising up to bear good fruits. This king was sinful and tyrannous. The subjects have been relieved from his harassment to-day." The news as to the death of king Kandarp as a result of burning spread in the whole city. The people-breathed a sigh Page #189 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ of reliet. The courtiers and the representatives of the people decided after consideation : .."We shall not get any other person as king who will be so well-versed in administration, virtuous, religious and devoted to the subjects as Sidhdhraj Vaidya." All therefore pressed Sidhdhraj Vaidya who was actually Mahabal in another form. He was then accepted as the king of Tilaksagar city. The whole city was decorated to celebrate the occasion of the coronation of the new king. Every house was filled with joy. Mahabal in the form of Sidhdbraj protected his subjects as his offspring. Balsar Sheth returned with his ship to Tilaksagar city. He learnt that the former king had died. Now one Sidhdhraj has become king. The Sheth decided to Page #190 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 4169 give valuable presents to the new king. The Sheth thought! relations with "If I shall have good the king, my honour and respect will increase in the city. My business will also prosper." The Sheth took jewels and other things as presents. He then went to the king. He gave the presents to king Sidhdhraj. Maharani Malaya was sitting near throne but a little away to its left back side. Sheth Balsar saw her. The sheth could not trust his eyes. Balsar was grlatly afraid in his mind. He thought: "I have deprived this lady of her son. I have given her various troubles. That same lady has to day become the queen of this city." Malaya also saw Sheth Balsar. She at once recognised him. She said to Mahabal : Page #191 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ - 1970 “Swami ! This wicked Sheth is responsible for all the miscries that have fallen on me. This sinful man has snatched. away my son from me.” "On heaving the words of Malaya, Mahabal became red-hot with anger. He scornfully said to Balsar : ""Oh wiched Sheth I You are fastering my son. Therefore I do not kill you. All your offences are unpardonable. What shall be the fittest punishment for you ! For the present you stay in a prison. Pass your days there. I shall consider later on as to your punishment.” Saying so, Sidhdhraj called the Kotwal He gave an order to the kotwal ; “Put this Sheth and his whole family behind the bars." Sheth Balsar was imprisoned with chains in hends and feet. His family was alio imprisoned in a separate room. Page #192 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 191 The family members of the Sheth were thinking : "It is not known what great offence the Sheth has committed. Can the offence be so great that we all should also be made to suffer the hardships of prison pas Sheth Balsar was not ashamed of his misdeeds. He had to remain in prison, but he never thought himself to be guilty. He only thought that his imprisonment was on act of injustice on the part of the king. He began to consider how he could take revenge on Sidhdhraj for his injustice. The nature of a cobra is strange. It often raises its hood. Unless and until its hood is completly crushed, it would not forget to raise it. Sheth Balsar was also of such nature. Balsar had a friend named Somchand. He came to see him in the prison. Balsar said to his freind : Page #193 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ... 172 C., “My friend Somchand ! I am here in this prison with my family. I am therefore helpless and unable to do anything. Do one work of mine." Somchand asked : “What is that work ? Show me at once. If a friend is not helpful to another friend, then fie upon such friendship. I am prepared even to die, if necessary, for setting you free from the prison." Balsar said : “I have a mupim who lives outside city. He looks after my business. I give you one litter addressed to him : He will give eight lakh gold mohurs. He will also give you eigh elephants. Each of the elephants will be decorated with a gold howdah and a number of other valuable thigs. Laking all these things with you, You Page #194 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 173 have to see King Virdhaval of Chandravati and King Surpal of Pathanpur. Both those kings are my greatest friends. They both are also the old enemies of Tilaksagar kingdom. I shall give you two two other letters addressed separately to each of those two kings. Hand over those letters to them." Balsar wrote two letters-each for one of the two kings. He wrot as. follows in the leters : "You have an old ennuity towards. Tilaksagar kingdom. At present some Vaidya Sidhdhraj is the king here. The king is new. His army is small and disordered." "This is the proper time for invading him. If you will invade him now, you will be successful in taking old revenge. this kingom will also come under your power. Page #195 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 174 “One more special thing to be noted is that this new king has imprisoned me and my family. Your friend Balsar is thus at present in diffiaculty. By invading this king you will obtain one new king dom. Besides, You will be able to help your friend by setting him free from impriason-ment. You will thus be able to to assure him about the existence of your friendship.” IN THE BATTLEFIELD After Malaya had gone, Mahabal also left Pathanpur at night in search of Malaya. Surpal was also unhappy as his son had gone away. The messengers of Surpal had returned from chandravati. They had brought news that Malaya was not there. Some of the messengirs had given news that there was a gang of dacoits in the forest the head of that gang had kept Malaya with him. King Surpal had gone Page #196 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 175 with his army to the forest malaya free from those dacoits. to make King Surpal had also sent a message to king Virdhaval. The message was that he should also come with his army for defeating the dacoits and setting Malaya free. Both the kings, Virdhaval and Surpal, who were relatives reached the forest. They defeated the decoits. But they did not find Malaya anywhere. Both were thinking of returning to their respective cities. At that time Somchand, the friend of Balsar, came and saw them. Somchand said: "I had gone to the capital cities of both of you. There I came to know that you had come here. Your friend Balsar is at present in trouble. The new king Sidhdhraj of Tiaksagar city has imprisoned him. Balsar has sent these presents and these letters." Page #197 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 176 Both the kings read their letters.. They determined to invade Tilaksager and to set free Balsar. With this thought both proceeded with their armies towards Tilaksagar. Both fixed their camps outside the city. Both the kings sent a common messenger to Sidhdhraj, the king of Tilaksagar. The messenger gave introduction about. his sovereign kings and said: "Maharaj Sheth Balsar is the friend of both of our kings. Set him free with honour. Otherwise be prepared for war." my Mahabal was very much pleased to know that his bather and the father of Malaya both had come there. He thought: "As a son and a son -in-law it is duty to offer some precious presents to them and place them at their feet. But it is not proper to do so. My subjects will misunderstand me. They will think that Page #198 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 177 our king is afraid as two kings together came to invade him. The public is never impressed by a weak king. I must therefore fight. I should satisby my father, father in-law and also subjects." Thinking as above, Mahabal in the form of Sidhdhraj said to the messenger : "To imprison an offender and then to set him free or not is our internal matter. No outsider has any right to interfere in the internal affairs of a kingdom. Tell your kings that I shall satisty their intense desire for fighting in the battlefield." The messenger went back with the message of Mahabal. Mahabal pleased Malaya by giving her the news about the coming of his father and father in- law. But he at the same time told her that their coming is in the form of enemy kings. He also told her that he would sytisty them in the battlefield only. Malaya શ્રેણી ૪ ૬ ૧૨ Page #199 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 178 also agreed with her husband in this time of his thought. The armies of both sides fought against each other. This war turned out to be a great liability for Mahabal. His army was half that of the enemies. Before evening his army was severely crushed. As a result his oarmy had no courage left for fighting the next day. King Virdhaval and Surpal thought : "This king is defeated within one day. Now the laurels of victory will be ours to morrow." On the other hand, Mahabal remembared the god. He said to the god : "Kindly halp me in the battle to morrow. None of the enemy kings or their soldiers should die. They should however become unconscious. They should also Page #200 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 179 lose all their courage." The battle started the next day between the two hostile armies. The arrows released by the soldiers of Mahabal hit and wounded the soldiers of the opposite hostile army. The arrows released by the latter army were however cut down by the god before they reached their target. Before evening the armies each of king Virdhaval and king Surpal started to recede back. Now from this side Mahabal wrote a letter to his father and to his father-inlaw. He inserted that latter in an ayrow and then released that arrow. In this case also, Mahabal had taken the help of the god. As a result of the power of that god, this arrow circumambulated both the kings seven times and fell before their feet. The kings took out the letter from the arrow and read it. On reading it both danced in joy. "This Sidhdhraj is our Mahabal Page #201 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 180 himself. We came to fight with our children only." The army of Surpal also came to know that the enemy king was no other than their prince, the heir-apparent only. They were overjoyed. Both the kings then went towards the city. Mahabal also came from the opposite side with his courtiers to welcome with honour his father and father-in-law. All three of them virtually lost thei senses as a result of excessive joy. Tears also flowed out from the eyes of the public of Tilaksagar. Mahabal thereafter caused Sheth Balsar to be brought before him in his court. He then said to his father and fatherin law : “Here is Balsar whom you had come to set free. He has given innumerable miseried to your daughter and daughterin-law. He has snatched way your grandson from her lap. Now I shall abide by Page #202 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 181 your orders as to how I should behave with your friend". King Surpal also became angry. He said to Sheth Balsar : "Your wicked man! You are unfit for my friendship. I had no idea that you weae so ungrateful and sinful. You had fostered my grandson uptill now. It is for that reason that I allow you to go free. Go immediately and bring my grandson." Sheth Balsar then went to bring the son of Mahabal named 'Bal.' Thereafter all the three went into the palace. Malaya met her father and father in-law. King Surpal felt ashamed in his mind that he had sentenced her to death at the instance of Kanakmala. Malaya could understand the feelings of her father-inlaw and said : "Father! Every person suffers the fruit of his own actions. Kanakmala and Page #203 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 182 you were only instruments. Do not be disturbed by thoughts. So far as I am concerned, you are my as good a father, the incarnation of love and affection, as you were before." King Surpal was choked up with emotions at this generosity and good intentions of his daughter-in-law. The entire family had almost been drowned in the ocean of joy. Sheth Balsar came there with Bal, the son of Mahabal. Milk began to flow out from the breasts of Malaya. She was the frist to take up her son and apply him closely to her breasts. All took Bal in their laps one after another. They kissed him and made him play with them. King Surpal asked : "Sheth Balsar! What name-ave you given to this boy ?" The Sheth replied: Page #204 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ “Bal.” King Surpal then said : “Bal is an imperfect name. I give him a new name “Shatbal.” Shatbal, the son of Mahabal. This new name is most oppropriate for him." King Virdhaval endorsed the decision and added : “Give the name “Sahasrabal” to the next son." All gave support to this decision and suggession. In this manner, there prevailed an atmosphere of joy for a very long time. All persons thereafter began to tell to one another the event that they had passed throught and experienced. One day the gardener who looked after the royal park came to the court. He gave good news to king Sidhdhraj alias ahabal. Page #205 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ “To-day the good fortune of Maharaj Sidhdhraj and the subjects of Tilaksagar has cropped up. Munishri Chandrayashji, the tirthankar posessing the knowledge of the Supreme Absolute, the disciple of Bhagwan Parshvanath and the oposite of heavenly region has come to-day in the royal park outside the city. All praised their fortune on hearing about the coming of the muni. The king gave a suitable prize to the gardener. the reafter the king and his subjects went to the park to see and bow to the muni. (Please read part 5 for further.) Page #206 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Rajkumar Mahabal The muni gave religious instructions to all. He gave them the knowledge about the unsudstantial nature of the worldly objects and the immortality of the soul. Muni Chandrayashji also said that without four things, namely, humanity, hearing of religious precepts, faith and actual practice, human life is not worth living. All these four must be observed while staying in the world. All were satisfied with the nectarlike words of the muni. “Satsang' is the result of 'punyas' only. Blessed really is the man who gets the good fortune of seeing the saints and mahatmas and of hearing their words. Page #207 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 186 THE STORY OF THF PREVIOUS BIRTH After the religious instructions of muni Chandrayash were complete, king Surpal asked the muni "Prabhu ! The lives of my son Mahabal and my daughter-in-law Malaya are full of strange events. Frequent separations and re-unions after struggles have remained the order of their lives. Strange things have also happened in this process of separation and re-union. Far instance, on seeing a man a crocodile at once swallows it. But one crocodile had taken up Malaya from the sea and carried her safely to the seashore. Kindly explain to us the secrets underlying such events and thereby remove our darkness in the form of false allurement towards, and attachment to, worldly objects." The muni, the knower of the Supreme Page #208 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 187 Absolute, said : “Oh king ! Every person has to undergo the results of his actions done in the past life. He can obtain happiness by overcoming his difficulties also as a result of his actions. Both Mahabal and Malaya have suffered from the fruits of their past actions. I shall first explain to you the event of the crocodile. That crocodile did not eat away Malaya but carried her on its back: the sea-shore. There is a reason behind this happening ‘Vegmati, the maid-servant of Chamakmala, was the fosterrmother of Malaya.. After their marriage Mahabal and Malaya were once sitting near that foster mother Vegmati. They said to Vegmati : that they were going for worshipping god. After saying so, they went to an old temple in a forest. They wanted to free a thief who was sitting there. Page #209 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 188 They did not return for a long time. As a result of their separation, Vegmati died. After her death she became this crocodile in the sea. When Malaya fell on this crocodile, remembered its previous life. Its affectionate sentiments were thereupon awakened. Therefore it carried Malaya safely to the shore." The eagerness of the king increased. Malaya and Mahabal also became eager to know about their previous lives. The king asked the muni : “Prabhu ! Please do one more favour. Tell us the story of the previous lives of Mahabal and Malaya." Munishri Chandrayasha started saying as under : “One Sheth Madanpriya lived in a city named Prastishthanpur in Bherat region. He had three wives named Rudra, Bhadra and Priyadarshana. Rudra and Page #210 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 189 Bhadra were uterine sisters. They both were very jealous of their Priyadarshana. co-wife, The Sheth had no child. So he had performed third marriage with Priyadarshana. The Sheth loved his new wife Priyadarshana more than Rudra and Bhadra. In spite of this third marriage the Sheth continued to remain childless. Rudra and Bhadra used to think that the love of their husband had decreased on them because of Priyadarshana only. So they were always thinking of doing harm to Priyadarshana. Sheth Madanpriya had one friend. He often came to the house of the Sheth. One day the Sheth was absent from the house. In his absence that friend made a lustful gesture towards Priyadarshana. Hethereby disclosed his evil intentions towards her. Page #211 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 190 Shethani Priyadarshana was a lady devoted to her husband. She scornfully drove away that friend of her husband from the house. When the Sheth came home, she told him everything about the lustful gestures made by his friend. Next time that friend came to see the Sheth when the eatter was present in the house. The Sheth welcomed the friend and said : “My friend, the youngest Shethani insulted you in my absence. Therefore henceforth I myself shall come to your house to see you. It is not necessary for you to come bere to see me." The face of the friend of the Sheth became gloomy. He was pained at his own misdeed. He was much impressed by the generosity and the forgiving nature of the Sheth. He went straighaway to the forest from the house of the Sheth. He fasted Page #212 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 191 for three days. He also repented for what he had done. Now his mind had become pure. Several cowherds were grazing COWS in the forest. They pitied the friend of the Sheth. They gave him milk to drink. The friend the of Sheth thought: "If I get some suitable person, I would give him this milk as charity. I can thereby make my life fruitful." There was a muni who observed 'masik vrat.' He had practised fasts. He came to the city for breaking his fasts. He did not get alms from anywhere in the city. He then came to the forest with an empty bowl. There he met the friend of the Sheth. He bowed to the muni and said: "Prabhu ! I have got some milk. If you will kindly accept this milk, I shall be highly obliged." i --- Page #213 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ - 192 The muni held out his bowl to the friend of the Sheth. The friend of the Sheth generously gave away his milk as alms to the muni. After giving the milk he went to the lake for washing his hands and feet. There he slipped his leg and died. After his death he became the king of Tilaksagar, king Kandarp. In that life be made wicked attempts to obtain the wife of another. So he obtained a very bad position in next life. A fair was held in an Yaksha-temple outside the city of Pratishthanpur. Sheth Madanpriya was going with Shethani Priyadarshana to that fair. Ther ewere male as well as female servants with the Sheth also. One muni was sitting under a banyan tree along the road to the fair. The muni. was in deep meditation. An evil thought came into the mind of the Sheth. He thought that his omens were bad as he got on the way a man Page #214 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 193 with all his hair removed from his head. Good sentiments disappeared from the mind of the Sheth. Bad sentiments took their place. He criticised the muni. Not only that, but he also threw stones thrice at him. Shethani Priyadarshana also removed his upper garment. The Sheth said to his upper garment. The Sheth said to his rervant "Bring fire from somewhere. I shall burn off this garment." The servant refused to do so. The Sheth became angry. He hang the servant with head downwards. The muni was in deep miditation. He was immovable like a mountain. When his meditation was complete, he came to know all these facts He waspained that the Sheth incurrd the bondage of these misdeeds on his accouent. The Sheth will now have to suffer from miseશ્રેણી ૪ ૨. ૧૩ Page #215 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 194 ries as a result of this bondage. It is the nature of saints to be unhappy at the unhappiness of others. The muni again became stuck up in meditation.” Muni Chandrayasha proceeded to till the further story to king Surpal, king Virdhaval, Mahabal and others. “Thereafter Sheth Madanpriya and Shethani Priyadarhana went to the Yakhatemple. There they worshipped god according to prescribed rites. After completing the worship and the ceremonial rites, both the husband and the wife prayed for the grant of a son to them. At the time of returning from the Yaksha-temple, the mind of the Sheth was filled with good sentiments. His good nature was awakened. When he returned home, a maidservant discribed the greatness of the saints. She also requested him to go to the Page #216 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 195 muni and ask him to forgive his offence. She also said : "Your welfare lies only in doing so. You have seiously insulted the muni. You have thereby bound yourself by sinful misdeeds. How ridiculous it is that we sow seed of babul tree and disire to eat mangoes?" On hearing what the maid-servant said, the Sheth began to repent for his misdeed. He went to the muni who was stuck up in meditation. He asked for his forgiveness. After the completion of his meditation, the muni gave religious precepts to the Sheth. The Sheth took several vows before the muni. He also took a vow to observe them. He then returned home. On this side Rudra and Bhadra had both become tired of their life. Both the sisters fell into a well and committed suicide. The elder sister Rudra became Page #217 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 196 the daughter of king Chandrapal of Purpati. Her name was kept as Kanakvati or Kanakmala. When she grew up, she became the younger queen of king Virdhaval of Chandravati and the step-mother of Malaya. The other sister Bhadra became a fairy after her death. She lived by moving obout here and there. Bhadra of previous life and the fairy of the next life remembered her previous life. She found that her elder sister had become the queen of king Virdhaval named Kankmala. She also found that both sisters had committed suicide on account of their husband, Sheth Madanpriya and their co-wife Priyadarshana. For the above reason the fairy became the companion of Kanakmala. At the Same time she also became the enemy of he Sheth and the Shethani. She made - Page #218 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 197 many attempts to kill the Sheth and the Shelthani. She however could not succeed in any of them. Sheth Madanpriya had stoned the Jin muni. Once the muni came to the house of the Sheth and the Shethani for receiving alms. The Sheth and the Shethani gave him alms with great respect. The Sheth and the Shethani were passing their days in religious practices. After her death Priyadarshana was born as the daughter of Virdhaval in her next life. The seeds of revenge sown between Rudra and Priyadarshana in their previous life continued between them in their next lives in which they were born as Kanakmala and Malaya respectively. The muni said further : "Oh king! That fairy had stolen the properties of Mahabal and the Laxmipunj necklace. That fairy herself had placed Page #219 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 198 that necklace on the neck of Kanakmala. Sheth Madanpriya of previous life became Mahabal in his present life. Sheth Madanpriya had hung up his servant with head downwards on his refusal to bring fire. Consequently Mahabal had to be hung up with his head downwards and bound up by a cobra-tie. The servant of Madanpriya became Vetal after his death. That Vetal was hidden in the dead body of dacoit Lohakshur. He had therefore cut the nose of Kanakmala; and had hung up Mahabal with head downwards and bound him with a cobratie. The king asked: "Why did he in the form of Vetal cut the nose of Kanakmala ?" The muni replied: Page #220 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 199 "In her previous life Rudra had stolen the ring of the Sheth. The seen her doing so. He had sheth about it. Rudra had hed the servant. It was taking revenge for that servant in his next life as Vetal cut the nose of Kanakmala. servant had informed the therefore puniswith a view to action that the Priyadarshana had removed the upper garment of the muni. She had kept it with her for twelve seconds. For that reason she was deprived of her son in the next life. She got back that son after twelve months. Mahabal and Malaya became separate three times because the muni was pelted with stones thrice." Mahabal and Malaya were both struck with wonder when they knew all about their previous lives. Afterwards king Surpal asked: Page #221 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 200 "Prabhu Will that fairy and Kanakmala still give them more miseries ?" The muni replied: "The fairy will now not give them any more miseries. But remember, Kanakmala will once play her role in the last moments of the life of Mahabal." All became enlightened after hearing the story of previous lives and the precepts of the muni. The feelings of detachment from worldly affairs were born in the minds of king Surpal and king Virdhaval. Both determined to practise self-control. Surpal handed over his kingdom of Pathanpur to Mahabal. He also handed over the kingdom of Tilaksagar to his grandson Shatbal. He obtained diksha from the muni and he became Muni Surpal. Virdhaval also handed over his kingdom to Malayketu. He also adopted the Page #222 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 201 practising of self-control. Mahabal and Malaya adopted the shravak vrats. They passed their days by a religious practice of those vrats. (ON THE PATH OF SELF-CONTROL) Mahabal ruled over Pathanpur. Malaya gave birth to another son. His name was kept as Sahasrabal. After Sahasrabal advanced in age, he was proclaimed as heir-apparent. Once muni Surpal came into the royal park outside Pathanpur. On receiving the news about the coming of his munifather, king Mahabal went on foot to bow him. Maharani Malaya also accompanied him. On hearing the nectar-like words of the muni, Mahabal and Malaya became filled with feeling of detachment to worldly affairs. Thereupon Mahabal abdicated his throne in favour of his second son Sabas Page #223 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ - 202 of self rabal. He adopted the practice control along with Malaya. Malaya began to practise penance and do the work of character-building in the society of saintly women. Mahabal sat beside his father and gurn, Muni Surpal and buried himself in meditation. Muni Surpal afterwards went away to another place with his disciple, muni Mahabal. Once muni Mahabal, during the course of his travel, came alone to the royal park of Pathanpur. The keeper of the park informed king Sahasrabal about the comeing of the muni. At that time it was the time of evening. Sahasrabal thought : "I shall go to see muni Mahabal, my father, the next morning." He, therefore, bowed to the muni with all the respectful sentiments of his mind, by staying in the palace only. Page #224 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 203 Muni Mahabal was deeply occupied in meditation. Kanakmala who was moving about came along that way. She saw Mahabal in the form of a muni. Her desire to take revenge, her enmity, revived. She collected and placed faggots of wood all around the muni. She then applied fire to them. The muni was deeply engrossed in meditation. His physical body turned into ashes. Kanakmala concealed herself there only in a dense cluster of trees. Muni Mahabal was absorbed in a spirit of equality and steadiness of mind. He did not get any anger against the person who applied the fire. He only felt that this fire was burning out his actions. Mahabal had obtained success in his worldly life after passing through numerous difficulties. He was really an ocean of success. His life passed in promoting the welfare of others only. Page #225 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 204 He underwent numerous troubles. He destroyed all his actions by enduring all those troubles. He amassed punyas for himself. When he started on the path of self realisation, he attained self-realisation with a firm mind. He reached his goal even by burning himself in flames of fire. He attained the position of a self-realised soul which is never re-born and which is immortal. was When the sun arose, king Sahasrabal came to bow down to muni Mahabal, his father. He saw that his father-muni was dead as a result of burning. He extremely provoked. He at once gave orders to his servants to took into every nook and corner of the park. He warned them to be careful to see that the offender does not escape. The servants were successful in finding out Kanakmala from behind the dense cluster of trees. She was brought before Page #226 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 205 king Sahasrabal. The King whipped her with his own hands. He then asked her why she had committed such sin. Kanak mala told the whole story to king Sahasrabal. King Sahasrabal cut off her head with only one stroke of his. sword. The incident of the departure to heavenly region of muni Mahabal covered both the cities of Pathanpur and Tilaksagar with clouds of sorrow. Both the brothers, Shatbal and Sahasrabal, were drowned in agony. Both the brothers continued to remain extremly unhapply as a result of attachment and agony. Mohasati Malaya was advancing in her practice of hard penance and process. of self-realisation. As a soul of this worldly life, she was pleased to know that her husband had attained salvation. She was pained to know that Kana Page #227 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 206 kmala had burnt the muni in fire. She thought that Kanakmala had collected very serious sinful actions. She also knew through religious foresight that his sons. remain buried in agony and attachment. She thought that if they remained in that condition only, they would be unable to promote their welfare and they should therefore be enlightend with knowledge. Thinking this way, she sought permission of her saintly preceptoress for going to enlighten her worldly sons with knowledge. The preceptoress gave such permission. Mahasati Malaya then with her woman-disciples park of Pathanpur. came the royal came Kings Shatbal and Sahasrabal there with their families to see their mother who had adopted self-control. The subjects also flocked together in large numbers in the park to see the mother of their king, who had adopted self-control. Page #228 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 209 Shatbal and Sahasrabal both bowed down to mahasati Malaya. They both sat down near her feet. The sati gąve religious instructions to all present. All became blessed with her precious words. Addressing her sons, the sati then said : “This wordly relation is false like a dream. The relations of father, son, mother, wife, etc. are all false. These relations exist only for the enjoyment of actions and for the distruction of the bonds of actions. By being born again and again in this world a person sometimes becomes a father, sometimes he becomes a brother or a son and so on. The source of all miseries is false allurement towards worldly relations and objects. It is on account of this allurement only that we do not get salvation. It is on account of this allurement that we are frequently revolving qui selves in the cycle of births and deaths. Page #229 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 208 The agony in which you are involved is also false. The body is certainly not ans object for becoming sorry about. The body is subject to destruction again and again. The soul alone is not subject to birth and is immortal. It is never distro-yed. You should not be sorrowful for the distruction of the body. This physical body composed of five physical substances becomes ultimatelyre-converted into those five substances. Your father-muni Mahabal has attained self-realisation. They have become free from the miseries of birth and death. You should therefore be pleased on the contrary. were The sense of false allurement and agony of Shatbal and Sahasrabal removed. Both of them became the trav ellers of the path of meditation on God and religious practices. Page #230 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 209 Mahasati then departed from there. After some days she also followed the way on which muni Mahabal had gone, that is, she also obtained salvation. We should learn the follo'ving lesson. from the lives of Mahabal and the mahasati Malaya, the oceans of success, namely : “In whatever situation we are placed, we should never forget to acquire our goal." Bell 8 $. 18 Page #231 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ KESHAVRAJ The story is of former times. There lived a merchant named Yashodhar in Kundpur. The name of his wife was Rambha. He had two sons : Hansa and Keshav. One day both the brothers while walking out leisurely reached a park. Jain saints had stayed there in the park. The saints seated both the brothers by this side with affection. They also advised them about the evils of night-dinner. They said that night-dinner is suitable neither for health nor from religious point of view. The person who takes dinner at night is called a 'nishachar.' Both the brothers took a vow that they would not take dinner at night. The saints encouraged them both to remain firm in observing their vows. Both the brothers became joyful in their minds as a result of the good company of the saints.. Page #232 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 211 After paying respects to the saints, they came home. Only some time was left for sunset. Both of them asked for dinner from their mother, the mother could not know why these boys asked for dinner so eaely. At their house dinner took place daily at night. All the members of the family took their dinner at night only. The mother asked them the reason. Borh the brothers said that they had taken a vow before the saints for not taking dioner at night. On hearing this talk of vow the mother became red-hot with anger. She rebuked them and said : "I have patiently heard this talk to-day. But never again in future you should tell me this talk.” The mother did not give them dinner. Dinner became ready late at night. Father Yashodhar his sons to take dinner with him. But they refused to come. They told him clearly the story of their vows. The father also rebuked them and said : “Have you taken' the responsibility of maintaining neligion Page #233 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 212 in such a young age ? But remember that I shall not tolerate the talk of religon or riligious deeds il my house.” Saying so he beat both the brothers severely in anger. But neithir of the brothers moved at all from his vow. . Yashodhar and Rambha considered only night-dinner as their family duty. So both the sons did not get dinner next day also. The mother said : “Sons ! Only he can be said to be a good son who follows his father.” Both Hansa and Keshav said : "Mother ! Should we fall into a well if our father falls into a well? It is the duty of the sons to accept the virtues of the father. But it is not their duty to accepr his vices.” The mother had no reply to meet with this argument. The father was also firm in his stand. So he said : “They are disobeying what I say. Therefore they should not be given anything at all to eat even Page #234 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ $213 during daytime. When they will starve, they will have to accept what I say." • Five days were completed. The sons did not get dinner day and they did not take dinner at night. Both became distressed with hunger. But the parents did not pity them. On the sixth day when the parents pressed them very much, Hansa looked at Keshav in helplessness. Keshav understood that Hansa had lost his firmhess. He said to his parents with humility: "It is the duty of the parents to inspire their sons in observing religion. I am firm in my vow. I shall not break my vow even if I lose my life. Still however, Why do you again and again press us ?” The eyes of Yashodhar became red with anger. He beat him and said: “You are a bad son. You have stained my family. Get out from my house. I do not want to see even your face.” Page #235 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 214 Keshav accepted with with pleasure this declartion of his father. He became ready to go away from the house with Hansa. The father caught hold of the hand of Hansa. He made him sit beside him with love for taking dinner. Keshav was left alone. He set out from the house alone. He was going ahead in the deep darkness of the night. Walking on and on he went outside the city. There several persons were sitting in the temple of a Yaksha. They had finished their sacrifice and religious worship and Prayers, to please the Yaksha. They were now sitting to take dinner. Seeing one guest having come there suddenly, they were pleased. They said: "We are very fortunate that you have come here. Now you take dinner first. Thereafter we shall take it." came An occasion of test again before Keshav. If he would take dinner, Page #236 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 215 his vow would be broken. If he would not take dinner, So many persons would be pained. But after thinking for some time he made a decision in his mind and said "I cannot break my vow. I have a ruling principle. I do not eat at night." Those people severely rebuked Keshav and said : "If you did not want to take dinner, Why did you come hire? Have you come to defiel our religion? If Yon will not take dinner, we shall also not take it Now you yourself may say how much sin you will thereby get !" They were all losing control over themselves on account of anger. At that very time the idol burst and the Yaksha came out from it. The Yaksha frightened Keshav by his terrible form and said in a threatening mood: "Keshav all my devotees are sitting hungry. You are obstinately sitting tight over your vow. Stand Page #237 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 316 up. Take dinner at once. If you with show even the slightest hesitation in taking dinner, I will send you to the other region by only one stroke of 'magdal.' Keshav carefully saw the form of the Yaksha. He thought that this was his ordeal. He is bound to die one day. It is but proper to sacrifice his life in observance of his vow. He did not give any reply to the Yaksha. He left his attachment to life and sat down in meditation. The Yaksha saw the serious face to Keshav. He realised that his words hap no effect on Keshav. He addressed his devotees as under : "He has taken a vow from a Jain saint. Call that Jain saint here. He can persuade him and make him take dinner." The Yaksha then produced a religious Jain saint. He tied him with a rope and brought him there. Keshav raised his eyes. He could understand that it was only an Page #238 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 217 illusion created by the Yaksha. He again closed his eyes. The yaksha addressed the saint: "You persuade your disciple that he should take dinner. If you also will not do as I say, I shall kill you also by one stroke of 'magdal.' The saint said to Keshav : "Oh Keshav! My life is in danger on account of you. Anymisdeed done for the protection of a god, preceptor and religion is regarded as bardonable. Therefore you take this dinner at night." Keshav said boldly: "My preceptor advises to avoid nightdinners. He would never be afraid of any one. The person who through fear directs me to commit sin cannot be my preceptor. This is all your fraudulent trick.” Page #239 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 218 The Yaksha said in anger : "Oh wicked man! Do you want to. take dinner or I should kill you ?" Keshav remained firm and said: "This is not my preceptor. He would never be caught in the snare of people like you who cheat by creating illusions. I dare say that you have no power whatsolver even to look at such saints and ascetics. The saint looked very helplessly at Keshav and said: "Keshav ! Do not have the least doubt. I myself am your preceptor. you had taken the vow only before me. I order you to take dinner and save my life." The saint was trembling seriously. Tears were coming out from his eyes. The Yaksha caught hold of the saint and felled him on the ground. The saint became unconscious. The Yaksha turned round and. Page #240 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 219 round aincircular motion his 'mugdal❞ and said "Still there is time, Keshav. If you agree to take dinner, I can keep your preceptor alive. I can give you kingdom also. Afterwards there will remain nothing wanting in your life. If you will not agree to my proposal, your condition will be the same as that of your preceptor. I shall cut your body to pieces." Keshav said with self-confidence : "Oh best among the Yakshas! If you are able to bring back dead persons to life, why do you not do so in the case of your devotees You entice me for kingdom, but I do not desire to have kingdom. Let your kingdom remain with your devotees." The Yaksha could see that there was. not the slightest change in the thinking of Keshav. So he said: "Keshnv! I am pleased with you, He was not your prece Page #241 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 220 ptor. I only had produced him by my power of illusion. Your saying that I cannot bring back dead persons to life is also true. We have given you much trouble. Now you go to sleep. Now when you will take dinner in the morning, then all others will take it." Keshav got up rubbing his eyes. He saw that the sun had already arisen. He thou ght "I had gone to sleep only a little time before. How can there be sunrise within so short a time? It seems this is also an illusion produced by the Yaksha." Therefore, rejecting the proposal in very clear words, he said: "I shall not lake dinner at present, because there is no real sunrise." Owing to much pressing by the people and the Yaksha, he remained standing in meditation. The noise became quiet after some time. When Keshav opened his eyes and saw, there were no temple. no people and even no Yaksha. There was Page #242 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 221 falling a shower of flowers from the sky and a divine man was standing in front of him. That man said: "Keshav! You have really remained firm in your vow. Even Indra had praised your vow. I could not place my trust in it. I had therefore set this illusary net in order to test you. I am now pleased that you have been successful in my test. So ask for a boon." Keshav replied: "I do not need any-thing. If you are pleased with me, give me a boon that I shall always remain firm in my vow even in future." The Yaksha said: "The sight of a god never goes fruitless. I confer a boon on. you that 'whoever will drink water after washing your toe with it or will touch your toe will be cured, however serious Page #243 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 222 his disease would be. Also, whenever you will be in misery or anxiety, your work will become completely successful as soon as you will think about it." So saying, the god lifted Keshav, curried him to the park outside Saket city and left him there. In that park preceptor Dharmadev was giving religious instructions. Keshav went there to hear his instructions. Dhananjay, the king of Saket city, had also come there to hear such instructions. After the completion of the speech, he asked the revered preceptor : "Oh divine sire ! This very morning I got a dream that a person will come to the religious assembly of preceptor Dharmadev and that person will take good care of my kingdom. I also dreamt that I shall take recourse to renunciation before you. So kindly show me such a man who will take care of my kingdom.” The preceptor pointed towards Page #244 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 223 keshav and said: "The god of Fire had tested him, but he remanined completely firm. That god himself has inspired you in the dream to adopt the vow of restraint and to entrust the kingdom to that person 99 King Dhananjay performed the coronation ceremony of Keshav. He himself took 'diksha'. One day Keshav was sitting. in the balcomy of his palace. He was looking from there on the highway. At that time he saw his father coming in torn clothes. He called him through his servant. He at once fell down at his feet and bowed to him. The father was extremely pleased to see Keshav in the form of a king. Keshav told him his past experiences and asked him: "Where is Hansa ?" The father at once got tears in his eyes. He said: "Son! You went away that night and I made him sit for taking dinner. There was a snake above in the loose roof of the house. Its poison drop Page #245 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 224 ped in the food. But he did not come to know of it. As soon as he took the dinner, the poison spread throughout his whole body. We made remedies through a person knowing mantras, but it was all in vainThat person said: "He will not live for more than a month. As a result of the effect of poison all his limbs will graduaally be dried up and broken." I started out to find you. As good fortune would have it, I have found you to-day. It is today one month since I left the house. Who knows what must have become of him? I do not know whether he would be alive or not."While speaking these words,. tears began to drop from the eyes of the father. Keshav was pained by sweet memory of his brother. He thought: "How can I reach to-day only to my brother who is four hundred miles away? With this. thought he was drowned in anxiety. At that time the God of Fire carried both Page #246 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 225 the father and the son and placed them before Hansa. The body of Hansa had been dried up as a result of the effect of poison. Stinking smell was coming out of it. On seeing this pitiable condition of his brother, Keshav began to worry very much. The God of Fire at once said : "Have you forgotten the boon conferred on you by me ?" Keshav immediately washed his toe and sprinkled that water on Hansa. The effect of poison was at once removed from his body and his skin began to shine like gold. When the people of the city saw this miracle, they were astonished. Thousands of diseased persons became cured by using the water after Washing his toe. King Kesha took dinner with his family before night. He also issued a proclamation in Dell X 4.74 Page #247 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 226 the city that nobody should take dinner at night. the administered the kingdom for a number of years and increased the power of religion. Page #248 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ kunchika Sheth Casually narrating This is a story of Time Immemorial. King Wunipati (Manipati) ruled over the City of Munipatik, the Capital of Angdesh. The king was not only very brave and adventurous but he also possessed Virtues of Merey, religiousness and love for people. Pruthvi was the name of his principal queeu. She was beautiful, religions and a chaste lady. She had one son Munichandra. He honoured and obeyed the parents.. One day, the King the queen were relaxing in the garden meant for pleasure. The queen was rubbing gently with her fingers the heat of the King. Wlile doing So, she Saw one grey hair amongs the hairs of the King's head. This meant for Page #249 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 228 her that 'the king hes completede the girst half of his life and hasentered in the second half.' She made fun of the King over this issue and jested that "the old age has just now sent one spy, but with the passage of time the head will be surrounded by a network of these Thieves in the form of grey hairs." The King thought the queen had well cautioned him. He began to think over the matter. Youth droops towards the matured age. In old age, The physical strength also decreases. For a person who intends to do intense religions sadhana' must have physi cal stamina also along with the soul-force. He decided there and there to renounce the pleasures of the palace. The queen of Course was shocked to some extent as the pain of separation was unbearable for her, but she was Wise and Page #250 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ : 224 a knower of the secret of life. She had knowledge of the true nature of the self and of the futility of life. She therefore became a helping hand to the King in this decision. The king enthroned the Heir-apparent Munichandra and he him-self begen to leave the life of non-attactiment. Fortunately Acharya Dharmaghosh came there; those days only. King Munipati heard his sermons and being much impressed, took to the life of renunciation. He became engrossed in religious meditation remaning in service of Achary Dharmghosh. He achieved many divine powers though penance Then he alone began to move from Village to Village. Once he Came to Avanti. He stayed at the gaden ontside the City. It was severe Cold, to almost a freeging point. The Muni sat in meditation at night in such a severe cold. Some shepherds who passed by thought : Page #251 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 230 'In such a severe cold this Muni is meditating, without and clothes on his body. By morning he will die.' Being moved by mercy, they put some clothes on the body of the Muni, giving a cover. They thought when the sun shines brigntly in the morring, they will take back Their clothes. Thus making provision for the Muni they Went their own way. Page #252 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Kunchik Sheth In the city of Avanti, one Brahman named Bodhibhatt. He was the trader dealing in seasamum seeds. The name of his wife was Dhanshree, who was a woman of bad character. She always tried to be fool her husband though pretending to be loyal. Once she needed money for satisfying her luxurious instincts. So she sald off the seasamum seeds which she had hidden secretly. She squandered away even this money. Being afraid that some day she will be expresed she contrived one plot She went to the garden where Munishree Munipati was meditating. Because of darkness she could not see the Muni. So she undressed herselycompletely. She pasted feathers of various birds on Page #253 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 232 her body, and applied some black dust on her face. She took in one in one of her hands an earthen cup with burning wood. In another hand she took a sword. She dishevelled her hairs. Then she went to her husb and Bodhibhatt in his field. The trader Bodhibhatt or Talbhatt trembled with fear. She thundered with stern words: "Come Seasamum-trader should I devour you or your seasmum seeds ?" Her husband could not speak a word. Dhan shree was pleased with her success. So she added: "O' you sinner! I was in search of you for many days. I will satisfy my hunger to-day by killing you. Nobody can save you now." The trader fell on his knees and prayed to save him: "Goddess! Save me. As you say, so I will obey." Page #254 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 233 Goddess : “O' you wicked one ! You are too proud. You have not offered seasamum seeds to me. There is only one way of saving yourself. Ofter all the seasamum seeds which are in your house, to me." Trader, codhibhatt : “Surely. Please wait for some time. I am just now bringing." Goddess : “No need to take tro' ble. I willat all thy seasamum by my power But of you tell this to anyone, I will ruin you completely.” She returned to the garden. She changed her appearance and put on her original clothes. At that time some people passed by that route with the dead body. They had with them a Torch light. Dhanashree could see in its light - the Muni. She trembled fully with the idea that he must bave see her drama and will expose her. So she threw the Page #255 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 234 burning pieces of wood on the body of the Muni. The clothes of the shepherds which were on his body caught fire and the Muni had to suffer from burns. But he remaind calm, as his affected."* soul was not Thus man to tell a second lie in order to hide the first lie. Dhanasbree had to do another sin in order to hide one sin. She returned home. Bodhibhatt was still not well. The image of the angry goddess still haunted him. So, as soon as he came home, she told his wife to prepare a bed for him. "I am not well. To-day one goddess was awefully angry with me." Dhanashree arranged the bed for him. Bodhibhatta was so much afraid that he got fever and after some days he died. According to another version, she burnt her husband there and because of the effect, the muni was injured. Page #256 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 235 Man does sinful acts in order to get physical happiness; but he or she may live for some time in happiness; in the end the results are disasterous. Dhanashree also met the same fate. She could not face people; because at last she was exposed fully. The public censure almost killed her. she also died living in this miserable way. In the same city, a merchant named Kunchika lived. He used to honour the Jain monks (shramanas). The artisans who were skilled in preharing the keys (“Kunchi”) of the locks of the temples and palaces. Therefore this merchant was known as Kunchika Sheth. (from the word Kunchi. He was sitting one fine morning when some shepherds came there running and panting. They said : "One Jain recluse is injured of severe burns. You only, by your cure and care can do something." Page #257 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 236 He asked the shepherds who did such an awful cruel act, and how they came to know about that. The shepherds narrated the whole incident so far as they were concerned Kunchika Sheth then arranged to bring the Muni by making him liedown on a cot. other recluses were also called to administer to the needs of Munishree. Kunchika said : "I will arrange for other medicines; but there is one oil named Lakshapal oil which will completely cure the boils. Now, this oil is available only from Atunkari Bhatta." Hearing this, two recluses went to Atrunkari Bhatta. Now one god from Saudharma heaven or abode of gods had come there to test the quality of forgiveness and forbearance of Atrunkari Bhatta. The god hid himself in his room. He 'vas invisible. Page #258 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 237 The maid servant brought the earthen jug of oil. God broke it. Atunkari asked the maid servant calmly to bring another. It was also broken. Now directly perceptible fault was that of the maid-servant who dropped it. He said : “You sit here; this time I bring the oil.” She went and brought. But this time because her power generated by her chastity, God could not do anything. Then God appeared and colledteel the spilt oil. He praised her. Both the recluses then came to the house of Kunchika along with the oil.* Because of the continuous service and care of Kunchika, Munishree Munipati was *Atankari Bhatta was a chaste woman with quality of forgiveness. In the first part of a life, she was proud and bold, full story about her is given in a saparate book. Dell X ell. Page #259 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 238 completely cured. Intimate relation was established between both. Kunchika requested wormly the muni to spend four months of the monsoon at his place. Muni accepted it and used to preach. He gave illustrations. At night be meditated in 'Kayotsarg.' It is the lust for wealth which breaks relations. Because of money only the father and son, brother and brother become enemies of oneanother. It was because of wealth and power that Aurangzeb had killed his brothers and imprisoned his father Shahjahan. Kunchika Sheth did not want to give the share of wealth to his son while living. The son was making constant efforts to get that wealth. One day kunchika thaught, 'I must make some permanent arrangement otherwise my son will take away the wealth.' Page #260 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 239 Now thinking of a safe place where he could deposite the money, he found that the room of Munipati was the safest. So when the muni was engrossed in meditation at night, Kunchika buried the wealth. What is going to happen always happens. This secret act of Kunchika was seen by his son only. So one day taking the chance he dug up the wealth and took away the wealth. He put a big stone at that place. Though Sheth Kanchika was not aware of this, he doubted sometimes that somebody will steal the wealth. So one day in order to make sure he dug up and saw. To his great shock and surprise he saw that there was no wealth. He became almost unconsious an turned pale. Kunchika thought, Repenting : better if I had 'It would have been given the weath to my son with my own Page #261 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 240 hands ....... But who could have taken ! Believe it or not this muni has stolen this wealth. What a hypocrite this muni is who has pretended to set out on the path of Realisation ! He became a Muni but the attachment for wealth did not go. Moreover he has donewrong to his benefactor only. Thinking thus, he came to the Muni and said : "O Muni! To-day you have also Shown ungratefulness to me just like that Sechanak elephant." The Muni was surprised and asked : “Kunchika Sheth ! I have not shown any ungratefulness to you. Why do you think of me like this ? Yes, tell me the story about the Sechanak elephant to which you refered. How did he become disloyal and why ? Page #262 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE UNEAITHFUL SECHANAK There was a forest near the Rajagruh the capital of Magadh. A large group of male. elephants and female-elephants lived there in. The head of those elephants was a huge-bodied elephant who used to indulge in sexual sports with female-elephants and lived unworried. If any female-elephant gave birth to a male child, he used to kill it because he did not brook any rival. Now after some days, one female-elephant whose many young ones the head-elephant had killed, decided this time to save her young one recently born. So she made a plan. For three successive days, she did not appear in the group. Then she came and gave the reason for her absence as શ્રેણી ૪ કૅ. ૧૬ some Page #263 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 242 injury in the foot. All elephantesses and the head-elephant were now sympathetic for her and got adjusted to her absence. Then the delivery-time of this elephantess drew near. There was one hermitage of sages nearby. She went there and gave birth to a male-elephant. For one or twu weeks she fed' her young one and when the baby-elephant' was able to procure his own food, she returned back to the group. On the other side, the hermits reared this baby-elephant. This newly born elephant also considered himself as a kith and kin of the hermits. He watered the plants in the hermitage with its trunk. Because he used to water the garden of flowers in this way, the hermits called it Sechanak. Gradually, Sechanak grew into fulfledged elephant. It began to roam freely Page #264 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 243 in the forest. Once he came across his father elephant who was now old but had not lost pride of leadership. He screamed by raising his trunk. Se chanak was also vibrating with youth fulness. Both began to fight. In the end, Sechanak killed the old-elephant who was his father, and became the leader. One day, roaming with its group, the elephant Sechanak thought : 'My mother gave birth to me in the hermitage, secretly. Similarly, some other elephantess can give birth to a male elephant and this new one would kill the old leader and so on. Thus, this hermitage is the rootcause of all troubles. The hermitage, then must be destroyed to put an end to eventualities.' Thus Sechanak elephant came to destroy the structures. It started with uproo Page #265 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 244 ting the plants and small trees. Then the huts were broken. The hermits began to despise Sechanak and said: "How unfaithful is this elephant? The hermitage made him grow as a leader and now he desroys it !" "O' muni! You have behaved similarly with me." Said Kunchika. Muni "What happened next ?" : Kunchika: "The complaint reached the king. The prince Nandishen challenged the elephant. But these both had relation of previous births. The memory was revived and so Sechanak followed the paince. Similarly one minister Krishnaprkshika had shown. unfaithfulness. You have also, like that minister paid me in terms of wickeness in return for my kindness. You have been ungraeteful to me and have stolen Page #266 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 245 my wealth. I feel extremely pained by your sinful act of this sort." The Muni remained silent and asked what that Krishnapakshika had done. THE BREACH OF TRUST BY A MINISTER Kunchika Sheth began to narrate the story : “There was a city named Prithvibhusan. The king Shuklapaksha ruled there. The name of the Principal Queen was Shubhparinama Krishnapakshika was the minister to the king. The king and the minister were of mutually-contradictory nature. The king was religious, merciful, truth-speaking and popular, but the minister was merciless, irreligious, cruel, fradulent and sophist. Once, a trader dealing in horses came to the city. He presented one Page #267 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ..-.-.-2467 sturdy horse as a gift to the king who decided to test the horse at the very moment. He entrusted the responsibility of the state to Krishnapakshika and rode away far. The horse sped fast and took the king to one forest. Both were tired. The horse was so much unnerved due to fatigae that it died. The king was thinking of leaving that terrific forest and reach some city. At that time he cought sight of one sage. He took the king to his hermitage. When the King was relaxing after dinner, he saw one exquisitely beautiful girl of sixteen years. The king thought : “How could it be possible for a girl of such beauty to be in the hermitage ? Can she be a goddess of the forest ?': The ascetic understood the king's. surprise and explained : Page #268 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 247 “O'King ! This girl, Nivrutti, is just like a daughter to me. I want her now to marry a suitable match. I will also explain to you, how I got her. Listen there is a Kingdom of one Vidyadhar named Dharmasen on the mountain Vivekadri. Now, Nivrutti happens to be his daughter. Another Vidyadhar, once kindnapped her and was fleeing, by the the sky-route. The girl screamed and so the Vidyadhar Dharmasen pursued him. The Kidnapper threw her down here and ran away. Dharmasen entrusting the girl to me, said : “O saint ! You please take care of this daughter of mine. I will kill that Vidyadhar. Is there is much delay in my returning, you please get her married to such a young man who knows the art of entering another man's body...." The king was listening. The sage added : Page #269 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 248 “In my eyes, you are the most proper match for her. But the main hitch is that you do not know that art of entry into another body." King Shuklapaksha was, however not disappointed. He replied : “Great Sage ! It is true that I do not this art, but I think that it can be learnt. I will return to my city and leartn it from some teacher.” The ascetic said : “O'King, if it is certain, then you take her as your wife, but promise me that unless you first master the art, you will not enter the inner apartments along with Nivrutti.'' The king promised and so the marriage was settled and celebrated. The king and the queen Nivrutti left for the kingdom. The ascetic again reminded the king of the promise. The King assured him.. Page #270 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 247. When they reached the city, they were accorded very warm welcome. The King told his minister that they should arrange for his stay in some house near the gate of the city as he could not enter his palace because of some conditions. After some days heasked Krishnapakshik, the minister to find out some Yogi who knows the science of entry into another's body. After much effort in this direction the minister got information that there is one Yogi pamed Sadanand on the mountain Lotagra. If one satisfied him, he would teach the art to the person concerned. The route to reach the said place was very complicated. After crossing the border and then twelve villages, nine big cities they had to go to a big forest ninety six miles away from the big cities. “There will be two palm trees. On Page #271 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ one of the two trees sometimes the crow sits and sometimes the swan sits. The King should not enter when the Crow is there. On the highest Peak of the said mountain, Yogi Sadanand must be sitting in meditation. If you can win his favours, he will teach you the necessary Thing." One Yogi who gave the information to the minister said So. The King greatly pleased ran to inform Nivrutti thus: : "My dear! After many days, our wish has been fullfiled. Now as soon as I return from the place having learnt the art, I will enter with you the inner apartments." Nivrutti was also overjoyed. After expressing the delight, he suddenly became serious and warned the king: "My dear! Do not take with you. the minister Krishnapashika, even by Page #272 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 251 mistake. I do not think he is a good man. He seems to be a sinner, and he is not to be trusted. He will do breach of trust." Consoling her. the King said : “Alright, it will be like that. Moreover, there must be some man who can be entrusted the care of the people in my absence. So he will be given charge of that.” Destiny is more powerful. What is destined to happen, it happens anyhow. The minister Krishnapakshika became stubborn and insisted on joining the king in that mission. The king thought: “Anyway, it was he who has found out the way to go to: that place where I can learn the art. I will be watchful so that he may not be able to do any harm to me.' Page #273 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Thinking on these lines, he took the minister with him. The King and the minister after many days reached the exact spot and they saw the swan sitting on the palm tree. Thus it was a good omen. They entered the forest. After crossing that vast forest, a mountain Lokagra. After climbing very high, they saw the Yogi in the meditation pasture 'Padmasan.' They both sat humbly at his feet. The Yogi opened his eyes after the completion of meditation. But he did not a word of welcome or blessing. He was lost in meditation again. Still the King and the minister served him. Again .so many days were passed. Then, one day, the Yogi opened his eyes and being pleased asked : “Tell O'king why have you come here? I am pleased with your devotion. Page #274 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 253 Ask whatever you want.” The king said : "It is my great fortune that you have been pleased with me. I want to learn the art of entering other bodies. Please teach me that art.” ... The yogi saw that the king was a: proper person to be taught. So he divulged the whole secret knowledge to him. Now, the minister also was keen to learn this thing. Seeing the sad face of Krishnapakshika the king pleaded on his behalf and prayed the yogi to impart this. knowledge to his minister also. The yogi explained : "O'king ! This sort of knowledge is imparted always to the right person. Some persons misuse this knowledge. Specific knowledge should be utilised for the benifit of others. Undeserving persons Page #275 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 234 misuse such rare knowledge to do harm to others. And let me tell you, this minister of yours is a wicked soul. He does not deserve this. So please do not insist on this." But the king could not see any failing in the minister. The king was very much tender-hearted. He could not bear the misery of the minister. So he requested in a tragic voice : "Prabhu! If you are pleased with me really do this much favour." The yogi remained silent for some time, then smiled gently and said: "O' king! You take others as good as your-self. But this wicked man will forget your kindness to him. He will betray you. But because of your request, I will teach him also; but bewere of him always." Then the yogi imparted the secret of entry into other bodies. Page #276 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 255 The king and the minister then ...rned. On their way they found a dead elephant just near one lake. The king tried his knowledge. He took out the Life-force from his body and then made it enter the body of the elephant; Lo! The dead elephant was now alive. The king was really pleased with this sort of result. But on this side, the minister got a chance to achieve his selfish ends. He took out his life-force from his body and made it enter the king's body. So, the soul of the minister was seated in the physical frame of the king. A wine was now poured, as if, in the golden vessel. Not only that, but he was cunning that he destroyed his original body of a minister. Thus he removed totally any possibility of the king's soul entering it! The real king would have to remain permanently now in the animal's body. Page #277 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ .. .: 256 Being thus secure, his only desire was now to contact the beautiful queen. Nivrutti and to enjoy life in her company as a life-partner. So he walked fast and reached the city. The people not knowing this fraud, accorded a warm welcome to the ‘king'. Krishnapakshika then pretended to be very sad with the loss of his minister. He told a blunt lie that the minister sacrificed his life in order to save him when one lion attacked them. Thus he himself was saved. Being successful so far, he was very much impatient to meet the queen Nivrutti. But Nivrutti was after all, a daughter of a Vidyadhar and she was most chasie. The relation of husband and wife is the relation between two souls. So, Nivrutti had the clear intuition that it was the soul of wicked minister in the physical vody of the king. The minister, though Page #278 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 257 had so skillfully behaved so far that she may not have any suspicion, but Nivrutti understood everything, But she hid her doubt and said : “My Lord ! When you set out from here for your mission, I had taken a vow of going on fast and of doing religious sadhana' for six months. This I had willed in order that you may have no trouble in your journey and you may achieve what you want. I had never dreamt that you will return so soon. But I do not want to break my oath. I intend to do penance by lying on the floor without any carpet even and I want to observe strict celibacy. So please do not grace this palace before my penance is over." The fake King thought : “Anyway, She takes me for her husband She is now mine completely. If I object, then I may be exposed. So it is 200 x $. 949 Page #279 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 258 better to obey her.” He thus agreed with her contention and became engrossed in the work of ruling. On this side, the real king was wandering in the form of elephant. The elephant began to walk towards his city. Now the wicked minister was all the while cautious about elephant, because he knew that the real king was now an elephant. So he had already ordered the policemen to slay at once the elephants, trying to enter the city. So when, the King in the form of an elephant advanced towards the city, the soldiers pounced upon it. The elephant ran. The King's soul inside realised that it was not safe to remain alive in the body of an elephant. So he entered the body of a deer. Now the soldiers were ordered to kill the deer. So the King entered the tiny body of a parrot. Page #280 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 259 As the minister was also skilled in this secret knowledge, he was watching all the movements of the King. He called the hunters who were profficient in killing the birds and ordered : “Trap this parrot and bring it alive. Sprain its neck in my presence.” The parrot (King Shuklapaksh) perched on a mango tree in the garden of the queen Nivrutti. Thinking of something, he got himself deliberately trapped by a hunter. As the hunter was just going to kill the parrot, it spoke in human language : “What will you get by killing me ? If you keep me alive and do as I say, you may get one lakh worth gold coins” The hunter found this very amusing. He was surprised also. He said : “Alright, we keep you alive, now enable us to get one lakh gold coins." Page #281 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ . ' 260 The parrot said "Take me to a marketplace. Proclaim to the people that this unique parrot speaking like a man is to be sold. The price is one lakh gold coins." The hunters did as the parrot told. Many persons went away hearing such a high price. Then one maid servant of the queen Nivrutti came there. The king in the parrot recognised her. So he said : “O’maid-servant ! Is your employer, queen Nvritti quite happy ?” The maid-servant was stunned. “This. parrot seems to know 'men's minds”. She ran to the palace of Nivrutti and informed her of this. Nivrutti first sent a message to the ‘King' (Krishnapakshika) that he should send one lakh gold coins as the queen intends to purchase some birds. The Page #282 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 261 'minister turned king' refused outright such wastage of money. So Nivrutti took out her ring and gave it to the maid-servant. Its cost was more than one lakh gold coins. The parrot was thus purchased. It was kept in a golden cage. When the minister in the body of the king knew this, he immediately came to the palace of Nivrutti. Without telling anything, he took out the parrot from the cage and sprained its neck to death. The queen became very angry and said. "What have you done this? I had purchased it from my own money. You had no enmity either with me or with the parrot. You loved your money and not a paise has been spent from your treasury. what right have you to destroy a thing Which belongs to me? I can't live without this parrot. Either you make it or prepare a funerel pyre for me. I die." The minister was really in a fix : alive will Page #283 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 262 "What should I do now? If I lose her then what becomes of me ?" He tried to pursuade the queen and to appease her by promising that he would purchase parrots better than that. But the wrath of the queen was not pacified. She very well knew that the parrot can be resurrected only by transfering the soul from another body to the body of the parrot. She wanted to make the king's body freed from the soul of Krishnapakshika mimister. So she emphaticaly said : "If you can't make the parrot alive get the funeral pyre prepared for me." The minister was now convinced that without making the Parrot alive, he will not be able to keep the queen alive. So he went to an adjoining room, lied down on the cot and he took out his life from the body of the king and transfered it to the parrot's body. The queen pretended that she has been pleased. She began to fondle the Page #284 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 263 parrot by taking it in her hand. The king's soul, which left the body of the parrot had entered into the body of the wasp which was being dead in the garden. And then the soul in the form of a wasp was waiting for the opportunity of entering in the body of the king. It had hidden it self. As soon as the king's body was devoid of the minister's self, it entered into the body of the king i. e. its own body. When the real king thus came out of the room, the queen fell at his feet respectfully. The king raised her and embraced her. The queen was just going to sprain the neck of the parrot in whose body, the soul of wicked minister resided; but the king prevented her and said: "He will reap the fruits of his evil doings, himself. He has himself burnt his original body, so he can't come back in that form. He will complete his life-span as a parrot only. Page #285 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 264 Kunchika said to Munipati : "O' Muni ! In this way I did good to you, and in return, you have behaved badly by stealing my wealth." The Muni did not lose temper by hearing such words. He had the spirit of equanimity. He said, undisturbed : "Sheth You are mistaken. That is why you compare me with Sechanakelephant and Krishnapakshika minister. You have presumed me as what I am not. You should realise that the life of the Jain Muni who has renounced the worldly life is as devoit of greed as was the life of the four disciples of Acharya Suhasti."* I Now listen to the illustrations which I present before you. THE RELIGIONS ASSEMBLY OF GOD MANAVIR A King named Shrenik who had the pomp and power like that of Indra and *This Suhasti is different person from Suhasti who was the disciple of sthooliprabh. Page #286 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 265 who was husband of many queens was ruling over Rajagruh, the capital of Magadh. Abhaykumar, the incarnation as it were, of God Bruhaspati was the son of Sunanda. He was also the minister to the King. Once God Mahavir graced the city with His holy presence. The King and the whole royal family rushed to hear the divine message of Mahavir. In that assemblage, one person suffering from Lucoderma was also there among other citizens. His body was a nuisance to look at because pus oozed out from it and the skin had been reduced to a pitiable degree. This shabby man came near Lord Mahavir, bowed to him, and then applied his pus on the body of Mahavir, just as one applies the sandal-wood paste. The King was so much angry at this Page #287 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 266 sort of behaviour that he felt like punishing the man there and there. But in the presence of Mahavir Swami, he could not dare do it. After some time, Mahavir Swami sneezed. Immediately the disea- sed man retorted : "The best course for you is to die." The King could not bear this. But before he could say any-thing, he also sneezed! Commenting on this, the man with Lucoderma said : "O' King! The only best thing is that you should continue to live." Now, the king had the mixed feeling of surprise, anger and curiosity. He 'thought 'this seems to be a mysterious man.' By that time, Abhaykumar also snee zed. The my sterious man retorted : Minister Abhaykumar! Your living long and your dieing are both the best. Page #288 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 267 It makes no difference whether you live or not." The King Shrenika was now more surprised. He was collecting strenght to ask Lord Mahavir when one man from the public sneezed. Commenting, the man with Lucoderma said : "O" You Butcher! Your living and dieing are both equally painful." The King was now, pondering over the different remarks of the man. "To me this man seems to be shameless and moody. After this session is over, I will surely punish him.' So, the King alerted his body-guards and instructed them to arrest that man as soon as he gets out. When the religious session full of moral advice was over, the man with Lucoderma went out fearlessly and with Page #289 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 268 * calmness on his face. the body-guards Came forward to arrest him; but lo! his bod was changed into as shining one as gold. Still the soldiers tried to hold him. But before they could catch him, he disapeared! On hearing this account of the strange Phenomenon, the king was now puzzled. He asked Bhagwan Mahavir Politely: "Bhagwan! What is the secret behind this? Who was that Person O' holy one! I am greatly Puzzled. Please oblige us and disclose this mystery." Lord Mahavir replied: 99 "O' king! these remarks about the different sneezing are full of moral and meaning. I will explain it after-wards. For the Present, listen to the story which I narrate explaining who is that man. Page #290 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ POOR SEDUK King Satanik ruled in kaushambi, the capital of Vatsadesh. He was the son of sahasanik. There also lived in that city one poor and a very foolish Brahmin seduk. The neme of his wife was priyakanta. The only source of livelihood for them was begging. Once Priyakanta became pregnant and told her husband to make provision in advance for the day of expected delirery. But seduk knew that it was difficult to collect things in small quantity. He confessed his inbility to his wife as they were very poor. He had no other efficiency than to beg. Priyakanta thought and said: "Dear! why do you get so much disheateres Go to king shatanik, please by your devoted service. If he is really Page #291 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 270 pleased, he will help us. Seduk accepted the suggestion and went to the palace with some fruits and flowers. He gave them as a present and was engrossed in doing selfless service to the King. Good work is always noticed. The king also observed his Services and so he once called him and asked: "Who are you? Why have you come here? Tell me without hesitation." Seduk "Your Honour, sir ! I am a poor Brachmin of your kingdom. If you do little mercy on me, my miserable life may become a happy life" The king was moved by his request and told him not to worry. He should daily bring some good flowers of the forest and in return the king would give him two gold coins" Thus the life of Seduk was improved. Once the king of champa city invaded Page #292 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 271 king shatanik's city. The king fought very bravely but with no result. The city lay in siere, for months. There set in the rainy season. Everywhere there were pools of water. So the king of champa thought it better to send a part of army home so that some may work in the fields. He kept only few soldiers with him. Now, Seduk who always went to the forest to pick up flowers, saw this decrease in strength. So he told to king shatanik that if he attacked within a couple of days he would win. Shatanik took this opportunity, suddenly attacked the army of the king of chanpa and won the battle outright. King Shatanik allribnted this victory to the advice of seduk. So he publicly honoured him in the royal court and said : “O'good Brahmin ! It is because of you only that we have won and seen this Page #293 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 272 good day. I am highly pleased with you; So ask whatever you want and I will give it." Seduk's mind danced with joy. He wanted to fly if possible But he controlled his sentiments and said: "I want to consult my wife, your Honour Give me that much time. Then I will ask." The king granted the request. seduk come home and asked his wife priyakanta as : "Now you only tell what favours should I ask from the king." POOR SEDUK Priyakanta was a clever woman. She thought : 'If my husband asks for Some land or Village, he will be rich and may marry again. And So I will not be liked by him. Page #294 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 273 So we must ask for such a thing that we may be happy for ever.' So she said: "You ask from the king that we should get a dinner daily from each household and one gold Coin after that." Seduk told to the king as was advised by his wife, the King was pained to hear such a foolish request from Seduk. He said to him, "O foolish Brahmin ! I gave you so much good chance and you asked such a thing? Think again and ask for some village, land or such other thing." Seduk, however refused to ask anything more and was adamant in what he asked before. The King pitied him and then made a proclamation that every body should give dinner to the Brahmin and one gold coin, Now, after some days the lust for wealth increased in the mind of શ્રેણી ૪ ફ્ર ૧૮ Seduk. Page #295 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 274 He thought : 'If I take dinner at more than one place, I will get more gold Coins.” So after taking meals at one place he used to vomit it out and went to the next place. Thus he collected more and more gold Coins. The result of this sort of eating was that there was an infection in his blood and from that the disease of lucoderma developed. From his body a bad smell came because of pus formation and so people hated him. The minister of the King said to the King : “Seduk is suffering from lucoderma and so he should not be allowed to attened the court or to go to anybody's place. His son may go for dinner." The king passed the necessary orders. Now Seduk had to live indoors compulso Page #296 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 275 rily. But here also, the people hated him and the daughters-in-law disliked his presence. He was asked to sit on one cot outside the hut and he was served dinner there only. Seduk was annoyed by this sort of humiliating life. He thought that it was because of him only that there was wealth and now they are hating him only ! All are selfish. He thought of taking revenge on all the members of his family and for this prepared a plan. According to that plan, he called his sons and informed them that he was tried of this sort of life and so he wanted to go away on pilgrimage. The sons were extremely pleased in their innermost heaIts and asked how could they help him. Seduk said to them : "As per tradition, we should sacrifice one goat (He-goat) and then we should Page #297 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 276 all share its meat. So bring one good male goat." The sons welcomed the proposal as they were eager to see him off. They brought the goat. Seduk said: "good! Now bring some barley grains. We should. make the goat eat wet grains of barley which will be sanctified by the We shall then sacrifice the goat." mantras. The sons purchased the grains of barley and gave them to his father. Seduk daily applied the pus of his body to some grains of Barley and fed the goat with the same. The result was that the goat also suffered from Lucoderma. The sons could not know the plan of their father.. Seduck was pleased with his success. He now ordered to kill the goat. It was done and each member of the family was given a due share to eat. Then he silently went his way on pilgrimage. He entered one very dense and terrible forest. In Page #298 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 277 search of water Saduk found out one reservoir which was surrounded by thick grove of trees from all sides. There had grown many medicinal herbs and so the water of the reservoir was full of medicinal value because of the mixture of those herbs. Seduk drank water from this reservoir. The water was practically boiled due to the effect of the scorching sup. He then became asleep under the tree. Shortly afterwards he had a motion. Now he could not move ahead because of weakness. So he halted there for some more days. As a result of eating fruits and roots of vegetables as well as because of drinking the water of the reservoir, he was cured of the disease of Lucoderma. His body became as pure as gold. Seeing this change he stayed for more days so that the disease may be wiped off completely. He bathed in the waters of the reservoir and drank water from the same reservoir. Page #299 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 278 When his body was fully shining and when he was completely healthy, hereturned home. On this side, all the relatives of Seduk were suffering from lucoderma. They were abusing Seduk for making them eat the meat of a diseased he-goat and making. them victim of Lucoderma. When Seduk returned, all his relatives. and other persons were awefully surprised. to find him a changed man completely cured of the deadly disease. They all began to ask how he was cured. Seduk boasted of having done a difficult penance. "Because of worship of a god ny body was transformed. And you have got your right dues because of neglecting me and hating me. It is because of this act of yours, that you have been victims of luco... derma." "These words enraged them more.. They knew the true reason. They drove. Page #300 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 279 him out of the house and the people of the city drove him out of the city.” Lord Mahavir, continuing said : "Thus Seduk came to your city. To earn his livelihood he took the job of an assistant to the Gate-keeper. To hear my religious sermons, the Gate-keeper entrusted the charge to him for the time being. Now at that time one strange incident: took place which has some relation with Seduk. So I narrate it first. There is one temple of goddess Navdurga Vyantardevi near the gate of the city. One day, a merchant named Mahardhik came to that temple. He began to pray as follows : O'goddess of goddess ! I have no child; if by your grace, a son is born to my wife, I will submit three jewels at your holy feet.' The merciful goddess favoured him Page #301 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 280 with a son after some months. But the merchant forgot his pledge. So the goddess warned him in a dream of the terrible consequences if he did not still fulfill his promise. The merchant, thereupon, went to the temple and offered the three jewels. But then immediately said : “Now mother ! We should have the remaining share from the offerings made to you, as usual. So I take one jewel for me, one for my wife and one for my son." thus the goddess was cheated. At that time one Yaksha who was the leader of Vyantar gods asked why she was in a thinking mood. When he came to know the cunningness of the Bania merchant, he laughed loudly and said : “This is nothing. I have met with a more cunning merchant than this.” Listen what he had done to me : Page #302 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 281 Once upon a time, a big ship of one merchant got stopped in the midst of the ocean. There was an iceberg which is always hidden. When all his attempts to move the ship failed, he remembered me and promised me to offer one buffalo. I did the job with my miraceulous power and took mercy on him. Then he also forgot the pledge. I threatened him in a dream just like you. So he came to my temple with one forest-buffalo and with organs of instrumental music. Now he tied one thick rope round the neck of the buffalo and he tied another end of the rope with my idol. Then because of music, the buffalo ran helter skelter.dragging my idol along with her. I was gieatly harassed thus. So there is no guarantee about cunning people. But the goddess thought that if persons do not get the fruits of their actions, (karmas) no moral order will be sustained. Page #303 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 282 So sh e punished them for their evil deeds: through the wife of the merchant. Now Seduk ate away all the eatables i. e. sweet preparation and other; and so he was very thirsty. But he could leave: the Gate unattended. He thought : Blessed are those insects: and other beings who get permanent stay in water. I am pining for a drop of water. Thinking thus, he breathed his last. And. so he was born as a frog. Now when I came over here, he remembered his past life and so advanced to hear my preachings. But on its way, the frog was crushed under the foot of one of your horses. He became god because of good thoughts at death. Now the two births of that strange man with lucoderma are explained to you. by me. He was a god and had come to. test your sense of equanimity.” Page #304 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 283 The king leaved a sigh and said : “Still I am not satisfied. I knew who he was, from you. But what is the meaning of his four types of retorts on the sneezes ? Please clarily that." Mahavir told : “The meaning of his retort about my sneeze was that I have no end to serve here. By destroying the remaining Karmas of mine, I must get liberation. By saying that 'it is best for me to die,' he has refered for my coquest over death. Now, about his remarks to your son, what he meant was he has done many good deeds and earned moral values. So if he dies, he will go to heaven by aeroplane and if he lives, he will be happy by ruling over the people. Thus both ways. he is at an advantage. About his remarks on the butcher's vil y a 6 Page #305 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 284 sneeze Mahavir explained that because his life was full of cruelty, people will look down upon him even if he lives. So if he dies, he will go to the seventh hell and if he lives, he will be despised.” King Shrenik was now eager to know what was the significance of his sneeze, and the remark of that man. Mahavir explained : “You are a king and so here you get all the luxuries. Enjoy them while you are living. Because after death, you are sure to get hell.” King Shrenik was terribly upset and sad after knowing the meaning of his sneeze, and the remarks after that made by that mysterious person. He was more worried about the hell than death. He appealed to Bhagwan Mahavir in the most pathetic terms . “Prabhu ! With you as the protector, Page #306 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 28 why should I get hell ? Please save me from the hell. I am your davotee." Mahavir : “The result of our action can not be avoided. It is inevitable. But have patience. You need not worry. After passing through the hell, you will be the first Tirthankar named Padmanabh in Utsarpinee Times." When the king still pressed his demand, for anyhow saving him from the hell, God Mahavir said : “I show you some means ; (1) If your maid-servant Kapila givesalms to someone with respect. (2) If Kalsaukarik butcher remains without killing for one day. (3) If the merchant named Puniya or Punyak surrenders the fruit of his one Samayik vow or (4) your grandmother pays respects to the munis. If you succeed in any one of the above alternatives, you will not liave to gó to hell." Page #307 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 286 Being confident, the king returned to his palace. He thought that the means. of escape shown by Mahavir are quite easy to accomplish. He bowed to Mahavir and departed. BANKCHOOL NECKLACE was retur When the king Shrenik ning to his palace, he met on his way one Muni. He was doing violence and filling his bag with fruits from the tree.* *In some books it is mentioned that the Muui carried a net for catching fish, on his shoulders. He explained that he was Kshatriya-(a warrior class) turned recluse, and because of deep-rooted habit he could remain without wine and meat. "The other devotees of Mahavir also do like that secratly." Shrenik gave him advice not to do irreligious work and that he shonld not put false charges on other innocent monks to hide his own weaknesses. Page #308 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 287 Seeing such an act which was contrary to religion, King Shrenik was much pained. He said: "O' Muni! Why are you doing such act which are contrary to religious behaviour? Leave this habit and tread on the path of good conduct." The King proceeded further. Then he came across with one nun. But she was found to be Pregnant. Not only that but she had collyrium in her eyes and had kept a flowers' ring on her head and hairs were done up nicely. The King again shocked and surprised, said: "Respectable nun! Your soul gets impure by your love for good appearance. Moreover, people will criticise about your pregnacy. Done is done, but after your delivery, follow the rules strictly. I will arrange for you." The nun was angry to an immense degree and with eyes reddened with wrath, Page #309 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 88 she said to the king : “You need not advise me, King ! All the monks in Mahavir's religious Group (Sangh) do sinful acts. Some hide their sins, some can not." Shrenik : “Do not defame the sangh please. You leval false charges in order to hide your misconduct, I still say you come with me and join the moral Path. again." God Dardurank was seeing all these things, himself remaing invisible. He tested the King's dedication and equanimity. So he made himself appear before the King and telling that the King had passed the test, asked him to say what he: wants.' King : "I do not lack anything. I do. not want anything." The god concerned was now more impressed by the renunciation and nou Page #310 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 289 attachment of the King. So without his asking, the god gave him as a gift one divine necklace and two balls of clay. "I give these gifts voluntarily, but see that this necklace is not damaged. If it gets broken, the goldsmith will die. instantly." The god said. The King gave the necklace to queen Chelna and two earthen balls to queen Nanda. Even otherwise, Nanda used to envy Chelna, now she became more jealous and angrily said to the king: "You have been loving Chelna always more. To me you gave balls of clay !" The King "These balls though of clay, are given by the god. They are not ordinary ones. Who knows from that you get more valuable things ?" Nanda was not satisfied. She tossed the balls against the pillar in anger. Both were broken. From one ball, divine earrings શ્રેણી ૪ ૬. ૧૯ Page #311 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 290 the other, divine came out and from clothes came forth." Nanda now repented for her charge of partiality against the king. But now it was Chelna's turn to accuse him. She said : “Why this partiality ! You gave better things to Nanda. Now give this necklace to her and bring the earring and clothes for me." The King was fed up with such quarrels. He was already worried about his desting about the Hell. He tried to appease Chelna. THE REMEDIES FOR ESCAPING FROM THE HELL The King Shrenik thought : “Let me now try for the four remedies which Lord Mahavir has shown to me.” He first went to the maid-servant Page #312 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 291 Kapila. The King said to her that she should give alms to a recluse with faith, or she might give is to some good man. Kapila bluntly refused. Even though the king frightened her, threatened her and at last promised to give wealth, she did not budge a little from her resolve. She said: "I am your servant. You may kill me or fill my house with gold. but while alive, I will not give alms." The King forcibly made her hands hold the vessel for giving alms. She said: "I don't give alms, but King Shrenik's vessel gives alms." The king was disappointed. Then he went to his grand mother and requested to see Lord Mahavir so that he may nor get Hell. The grandmother also said: "I will never see Mahavir." Page #313 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 292 The King ordered the servants to take her by palanquin to the religious session of Mahavir, so that she will have to see Mahavir. The servants obeyed; but the grandmother thrust an iorn rail in her eyes and prefered blindness to seeing Mahavir. Then the King went to the butcher whose name was Kalsaukarik. He said to the butcher : “You daily kill give hundred buffaloes and earn your living. Please do not Kill any buffalo only for one day. I will give you as much wealth as you want." Kalsaukarik replied : “Your Honour ! I do not slaughter animals only for my livelihood, but it is our family custom. I would not break this custom even for a minute. Even if you allow four hundred ninety nine buffa Page #314 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 273 loes to be killed and ask me to let go one only, even then I would not obey." The King was so angry with him for his impudence that he ordered the soldiers to throw hiw into a deep, dark well. The order was carried out. Lastly, the King called Pushpak Sheth to him and requested that he would surrender one day's Samayika's fruit to him. The merchant : "Your Honour ! 1 do not know what is the fruit and its value of 'Samayik', only Mahavir knows it. When this is the position, how can I surrender the fruit of Samayik?" The King, disappointed here also, thought however, that he had been successful in two Cases. Kalsaukarik being in the deep well could not do killing, moreover he would got the friut of -Samayik from Mahavir himsel→→ Page #315 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 294 The king approached Lord Mahavir the next day only. He bowed and then said : "Lord ! I have put an end to the killing of buffaloes by Kalsauk arik, and the fruit of Samayik of the merchant lies with you. Now, my going to hell will be prevented, is it not ?” Bhagwan Mahavir replied in serene: and sobre voice : “O'king ! Do you think that Kalsaukarik has stopped killing ? You are mistaken. He prepares five hundred buffaloes out of clay and kills them, inspite of being in the well. Thus he does killing by mental feeling. He will never abandon. the killing work.” The king went to the well and himself saw that what Mhahavir said was. true. He then came back and asked the price of one Samayik. Page #316 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 295 Mahavir replied “Even by way of brokerage, your whole Kingdom is insufficient. From this, think out its total value ! In fact, Samayik. is invaluable." The King was now convinced that he would have to reap the fruits of his. actions and the words of Mahavir are infallible. The hell is a surely for him. Queen Chelna was not ready to pay heed to anybody's advice. She was burning in the fire of jealousy. At last she expressed her intention to commit suicide. The King thought what is destined to happen is bound to happen. So he said : “Do as you will. I had tried to honour by giving the divine neclace. But you do not appreciate. So you can do whatever you lika." Queen Chelna, on hearing such a cold Page #317 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 296 reply from the King was terribly annoyed. She went to the terrace of the palace. But just as she was going to jump from above, she heard a group of persons gossiping some thing. She felt inclined to overhear the conversation and so she stopped. THREE LOVERS A prostitute named Magadhsena lived in Rajagruh. Persons named Arohak and Menth both loved her. Those three were latking on the groundfloor of the palace. Magadhsena was telling to Arohak : “You are my lover; so fulfill my wish. Bring for me an ornament named 'Champakmala.' If you don't I will hang myself to death." Arohak : “I too love you deeply, but if I try to Fullfill your wish of this sort, I will have to die. Do you love the ornament more than me ?'' Page #318 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 297 Magadhsena was obstinately pressing for fulfilling her wish. Menth became very angry with this and said to Arohak : "Such obstinate woman deserve beating with a cane. I narrate you two stories : Once an ascetic sowed the seeds of palas flower in his hermitage. The tree grew, but did not give flowers. The ascetic became very angry and burnt the tree. After few days, it was laden with flowers. Now listen to the second story : A world conqueror Brahmadatta in Kampilyapar set out for touring in the forest, along with his soldiers. He was separated from them. Tired, he sat beneath a tree. Then the soldiers found him out and they all returned to their city. At night, the queen told him to tell her any incident worth knowing. Which might have happened during his visit to Page #319 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ - 298 forest. The king began to narrate : “When I was sitting alone, on the: bank of a tank, one princess of Snakeking came love intoxicated and invited me to have sexual sports with her. I refused. Soon a youth of snake communty came and they both indulged in sex uuder my very nose. So I caned them.' After telling this, the king went to the toilet before sleeping. When he was returning, a god fell to his feet. when asked for the reason, the god told him that 'the princess like woman was my daughter and she told me that you not only beat her but you tried to rape her. But now from your talks with your wife I came to know the truth. So now please ask for some boon.' I asked that I may understand the language of the birds and beasts. The Page #320 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 299 god granted the boon, but warned that if he divulged what he heard from the birds to others, he would die. Now once, the king laughed alone on hearing the conversation between one he-lizard and she-lizard. The queen insisted on telling her what the lizard-couple talked. The King reminded her that it meant his death. He could not tell the secret to anybody, Yet the queen insisted and forced him to say and said that she would instantly die with him. But he must tell her what he heard. The King was deeply worried now, and consulted the minister. The minister said: If I speak frankly, your Honour ! You are not only the husband of your queen but also a lord of the whole region. People value your life. If you are Page #321 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ready to give up your life for the sake of your queen, you should also continue to be alive for the sake or your subjects.” The King was convinced but again, when he returned to the palace, he was impressed by the love of his queen and so he decided to tell her what heard from the lizards. He orderd his minister to get the funeral pyre prepared. “I will act according to the demand of my queen.” He said. Everthing was prepared. A gloom overcast the whole city as the King was to die. People thronged in the outskirts of the city where the Pyre was arranged. Now it so happened that a cartload of Millet corn was being carried by the pair of Oxen, and it passed by that route. Page #322 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 301 Behind the cart, a he-goat and she-goat: were treading the path. The female-goat said to the male-goat: “Bring some bundles of Millet or Barley from this cart. I am pregnant and I have a strong instinct of a pregnant woman to eat some barley grass. Jf my wish is. not fulfilled, I will die." The he-goat replied scornfully : Do you take me to be the worldconqueror Brahmadatt ? He is a great fool that he has been ready to die simply because of one trigle wish of her queen, not caring for his people. He may be a conqueror, but this decision of him is. foolish. He seems to be a Coward. You may die if you like, but I do not want to risk my life like this." The King was just going to disclose the secret of the conversation of the Page #323 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 302 lizard-couple, when he happened to overhear what he-goat told to her partner. The King thought ‘even this animal is wiser than me.' He changed the idea of sacrifcing his life. He called the goats to him, gave them many bundles of Barley grass and declared that he-goat was his benefactor and a teacher. He put golden neclaces round their necks. Then he cancelled all arrangements and returned to the palace. The queen again said : 'Tell me the reason of your laughing when you heard the lizards.' The King replied : "I will tell you at the proper time. So saying, he ask all maid-servants to catch hold of the queen. Then he took a big whip in his hand and caned the queen nicely The queen began to tremble and apologised. All her Obstinacy was Page #324 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 303 gone. She never repeated her demand anytime. Concluding, Menth said to Arohak "Arohak! Even the ghost runs away by beating. If a woman does not leave aside her obstinacy, then she abandons it after being beaten. This Magadhsena now goes out of the way and she would understand by pursuasion but by punishment only." not Magadhsena now began to see reason. She did not insist on having the Champakmala any more. The queen Chelna also, who stood for jumping from the terrace to death, was wiser now, after hearing the conversation between Menth and Arohak. She came down and silently reached her bed room. She now remained satisfied with the Page #325 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 304 divine necklace and she had no fascination: left now for the divine ear-ring and clothes given to queen Nanda. She became normal and lived happily, completely accomodating. to the king as before. THE THEFT OF THE NECKLACE The god, as we know, had warned king Shrenik that the necklace should not be damaged and the goldsmith who repairs. will die. Queen Chelna was also forewarned about this by the king. But one day, because of neglignece, the pearls of the necklace were separated. The king and the queen were both worried as to what to do. At last the king made it publicly proclaimed that 'the person who sets back the pearls properly will be paid one lakh gold coius.' But who would risk his life even for this much reward? None responded. Page #326 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 305 'I am There was, however, one intelligent goldsmith in Rajagruh city He thought: now quite old. Some day or other I have to die. So why not take up this challenge and make a provision of one lakh gold coins for my sons outright? He came to the Royal court. The king, being pleased, with his adventure paid fifty thousand gold coins. in advance. The goldsmith went home happily along with the dangerous but divine necklace. the necklace arranging the Then he set to repair and thread the needle by pearls. But the necklace was not getting repaired. Because the holes of the pearls were so minstely small that one could not get the thread pass through it. Then all of a sudden an idea struck his mind he applied honey to the end of the thread and put the pearls just beside them શ્રેણી ૪ ક્રૂ. ૨૦ in • Page #327 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 306 line. Now because of the honey, an ant came and catching the end of the thread it went through the jewels. The goldsmith danced with joy. He repaired the necklace fully. But immediately, as god has warned, his skull was sprained to pieces, and he died. Now that goldsmith was born as a monkey and was staying in a garden near that city. Because of the memory of the past birth, the goldsmitn in the form of a monkey remembered the necklace stury. Now, when the sons of the goldsmith presented the repaired necklace, the king was extremely pleased. But when the sons of the goldsmith asked for the remaining amount of reward, the king said : “What nonsense ? which reward and which necklace ? lt waa your father who repaired if and not you. The remuneration is always given to the artist who does the Page #328 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 307 job and the person whose skill achieved this is now no more !” The sons of the goldsmith became sad and disheartened. When the king himself does injustice, whom to complain ? If law-makers themselves become law-breakers there is no hope. The father goldsmith who was now a monkey was roaming around. He once come to his sons' house and asked his sons is the king had given them the remaining amount. The sons told him (the monkey) everything that had happened. The monkey decided to teach the king a proper lesson. So he was always wandering about the palace and the garden. He did not get the opportunity for so many days. But sometimes, the opportunity comes to a man of its own. It happened like this : Queen Chelna once came to the same garden for a strall and for enjoying bath in the swimming pool. She took out all ornaments and handed over to her maid servant. Page #329 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 308 The servant put the dish of ornaments: or her head and she sat under a tree. The goldsmith of previous birth who was now monkey saw all this. The monkey came down to sit on one of the lower branches and then skillfully pieked up the divine necklace from the dish. When Queen Chelna completed her bath and began to put on the ornaments again, she found the necklace missing. The maid-servant was greatly puzzled and said that she did not know anything about it. The queen had full trust on her and so considered her innocence. Meanwhile, the monkey had handed over the necklace to the sons of goldsmith. The queen reported this to the king. The king entrusted the work of finding out the thief, to Abhaykumar who was very intelligent. Abhay kumar promised to catch the thief within seven days. Now, the sons of Page #330 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 309 goldsmith were trembling with fear, because it was very difficult to escape the net work of detectives cast by Abhay kumar. So they returned the necklace back to (their father) the monkey. The monkey also found it very embarassing to wander, with the necklace in his possession. The monkey was all the while searching for a proper person and a safe place." Munishri Munipati contuning to tell the story to Sheth Kunchika added : "That monkey once found that Acharya Suhasti was engrossed in Kayotsarg meditation completely neglectful of his body. The monkey found this incident as a fine chance. So he put the necklace round the neck of the Acharya Suhasti, and jumped away from tree to tree, very far. The principal minister Abhaykumar was doing religious practices along with the monks having Paushadh Vows to their credit. From amongst the four disciples Page #331 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 310 of Suhasti, great Muni shiv Acharya came to Suhasti. Seeing the divink necelace around the neck of Acharya Suhasti, the words 'Fear' slipped out of his mouth. Abhaykumar was surprised and asked though the Jain monks devoid of all attachment have nothing to fear, why such words were uttered by him. The Muni explained that he was reminded of one incident that had happened in his worldly life which he lived before renunciation. Abhrykumar asked with curiosity : “Holy Teacher ! What is that incident :” Munishree Shiv said : “There were two brothers in the city of Ujjayinee. One's name was shiv and the name of the other was Nagdatt. Regard me as Shiv. We both took to agriculture in Saurashtra to remove poverty and then afterwards I went abroad for trade. Page #332 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ I saw one strange incident there. I saw four persons, talking with each other under a tree, one night. One golden puppet stepped down from the tree. Four persons. ran to catch golden puppet. But that idol warned them not to touch it because to run after the goddess of wealth is not good. They did not pay heed to it and took that idol. Next morning, two of them went to the city market for bringing food. They thought it better to kill those other two protecting the pupper so that they may get a larger share. So they mixed poison in the food of the other two. The effect of evil desires is alway there on others. The two persons protecting the goden puppet had simtiar thought and were ready to kill those other two. Now, I was watching all thrse things remaining hidden behind the tree. The two persons who returned from Page #333 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 312 the city were quite unknown of the impending danger. They were attacked by the other two and were killed. Now these two who attacked the other two and killed them, were very glad in the hope of getting more wealth. The took their meals (poisonous) to their fullest satifaction. After some time the poison. had the effect and both those persons breathed their last. I quite saw with my own eyes that wealth is the root of all evils. Yet I took that puppet my poverty was removed. Out of love for my brother, I told him about the idol. I advised him not to do hard labour now. We were returning home with the golden puppet. I began to repent of my foolish idea of sharing the wealth with my brother unnece ssarily because it was I who had brought the golden statue. So I thought out ways to kill him. Page #334 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 313 My brother also had a similar idea of taking all wealth by himself. So he began to fornulate scheme to kill me. As soon as we reached near the city, however, I remembered what I had seen about those four persons. I began to repent and realised that this gold is an evil. So I threw away that golden puppet into a pond. My brother was surprised to see this. I explained him what had been thought by me about him. With tears in his eyes he also confessed his evil design. Now one fisherman caught that fish which had swallowed the small golden puppet. The fish was purchased from the market by my own sister. When she found small golden puppet, issued forth from the fish cut by her, she hid it. My mother saw that something has been taken secretly by the daughter and that she had hidden it somewhere On her person. Quarrels and Page #335 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 314 physical fight followed and my mother died, because in the fight, the golden puppet fell on my mother's head. We went to the kitchen and again saw the disasterous results of greed for wealth. It is because I had seen these fearful things in our worldy life, I uttered the words 'Fear l.' Seeing the evil things of life and wealth I had taken to Deeksha. Page #336 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Benificent Jindatta THE NOBLE OX After three cr four hours of the night, Munishree Suvrat came to his. religious teacher Preceptor Suhasti. He also saw a divine neclace round the neck. of Suhasti. He immediately spoke out : "Great Cause of Fear.” Abhay asked : “Muni ! What fear you have ? Did you also remember some terrible incident ?” Muni Suvrat replied : “King Jitshatru ruled over Angdesh. I was staying there with my wife Privamitra and I was very much known. I was wealthy also. My fame was spread everywhere. My wife was sexually corropt woman. Page #337 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ .316 Once some dacoits attacked our village and all the families rebbed. They came to my house also and began to loot. My wife voluntarily submitted to them and expressed her desire to go with them. The dacoits took her away and handed her over to their leader called Pallipati, the Lord of Pallis. Palipatti took her as his kept' wife and lived happily. When I returned home, I neither found my wealth not my wife. Having no idea that she had gone of her own, I made inquiries and ultimately one Potter's wife found her out. My wife was actually displeased at my return, but pretended quite reverse and sent a message that I should go to her at night when the Head of the Robbers, Pallipati, was to go out. 1 did like that and spent some time in her company. But due to some ill-omen, he returned earlier. My wicked wife made some sign to him that I was hiding myself under the cat. Pallipati dragged Page #338 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 317 me out and tied down my hands and feet with rope, after giving me harash bitting with a cane. I was thrown in one pit. As my good luck would have it, one dog came to rescue. It cut off the Knots of the rope and set me free. I went straight to Pallipati's bedroom, with a. naked sword, My wife was keeping awake. Showing the sword, I gestured her to go with me. She came out and as we walked on, she shrewdly dropped small bits of cloth from her clothes on our way. We reached a forest made of bamboos. Pallipati awoke and began to search for my wife, along with his 'men. They found us out. This time I was beaten till blood oozed out from my limbs. He poked iron pegs in my feet. He walked away with my wife. But again my luck favoured me. A monkey gave me fruits and water and rendered medical A monkey Page #339 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 318 gave me bruits aid by indigeous medicines. Iwas hale and hearty again. The condition of that monkey was similar to mine. One huge monkey had driven it away and was enjoying life with its five hundred femalemonkeys. This monkey was thus unhappy. He told me that in previous birth, he was a physician. Then I offered my help as a reciprocal gesture. I went with that monkey with a sword in hand. I killed that huge monkey with one stroke. Then I went to Pallipati again. He was in sound sleep. I cut him into two pieces with one stroke of my sword. I took my wife Priyamitra with me and we left. On our way, we saw one Muni who was standing in meditation, completely neglectful of his body. (Kayotsarg). After meditation, he gave me moral teaching. I felt disgust for worldly life. I renounced everything, including my wife and took Deeksha. Abhaykumar ! I was reminded of this incident and therefore I uttered Page #340 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 319 "Great Fear !" The disciples of Suhasti, the Preceptor, were administering to him in turn. When the last but one part of the night began, Muni Joyan came. Seeing the divine necklace around the neck of his Guru, he spoke out: "Very great fear, Very great fear !" Abhaya asked the reason from him also. Muni Joyan, thereupon said: "I was married to one daughter of a merchant of Ujjayinee. I went to fetch her once from her parents' house. When I reached the outskirts of the city, it was night andso, not thinking is proper to enter the city at night, I made a night halt in a secluded place. It was a cemetery. I had a sword with me for self defence. During the night, I heard that a woman was weeping. When I went in search of the facts, I found that one man was hang Page #341 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 320 was ing on the gallows and the woman weeping below. When I asked, she said: 'This man is my husband. The king death, an innocent serve him meals.. has sentenced him to man. I have come to But as it is too high a spot, I can't reach.. If you can help me, I can feed him.' I told her to stand on my shoulders. She stood but before that she took a promise from me that unless she completes her task, I should not took up. I stood like that but then I heard sound of her eating something. I looked up and what I found was a ghastly scene. She pierced with a knife pieces of flesh from that corpse and was eating them. Now my fear was turned into a wrath. I let her fall flat on the ground and without waiting for anything, I ran fast towards the city. She after ran me and only after cutting one of my loins, she returned. I was lying near the cite-gate reeling in pain. Some citizens came there and told Page #342 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ : 321 me that nearby there was a temple of goddess. That goddess was the protector of that city. I should go and pray. My wounds would be healed. I went accordingly and prayed the goddess intensely and with concentration. She miraculousby cured me, told me that as I was a foreigner to that place I might not be knowing some evil spirits roaming there who harass the strangers. Then I went straight to the house of my father-in-law at stark-night. I was just going to knock the door when I heard that iwo women were secretely gossiping inside. I kept myself standing and overheard. The mother was telling to her daughter : 'Dear daughter ! The meat which you have brought today is extremely tastet ful. You have never braught such before. The daughter laughed loudly and replied : “Why not ? It must be tasteful, Pel . 21 Page #343 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ .322 because if is a flesh of your son-in-law, my husband. If a mother-in-law does not find the flesh of her son-in-law tasteful, who else will find ! On hearing this I felt the great shock. It was narve breaking to me. This wicked lady is my wife ! Somebody has rightly said that the character of women is inscrutable even to gods. My mind felt a disgust for this world. I found everything meaningless. I returned from there only and took to renunciation. Abhaykumar ! Because I remembered this incident of my life I trembled and spoke out “Very great fear, Very great fear........." The last part of night just ending. Now great muni Dhanya came in the service of Acharya Suhasti. When he saw the devine garland around the neck of his Guru the words 'Fear-great fear' were Page #344 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 323 :slipped out of his mouth. Abhaykumar asked the reason and insisted for it. So Muni Dhanya narrated as follows : “I was the son of one merchant pamed Sudhan in Ujjayinee. King Ajitsen ruled there. My mother's name was Subhadra. I was a pet child. The name of my wife was Shreemati. She loved me very much. I have not seen so far a loyal, faithful and chaste woman like her. I too loved her like anything. One day I found her Sad. I was eager to see her ismiling face, when I insisted on telling me the bruth. She said : "My dear husband ? I have a strong desire to eat the meat of the tail of the musk deer. I was sad and silent because the task is difficult.” I replied with anthusiosm : "You, first, tell me where can I get that. I will Page #345 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 324 bring from any place." The dice cast by my wife was successful. Again she became: sad and said : "Dear husband! That place is very far. It will take months for you to go there and I cannot live without you for a moment. What is more, there is a fear of death. I cannot put you to risk for my taste." Now this provoked my manliness. I told with determination : "You don't worry about me. Show me the place and I will go there." My wife replied: "King Shrenika rules the city Rajagruha. You will get the musk deer in the royal garden of the king," I set out on my mission. I reached near the city Rajagruha. I halted at the garden near the city. In the garden, the prostitute of that city had come for a. stroll along with her girl-friends. One Page #346 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 325 Vidyadhar saw this beautiful lady from his sky-route. By the powers he had, he kidnapped the prostitute. There was din and bustle amids the girl-friends of the prostitute. They began to scream and cry. I got the secret of this incident and shot an arrow. Vidyadhar was killed by it and the prostitute, freed from him, was flung afar in the midst of a big lake. I plunged into the lake and saved her from being drowned. The prostitute was yery much thankful to me and forced me to accept her invitation to visit her palace. She then asked me the reason. I told 'her the wish of my faithful wife and our mutual love. She burst into laughter and said : “How simpletion and innocent you are ! Your wife seems to be a bad character, she has befooled you by sending you here." Page #347 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ - 326 These words gave a great pain to my heart. I became angry and said : “What do you know of my wife ? There is woman in the world as chaste and as faithful as she is.” The prostitute remained silent at that time. She thought that the time was not. ripe for showing me the truth. One day she was invited by the king for a dance. She took me also along with her. The royal court was full of spectators, She began to dance. She danced so well that all were speechless. Gradually, they were so lost in gazing at her beauty that they lost all self-consciousness as it were. Seeing that the time was proper for fullfiling my mission, 1 Killed the musk deer who was engrossed in amorous play. The soldiers arrested me. The King told the prestitut to ask Page #348 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 327 for three boons. At the end of the dance, when I was presented as a prisoner before the King, she asked one boon and by that she got me freed. The depth of a woman's action can be known only be women. Man can fathom the depth of an oecan but not the depth of a woman's heart. I have never doubted the fidelity of my wife but that prostitute could know it simply from my telling her about my wife's demand. Now the prostitute wanted to give me direct testimony to what she infered. One day the memory of my wife began to make me restless. We both went to Ujjayinee and halted in one garden near the City. At midnight, when she was asleep, 1 silently went away and walked towards my house. I hid myself in one corner. I saw that my wife was engrosssed Page #349 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 328 in amorous plays with her lover. They remain absorbed in exchange of love and sexual enjoyments for hours. Then they were tired and went to bed, I Came out and killed instantly her lover who was asleep. My wife was so much in sound sleep that she did not know this. In the morning she found herl over dead. She began to weep. But soon she thought of something and so she dug a pit and buried the dead body there. She ereuted a platform of bricks and stones etc. over it. After seeing all these things I went back to the garden and told everything to the prostitute. “You have saved me, really. I don't know how many more years I would have been trapped in her false love. Now I am not going to stay with her.” I went back to Rajagrauh along with her, and began to stay with her only. Page #350 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 329 Then once again I remembered my wife. I went alone this time and straight to her. She acted drama and said to me: "O' my dearest husband! How many days you have taken ? I was all the while yearning for you." I also pretended just like her : yearning for you. "I was also I could not do your work." But I saw that she put aside the knew her talk of a musk deer. Now I true form already, so this did prise me. not sur Now, everyday, she used to offer the first morsels of cooked good to that erected platform after her lover. Once I ordered her to prepare loaves of Bajri and ordered : "To-day only I should be served the the dinner first. Then only offer to others. Page #351 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 330 She acted again saying: "Who else is dearer to me than you?' You unnecessarily have doubts." She did a trick. The first lot of two. or three loaves were overcooked, practically burnt. "Oh, God! These are burnt." Saying so, she threw them exactly on the raised cemented platform which was built by her on the burial of his lover. Now I could not Control myself.. Rebuking her, I said: "You wicked woman! Who is there sitting inside that structure so that you first offered food to him ?" She did not reply, but she poured: hot ghee on my body. I was burnt a a great deal, and went out screming. It went straight to my mother. She rendered Page #352 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 331 medical aid and within a few days, I was quite normal. Abhaykumar! From that day, I renunciated everything and took to the life of a recluse. To-day, I remembered that and so the words "Fear,-great fear !" slipped out of my mouth." The fourth and the last part of the night also elapsed. The golden rays of sun spread over the earth. Abhaykumar went to pay respects to Muni Prahasti. He saw there the divine necklace of his step-mother Chelna round the neck of his. Guru. Now, Abhaykumar understood the whole thing. On seeing this necklace only the four diciples must have ejaculated the words "Fear...." etc. He took out the necklace from the neck of the Muni and handed it over to King Shrenika. Completing the illustration Munishree Page #353 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 332 Munipati said to Sheth Kunchika : “You know that the four disciples : viz. Muni Shive, Muni Suvrat, Muni Joyan and Muni Dhanya all were devoid of greed and had no attachment for wealth or gold. In fact, the wealth is the root of ruin for the monks. For them gold is no better than a lump of clay. So it is your mistake to put charge of stealing on me.” Kunchika : “I agree that Shraman or Jain Muni are non-greedy and sacrificing own comforts, but who knows when a particular recluse will not be tempted. How can we believe that all recluses are alike? It seems to me that you are jast like that lion who killed the physician who had cured his eyes.” Page #354 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE UNGRATEFUL LION Munishree Munipati askead : “How did the lion kill the physician ? And what good was done by the physicians to that lion ? Tell me the whole story.” Kunchika Sheth narrated as follows : “King Jitshatru ruled over the people of Varanasi (modern Benaras). The courtphysician was Devdatta who treated the king and his family. He had two very bright sons Jivanand and Keshav. Father Devdatta died only when these sons were quite minors. Their widow. mother Manorama had great difficulty in rearing the sons; because they had now no income from the king. Another Physician who was appointed Page #355 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 334 honour and prestige increased. It is quite natural. One day, this new physician was riding a horse to go somewhere. On his left and right as well as in front and behind were the body-guards. Showing this pomp and power, Manorama told her sons: "Dear sons, your father was also enjoying such royal honour once. During those days, we were also very rich. If you were a physician, you would have been appointed on the post held by your father." The sons "Mother, can we not become physician? You show me some physician as our Teacher. We will study with one-pointedness of heart and becoming a court-physician we will fulfill your wish." Manorama got hopeful and said: "There is one famous teacher. Gnangarbh in the city of Champa, Page #356 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 33 knowing medical science. He happens to be a friend of your father also. He will give you the necessary training." Jivanand and Keshav were very studious, modest and eager. They soon completed their studies and became profficient and expert physicians. They were returning to Varanasi from the city of Champapuri. On their way, they met a blind lion. The elder brother Jivanand told Keshav : "We should remove the blindness of this lion. Our knowledge will be put to test and the lion will be benifited. Thus two things will be achieved at one stroke." The younger brother Keshav replied: "No, we should not do that. This lion, after all, is a cruel beast. It is in their nature to return evil for benificence. We need not put our life into risk by curing its eyes." Page #357 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 336 Jivanand, however, did not pay heed! to the advice of Keshav. He became ready to cure the lion. Smelling the impending disaster, Keshav climbed the impending disaster Keshav Climbed the tree. Jivanand applied medicinal powder in the eyes of the lion. The lion regained Vision. He looked around and found Jivanand, a man, in front of him. The lion was hungry for days. He pounced upon Jivanand, killed him, and ate his flesh. After the departure of the lion, Keshav got down and reached home." Kunchika: "Just like this, you have been ungrateful to me by stealing my wealth." * Page #358 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SURYASANDH Muni Munipati said : “Kunchika Sheth ! Still you are not free from the illusion. Should I now convince you by telling a story of a noble full named 'Suryasandh' fro Kunchika : "What is that story ?» Munipati narrated : "King Ajitsen ruled Champa city. There was one Head of the religious Monastery. He had two cows. One of the cows gave birth to one calf. That calf grew young and soon became a handsome bull. People called him 'Suryasandh' or Bull as bright as sun. Shravak Jindas who was a holy person, a man of equanimity and observer of twelve vows was staying in the same city. De r $. 27 Page #359 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 338 He was greatly Court. honoured in the Royal The name of his was Dhanashree. Her disposition and attitude were quite contradictory to those of Jindas. At night, Jindas used to do Kayotsarg meditation in solitude and his wife Dhanashree used to be engrossed in exchange of love with her lovers at lonely places. Once the place where Jindas was engaged in meditation, at that very place she was absorbed in sexual sports with her lover. Nothing was visible in the darkness of the night. On one cot, Dhanashree was sleeping with her lover. In all the four bases of the cot, iron pegs were fixed. One of the pegs was thrust into the foot of Jindas as he could not see in darkness. Yet he did not utter a sigh of pain. When he looked to the cot he Tecognised his wife. But he continued to be engrossed in meditation. Page #360 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 339 was When the night was over, Dhanashree and her lover got up. They tried to lift the cot. Now the peg of the base was still in the foot of Jindas. So blood came out profusely and he died. Now Dhanashree recognised her husband. She terribly afraid. At that time the bull 'Suryasandh' came there. She applied blood to its horns and began to shout that the bull had killed Jindas. People beat the bull with sticks. The bull ran to the villageguard and began to nod its head to and fro, as, it telling that he had not done the dirty work. Some wise persons interpreted like this. But the mad public would not believe. Some of them suggested a test. Accordingly, an iorn ball heated till it was fully red was placed on the head of the bull. The ball got cold. So people now realised that the bull was quite innocent. Then they garlanded the bull and all that! Again, Suiyasandh became favourite of all and began to wander in the city as before Page #361 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 340 The clouds can not hide the sun for ever. One day or other, in the cloudless sky, the sun shines forth. Similarly, truth also is evident when the veil of falsehood is lifted. At last, Dhanashree was exposed. Her sins were the topic of the day. The king sent the sinner, Dhanashree into exile. Similarly, I tell on oath that I have not stolen your wealth." said Munishree Munipati. * Page #362 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE LIZARD There was no effect of the Muni's words on the mind of Kunchika. He said to Muni : “I still maintain with certainty that you have dore me wrong just like the lizard." Muni : “What had the ligard done pas Kunchika : "In One village, a lizard was staying. One day when she awoke, its eyebrows were full of mud. It could not open its eyes, however much it tried. Now, some flies perched on its eyes and the mud was removed. Immediately on opening the eyes, the lizard ate up the flies. Thus it behaved ungratefully to those flies which had done good to it. Similarly, you have done an, ungrateful act to a benificent man like me. And to prove you innocent you give illustrations." Page #363 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 342 The Muni was pained by the false accusations against him. But he politely asked : “How can you say that I have stolen. your wealth without any proof? Yuu try to lable me as thief just as the principal minister named Subudhi had proved that Kanku, the daughter of a merchant had stolen the ornaments of her girl-friend. It can only be called a 'deubt' to call anyone a thief without giving any testimony. And doubts can be right as well as wrong. Page #364 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE CONTEMPT FOR THE GRATEFUL Kunchika said: "Listen.... There lived one poor Brahmin in a village of Magadh state. To add insult to injury there was a famine. Poor Brahmin became poorer. He pined for a grain of corn. He could not get anything from begging as all the cityzens were unhappy. The Brahmin found out one way. He prepared one idol of the Goddess Durga and wrapped a cloth round it. Then he went from village to village proclaiming : 'Durga is the remover of all your mise. ries. By submitting to her, all the bondages of living beings break down.' People began to look up to the idol with faith. One incident confirmed the Brahmin's saying. A wife of a merchant gave birth to a son. Brahmin was not only respected by that merchant but the whole Page #365 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 344 village worshipped him. The fortunes favoured the Brahmin who was now rolling in wealth. Because of improved condition now, he got a golden idol of Durga, prepared, and threw away the wooden Image in the rubbish. He forgot that it was that wooden idol which had made him rich But he had a contempt now for that idol which had benificence to it. O'Muni ! I arranged for your comfortable stay for four months and you ruined me only. Page #366 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE BENIFICENT JINDATTA Munishree Munipati spoke : "Sheth Kunchika. Listen to the story of a Jain householder (Shravak) who lived in Jasantpur where Jitshatru ruled as king. Jindatta was a very holy soul. He was the son of Jindas. From the childhood only Jindatta was of a detached mind. He did not wish to marry even though young. Because of such behaviour on his part, all his relatives felt unhappiness. They used to worry day and night about this. They were trying to tempt him to marry. They were eager to see that sort of occasion by which Jindatta's mind may retreat from the idea of renunciation. Now one merchant named Priyamitra lived in the same city. He had one daughter named Jinmati. She was exquisitely beautiful. She had many virtues also. Page #367 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 346 Once Jindatta went to the fain temple: situated in the garden. He began to meditate there. At that time, Jinmati also happened to come there and she became engrossed in the act of bowing. Jindatta was impressed by her devotion. Her beauty and good facial expressions also made a deep impact on him. After the meditation and worship, he asked his friends who she was. The friends. became very glad by his inquiries of this nature and in the 'right' direction as youth. Of course they considered is right. It was the first known incident on the part of Jindatta that he felt an attraction for a lady. The friends replied: "Jindatta! She is the daughter of the merchant Priyamitra. It seems as is Destiny only has made a suitable pair-you and she. If you marry her, the purpose of God. will be served." Page #368 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 347 These words gave a jolt to his sentiment of detachment. He spoke out : “Friends! What nonsense you are talking ? I have decided not to marry. I asked about her simply in connection with her reliousness and love for worship." Hearing this blund 'no'from Jindatta, his friends were disapointed. Yet they did not discontinue their efforts. They waited for proper occasion. On the other side, Jinmrati also while coming out of the temple, saw Jindatta. She fell in love with him at first sight. The girlfriends of hers took no time in recognising this. They told abont this to Priyamitra, the father. He was extremely pleased. He went with the necesary proposal to Jindas, the father of Jindatta. Jindas gladly accepted the offer. When Jindas told about this to Jindatta, however, he refused it outright and Page #369 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 348 told clearly: "I am not going to marry. In fact, I am to go for Deeksha.” The father : “My dear son ! This girl is the same whom you had seen in the temple. have promised Priyamitra. The girl is also religious like you." “Whatever it is, I am not to marry.” Now, the guard of the city, Vasudatta loved Jinmati. So he approached Priyamitra the next day. Priyamitra old to him that he was late by a day, otherwise he would have thought about it. Vasudatta was terribly disappointed. Now Jindrtta was an eyesore to him. He was searching for an opportunity to weed off this thorn in his way. And he got the needed opportunity. t so bappened that the king Jitsh atru was going for a stroll in the garden along with his family. The King himself was riding a horse. He dropped some Page #370 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 349 where, his earring which was very costly.. When he found that he has lost it, he entrusted the search to Vasudatta. Vasudatta went back the whole and he found the the earring just near the garden. As Vasudatta was returning he met Jindatta who was returning from the temple. way Vasudatta uttered a lie and told to the king that he found it from Jindatta who had taken it. At first the King was surprised how such a holy and religious man could have thought to do such an evil thing. Vasudatta said : "These days people evil things by pretending to be religious only. Jindatta is a great hypocrite. Under the cover of religious show, he does sinful acts." The thief was caught redchanded.. So the king passed a sentence of death. He was to be hanged. Page #371 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 350 As was the custom then, Jindatta was applied red coloured sandal-paste all over his body and was taken round the whole city, before execution. Jinmati also was seeing the procession from the balcony. Tears came out of her eyes. Jindatta looked up and saw that she was weeping. He thought : 'I have done great injustice to this religious lady by turning down the proposal of my marriage with her. And yet she sheds tears out of pity for me. If, by the grace of God, I am saved, then I will certainly marry her. Jindatta was brought to the place of execution. Hundreds of people thronged to see the act. All of them hated the king Jitshatru and Vasudatta for wrongly punisihing the innocent man. Jipmati determined to save the life of her would be husband. She went to the temple for worshipping Shasandevi, the Page #372 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 351 goddess by standing in Kayotsarg. The spiritual power of women is tremendous. They can stop even the sun rising by the force of their penance and chastity. Shasandevi worked miracles. Vasudatta failed repectedly. The gallows were broken many a time. Jindatta was unhurt. At last Jindatta was tied to a tree with a strong rope. But the goddess tore asunder the rope also. The news reached the King. Apart from being surprised, he began to shake mentally with fear. Because the miracle meant that the goddess in angry and Jindatta must be innocent. and he very well knew that the result of doing injustice to a holy person is not good. So he immediately went to the place of Execution and apologised before Jindatta. Not only that but Jindatta was publicly honoured in the Royal Court. Now it was Vasudatta's turn to be afraid of. The King ordered that Vasuda. Page #373 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ tta should now be hanged. But Jindatta: pleaded on his behalf and requested the King not to hang him to death. Thus the order of cancelled but the King did not think it proper to keep such a man in. his State and so he was sent into exile. Who can undo what destiny has decreed l What is to happen always happens. Jindatta was married to Jinmati. The occasion was nicel ycelebrated. After living the householder's lite, again the non-attachment of Jindatta was revived. He took to Bhagwati Deeksha at the holy feet of Acharya Susthita. After death, they both attaimed godhood. Complting the narration, Munishree Munipati said : “Kunchika ! The nature of holy persons is like that of Jindatta. They do good to even those persong who have done harm to them." Page #374 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE UNGRATEFUL BHFEL (HUNTER) Kunchika said: I tell you a story of one Bheel youth who had done evil to a female-monkey who was benificent. King Haripal had encouraged nourishing of thousand of monkeys in one big forest near Harikanta. In the same city, a youth of Bheel Community was also staying. Cruelty, lack of mercy and ungratefulness were deeply rooted in him. One day he went for hunting to the forest. Now, one benificent female monkey was also staying in that forest. She was of pious nature. The Bheel youth met one tiger. It was hungry for days and SO was just thinking to to kill the Bheel when the later climbed up the tree. With a hope that 'sometimes he will get down' the tiger sat under the tree. The femaleશ્રેણી ૪.૬ ૨૩ Page #375 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 354 monkey, who was merciful, saw the whole situation and came ro the lower branch where Bheel was resting. She gave much consolation to him. The Bheel now rested his head upon the thighs of the femalemonkey and got asleep. The tiger seeing this, said to the female monkey: "You push the man down to the ground. I am hungry for the last many days. I will satisfy my hunger. You and I both are inhabitants. of the forest. Man is always ungrateful. He is the permanent enemy of ours the animals. Your interest lies is throwing him down only. Then he will forget your good behaviour. I give you one illustration in support of my statement : There lived a Brahmin named Shiv in one village. He was once going for a pilgrimage. He lost his way. His throut Idried of thirst because it was too hot. After much searching, he got one Page #376 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 355 well. He anyhow prepared one rope and tied it down to one vessel. He lowered that into the well. When he drew it back, to his surprise, one monkey came up. Second time, a tiger and a snake came up along with the rope. All the three thanked the Brahmin. The monkey was a man in the previous birth. He remembered it and he warned the Brahmin that there was one very ungrateful in the well. He should not commit the mistake of taking that man from the well. They stayed at Mathura. But after-wards, the Brahmin thought a man should help another man. So he threw the rope down and with its support that man Came out. That man introduced himself asa goldsmith of Mathura. “Searching water I came here, my legslipped and I fell down in the well. As I caught hold of one branch of Page #377 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 356 a tree, I was saved. Then those three animals fell. We forgot natural enmity becouseof Common sufferengs. When you come to Mathura see me. I will entertain you.' Then at the fourth attempt, he got water and quenchep his thirse. While returning, he passed by a forest near Mathura. The monkey recognised the Brahmin. It showed great. hospitality any gave him sweet fruits. Going further he met the same tiger. The tiger also returned love for love. The tiger killed one prince and gave his ornaments to the Brahmin. The Brahmin had an inclination tovisit the house of the goldsmith also. The goldsmith pretended not to know him. When the Blahmin reminded him of the will and how he saved him, the goldsmith reluctantly said : Page #378 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 357 “Yes, something I remember faintly ?? The Brahmin said : “I have some ornaments. It will be inconvenient for me to tour with them. So will you purchase them ? The goldsmith was tempted, seeing the costly ornaments. He kept the ornaments with him. The Brahmin went for a bath. Now, there was gloom spread in the city because of the death of the prince. The Royal proclamation was made as follows : “Someone has killed the prince and took away the ornaments. The citizen who catch hold of the murdever will be given big prizes.” The goldsmith in the selfish hope of getting the prize, went to the king and told him that the Brahmin who had killed the prince has gone to the river." Page #379 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 358 The soldiers arrested the Brahmin and the king ordered that he should be hanged. The soldiers were taking him to the place of the gallows. On his way, the Brahmin began to repent that he did not put trust in the advice of the monkey, the tiger and the snake. 'The goldsmith is really wicked person and I made a mistake of saving him.' In these feeling of remorse, some two lines in verse slipped out from his mouth; the verse meant that when I did not pay heed to the advice of the tiger, the monkey and the snake, I am now being dragged: to death by the goldsmith. Just near the place where the Brahmin uttered these words, there was a hole in the ground wherein lived a snake. It came out and recognised the Brahmin. The snake ran fast and thought out a plan to save the Brahmin. The princess was Page #380 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 3.9 given a poisonous bite by the snake and she lied down unconscious: The King grew restless. He was worried a great deal because, on one side the prince was dead and now the princess was op death-bed. So many snake-charmers were tried, but of no use ! One old Snake-charmer infered that the Brahmin who was to be hanged is an innocent man and if he is released the princess will be alright. :: “What proof have you got for the innocence of the Brahmin ?? The old man ordered his snake to get into the body of the princess. The snake then spoke through the medium of the princess. The whole incident was narrated. Now the King was convinced. He ordered release of the Brahmin with honour. The princess was cured. The King Page #381 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 360 heard the series of incidents from the Brahmin also. The King appointed him his principal minister. The goldsmith was sent into esaile. The Brahown introduced the worship of the Snake as god. Since then, the festival of Nagpanchmi is being celebrated. This whole story was told by the tiger to the female-monkey. But the later was not impressed at all. The tiger said: 'This man will behave with you just as the goldsmith had done. The persons of Bheel Community are by nature wicked and ungrateful. So push the man down.' The female-monkey, however bluntly refused to do so The figure was mentally annoyed at the female-monkey and decided to teach her lesson. -Contdc. (For further story read 'The Ungrateful Bheel).' Page #382 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Ungrateful Bheel THE BENIFICENT FEMALE-MONKEY After some time the Bheel youth (a hunter) awoke. Now the female-monkey became asleep while keeping its head on the thighs of the Bheel. Taking opportunity of this, the tiger who was sitting beneath the tree said to the Bheel : “Oh kind man ! Do not trust this wicked female-monkey. I am not to leave this place without having my food. If you want to save your life throw her down. I will go away after eating her flesh, and you also return home fearlessly. If you don't do like that, I will at any time devour you. For, how long will you sit on the branch of the tree ? For a monkey, there is no question because a tree is itself a house for them. - Page #383 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 362 By friendship with the female-monkey man has never been benifited, Friendship with the ungrateful is always risky. It is better to have a learned enemy than a foolish friend. This female-monkey can at any time betray you. I am just narrating to you a story of one king and the ungrateful friend monkey. Listen: There was a king named Pavak in Nagpur city. One day, he set out for seeing the beauty of the forest, riding a horse. He lost his way, however, in one dense forest. He was put to great embarassment; he had to go without food and water for some days. ! He met one monkey, on the way. The monkey gave sweet fruits to the king. Then it took him to one lake. The king quenched his thirst. By that time, the soldiers of the king came there, searching for him. The king took the monkey also with him and returned to the city. .. Page #384 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 363 The king looked after the monkey very well. The royal garden was always. there for the monkey to enjoy. Thus a. bond of friendship was developed between the king and the monkey. So much so, that he gave to the monkey costly clothes, and ornaments. The monkey was appointed. Body guard. One day the king went to the garden.. It was spring.time. After a nice stroll, the king became asleep under the shade of a tree. The body guard monkey was. sitting nearby. At that time one wasp. came about there buzzing. It began ic buzz just over the face of the king. The monkey drove it away once, but again it. flew back and began to buzz. It happened many times like that, At last the monkey was annoyed. The monkey took the sword of the king which was lying there. Then, as soon as the wasp came again, the monkey, with all its powers, swung the sword on the wasp. The wash flew away Page #385 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ - 364 and the sword came down all upon the neck of the king cutting him into two pieces ! Thus the foolish monkey took the life of the king. So, O'Bheel ! Lest you take this female monkey to be your friend. This friendship will be turned into an enmity one day. So believe me and throw her down." The Bheel was trapped into this device of the tiger. The violence and cruelty of his nature were revived. Without thinking anything, he threw the female-monkey down. The waiting tiger pounced upon her and pressed her between his piercing teeth. But the female-monkey was clever and shrewd. She said ; "O tiger ! You perhaps don't know that the life of the monkey resides in its tail. So if you start eating from the tail, it will be more convenient to you and I Page #386 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 365 will feel less pain. Then you can relish my flesh." The tiger trusted her. He released her from her mouth and tried to catch its. tail. The female-monkey, quite alert,. immediately jumped out and got back to the tree. The tiger was taken aback and stunned. He walked away, disheartened. Now, in spite of the Bheel's cruelty, the female-monkey remained faithful to him. She said to the Bheel : "Come on, friend, let us get down now. The fierce wicked tiger has gone away. My young ones must be waiting for me. You take rest in my abode. I will bring sweet fruits. You may satisfy your hunger." The monkey took him along with her to her abode which was a shady nice portion, arranged by grass and creepers. The young ones were dancing their with Page #387 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ - 366 joy. Then she went for fruits.? The Bheel was selfish. He satisfied his hunger by killing the young ones of the female-monkey and eating their flesh. He then slept. The female-monkey returned. She was worried and shocked, not seeing her young ones. But good as she was, she first awakened the Bheel and gave him sweet fruits. Then she began to search for her young ones, The Bheel thought : "To-day, I will have to return home empty-handed. Not a single animal could I kill. Now let me kill this female-monkey only." That sinful man beat the female-monkey with all his strength with a heavy stick. She was instantly killed. The hunter set out for home taking the dead monkey. Op his way, that same tiger met him. The tiger said to him with contempt : Page #388 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 367 "O' worthless man! You wicked ! What have you done this ? Did you kill that female - monkey who had protected you even though you had thrust her down into my mouth ? In spite of this ingratitude on your paat, She was benificent and returned good for evil. Go away from my range. It is a sin even to see your tace. Now I can not accept you as my food. Your flesh is poisonous due to your ingratitude. It is a sin even to touch you. Woe unto your malicious and sinful behaviour !" King Haripal of Harikanta city came to know of the ghastly sin of this hunter, Bheel. He began to think : “I encourage nourishing of the monkey species in my city and this wicked, cruel Bheel kills them ! This cruel man has killed a benificent female-monkey. I will order to hang him to death." Page #389 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ .368 He ordered accordingly. The soldiers were taking the Bheel to the gallows. The King was also with them. On their way same tiger met the King. The Tiger said : : "O King ! Do not kill this Bheel. He is so bad a sinner that by your contact in this way also with him, you will have to share his sins. He will die of his sins and will not be accepted even in hell." The tiger talked in human language. So the King was more surprised. He asked the tiger to let him know the secret. The tiger : “There stays one Muni Sooriraj in a forest near Harikanta city. He will answer all your questions." The King sent the Bheel into exile. Page #390 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 369 Then he went to Muni Sooriraj. He bowed to him and expressed his doubts ; “Bhagwan ! Where did the femalemonkey go after death pe? The Muni : "O king ! The female-monkey who was of spiritual mind and benificent reached the abode of gods. A wife of one god who was equal in status to God Indra of Saudharmaloka was born in human world having fallen from the abode of gods. The gods who served her as Body-Guards had the husband of that goddess whether anybody will be come goddess or not. At that time, that god had replied that there are some monkeys tamed by King Haripal, near Harikanta city. Amongs those one female-monkey also stays. When she will die, she will become goddess. O King ! On hearing this, one god શ્રેણી ૪ ભા. ૨૪ Page #391 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 370 took the form and figure of a tiger and tried to test that female-monkey. She passed the test. That tiger talked human language because he was a god." The king asked second question : “What will be the destiny of that sinner Bheel pro Muni : “O king ! For the sinners, the hell is the only shelter. That wicked hunter will go there only." The seeds of non-attachment which were lying dormant in the King's heart were now sprouted. He took to Renunciation, and in the end attained to godhood.” Completing the story, Kunchik Sheth said : “Great Muni ! You can be compared to that Bheel (hunter) only and not with that Shravak. I am greatly pained by your behaviour.” Page #392 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 371 Munishree Munipati said “Kunchik Sheth ! My heart also is greatly pained by your behaviour. You are defaming a recluse who has renounced the worldly life and who is free from selfish desires. Your conduct is like that of Devi, a wife of the thief whose name was Veer. In the end, you are also to be miserable just like that Devi. You will burn in the fire of repentence. Those who harass the saints are themselves harassed in the end. Page #393 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THOUGHTLESS ACTION Kunchika asked : “Munijee ! What was done by Devi, the wife of the thief ? Please tell me fully.” Muni : There lived one thief named Veer in the kingdom, Magadh. The name of his wife was Devi. Now, in their house, a female-mungoose gave birth to a young one. Devi nourished and tamed that one. After some months, Devi also gave birth to a son. The son began to grow and he used to play with the small mungonose. Once, the son of Devi was sleeping. The baby-mungoose was sitting near his bed. Devi had gone to the village well. for fetching water. At that time, one serpent came and began to bite the boy. The mungoose killed the snake into pieces. Page #394 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 373 Killing the snake, it came outside. Divi had pots of brass full of water on her head. She saw the face and other parts of the body of the mungoose 'sprinkled with fresh blood. mun Devi thought 'This wicked goose has killed my son, to be sure. Wild animals should never be trusted.' She lost all sense of wisdom or patient thinking because of her attachment for her son. Tears filled her eyes due to imaginary shock. As soon as she came near to the mungoose, her pain was turned into anger and without thinking anything, she threw the pot on the small mungoose and then crushed it by a stone lying nearby. Then she entered the house. What she saw there startled her. The boy, her son, was asleep peacefully, and just near him the pieces of dead snake were scattered. She became restless as she learnt the Page #395 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 374 truth now. She began to weep loundly :: “Oh, my God ! I killed the babymungoose which was as dear to me as. my son. I took her to be a murderer, but actually it was a saviour of my: son.” Muni Munipati added : That woman, Devi repented her whole life for this thoughtless action of hers. Similarly, you are defaming me.. You will repent when you will lean the truth. So change your impression (and attitutude) about me. Page #396 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EVIL IN RETURN FOR GOODNESS Kunchika said : “How can I change my belief ? My opinion is based on what I see. And I see that your conduct is just like that illiterate person who had behaved badly with the elephant, who had given him pearls of the elephants. Muni : “Sheth ! You now narrate that story." Kunchika : “In one forest, a herd of seven hundred female elephants lived. The group-leader of that herd was one white-coloured elephant of a huge body. While roaming in the forest, an iorn. pag was thrust into his foot. The elephant could not walk. It used to lie under a tree, hungry and thirsty. શ્રેણી ૪ ભા. ૯ Page #397 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 376 One day, one female-elephant came there with one man. The man took out the iorn-peg from the elephant's foot. the elephant, freed from pain became very glad and gave to the man the pearls of elephants as a reward. The man returned home with those precious things. His days of poverty were over. He rolled in wealth. The King of that city was surprised to find such a poor man turned rich, all of sudden. He called that man and asked him the cause of his prosperity. The man narrated the whole incident how he got those pearls. The King thought that such an elephant worth-seeing and virtuous should be in the Royal stables. So he sent many soldiers to the forest who caught the elephant, Chained him and thus the elephant was made a slave of the stable. O Muni! Thus you have returned Page #398 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 377 evil to me in exchange of my benificence just like this. You have done great wrong by stealing the earnings of my whole life." The Muni became a little bit angry. He scolded Kunchika and said : "Kunchika! You have put down a curtain over your reason. Even though I explain you often, you do not follow me. Your intelligence is worse than a beast. I just now narrate you a story of one lioness. After hearing that you will realise that even wild beasts have prudence than you. more * Page #399 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SOLVE THE PROBLEM WITH PRUDENCE Munipati told the story as follows : “There stayed one lioness in one of the dens of Vaitadhya mountain. She had two girl-friends : one was a female-fox and the other was a femle-deer. In normal circumstances, the deer are the food of the lions but where true love domi. nates, hereditary enmity goes off. All these three used to stroll together. At night, they slept together. Once the lioness gave birth to a cub. She told to female-fox and female-deer : “Friends, both of you take care of my cub; I go to the forest-interior for bringing the hunt.” The female-deer felt asleep. She told that. So the female-fox replied : Page #400 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 379 "Friend, you can well sleep; I will take care of the cub." The female-deer was soon asleep, being free from worries. The female-fox took this fine chance and devoured the cub. Not only that, but she applied the blood to the mouth of the sleeping female-deer. After that, the cunning female-fox went away into the forest. The lioness returned and did not find her cub. She went for a search in the forest. The female-fox met her on the way. The lioness asked her, "Friend ! Where is my cub ? I have told both of you to look afrer it.” The female-fox replied, “Friend ! I had gone away shortly afterwards. Let us ask female-deer.” Awakening the deer the lioness asked, “Where is my cub ?”. The famale deer replied, “Friend ! I had gone to bed. Sister fox was Page #401 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ : 380 sitting here. Ask her who had come here ?" The female-fox, in support of her statement said to the lioness : “Friend ! This cunning female-deer only has killed your cub and ate it. Don't you see that there are stains of blood still on her face ??? The lioness was wise. She kept patience. She thaught that the female-deer is perfectly vegitarian, eating only grass and leaves. She could never touch flesh. Whereas, this female fox is by nature nonvegitarian. Only she could have eaten up my cub. So she asked both of them : "Both of you vomit out. The truth will be known just now.” Truth has no fear. The female-deer immedietely vomitted. Only straw of grass and leaves came out. After that the turn of the female-fox came but she began to tremble and she hesitated. So the lioness became a hard and ordered, Page #402 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 381 “Come on, vomit quickly.” The fox had to do it and from her stomach the pieces. of flesh and chewed bones came out. The lioness was convinced that the wicked. fox had really eaten up her cub. So the lioness, killed the female-fox and took revenge. Commenting upon the morale of the story, Munishree Munipati said : “Kunchika! Had the lioness not used prudence, poor female-deer would have been killed. Sometimes what appears is not real; and what is not seen is Real. Inspite of being a beast how wise and prudent was the lioness ! Though you are a man you do not think. It seems to that I have stolen your wealth but it is an illusion.” Kunchika replied “Great Muni ! Sometimes the crimi-- Page #403 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 382 nal is so clever that he proves himself innocent. You want to prove me wrong by giving many illustrations. You told me the story of lioness and I am reminded of ope story about a lion. You listen to the istory of that ungreatful lion." Page #404 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ UNGRATEFUL LION Kunchika said : "There was one hermitage of the ascetics just near the Himalayas. A devil was staying in a cave near-by. Even a rogue improves his acts by the company of the saints. This demon also was getting to the right path. and had stopped killing others. Mercy and benificence the Virtues of higher type were also now adopted by him. Once he had gone out. At night, a lion trembling with cold came there and slept in the cave. When the demon returned, he saw the lion but did not awaken him out of mercy. He slept outside the cave. When the lion awoke, he came out The found the ready-food. he devoured the same demon who had given him the shelter. Page #405 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 384 I also gave you shelter. You also had killed me by stealing my all wealth.” The Mupi became most unhappy by such repeated charges by Kunchika. He said : “O’merchant Kunchika! You do not understand. Now I will have to find out some alternative way. One who does not understand by simple words gets straightened only by harshness. You need punishment. Then only you will discard suspicion. Hear the story of Kath from me. Page #406 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A MERCHANT NAMED KATH The Muni told the story as follows "King Shrenika was ruling over the people of Rajgruha, the capital af Magadh. The three chief queens were Nanda, Chelana and Dharinee. Apart from them, the king had many queens. His son, Abhay, himself was his minister. In his kingdom, one Shravak named Kath was also staying. Kath was a great religious soul, observing religious rules. He was observing twelve vows. for earning a livelihood, he was doing business. The name of his wife was Bhadra. He got one wonderful palace built for his stay. He asked the Pandits to show good ominous hours for making First Entry religious rites. When the merchant along with his relatives got ready to enter the appointed hour, he suddenly sneezed. શ્રેણી ૪ કુ. ૨૫ at Page #407 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 386 The astrologers said : “Sheth ! This sneeze of yours is illomened. It does not augur well. So you do not make ceremonial entry just now, otherwise you will have to suffer terrible pains." Sheth Kath postponed the idea of making his entry for staying there. He again consulted the astrologers afresh. Now, this time, a dog with some food in its mouth came from the right-hand side and sat down on the left-hand side behind the merchant Kath. The astrologers interpreted : “Sheth ! This indicates very nice omens. Now, you may enter your new house without any hesitation. The riches will come to you in abundance." As soon as Kath entered, the dog waved its ears. The astrologers spoke out : “This is smell added to gold. This Page #408 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 387 is supplementary to the good omen you already had. Your fame will spread.” Sheth Kath began to stay with his family and numerous servants, enjoying the life fully. His wife Bhadra was also very accomodating to her husband. Once she dreamt a boat sailing across the on. She awoke and awakened her husband and told him the details about the dream. “This dream is extremely good. You will give birth to a son." Her husband said. And really, after some days, she gave birth to a son. The occasion was celebrated with much gusto. Sagardatta was the name sellected for the boy. Sagardatta, at the proper age, was proved bright at the school. Once two Munis came to their palace. Page #409 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 388 There was a tree in the garden. A Cock sitting on the tree spoke : "Sheth give me food, I will make son a great king." your Sheth looked towards the two Munis. The first one opined that the forecast was correct, but the other one found it surprising. The first Muni told to Katha: "Surely this cock will make Sagardatt a king." Kath got the cock down and gave it food. The two Munis also were offered dinner. The cock was tamed by the merchant on permanent basis. One day king Shrenika ordered Kath :: "You will have to go overseas. Bring costly clothes for us, purchasing properly." When Seth Kath informed his wife about this, she was restless. She said : Page #410 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 389 "My lord! I will not allow you to go anywhere. Without you, one minute will be like one Age to me. Have mercy on me and cancel your journey oveaseas.' "" Sheth "Mad woman! I am not going there permanently. Your love for me will increase in separation from me. How can we disobey the king? Anyhow I will have to go. One thing is certain that the memory of thine shall draw me here earlier." "My dear! Then make some Bhadra arrangement here that in whose support I may pass my days." "Alright, I will" Replied Kath and went to his shop. On his way, he met one Brahmin who carried a cage in which there was a couple of parrot and a Jay. Kath thought that Bhadra will be pleased with this pair of birds. So he purchased the whole thing for five hundred gold coins. Page #411 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 390 The parrot began to talk with him in human language. Sheth "Parrot ! How do you know man's language ?" " Parrot "Sheth ! in fect, I am a god. It is due to a curse that I am born a parrot. If you desire to hear my story. I will tell you. Listen: I am an humble servant of the assembly of Dharanendra. My name is Nanda Varta. By order of Dharanendra, I had gone for 'darshan' of God Parshwanath in a garden near Varanasi. (Modern Benaras.) In that garden one man who had aquired many divine powers had come: for stay in that very garden. Many persons began to do service to do him. One shepherd said : "God! Give something to me also." The man who had realised may things remained silent. The shepherd repeated. Page #412 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 391 his demands many times. So that great man became angry and in anger, he said: "O' you go, woe !" The shepherd took these words as Mantra given by Guru and going to one of the temples began to chant intensely the said words. In heat and cold, hunger and thirst he was engrossed in this worship. I tried to make him. swerve from this, I threatened him, made him afraid but he remained firm. Seeing such a firm devotion and faith of him, I presented myself before him and told him to ask whatever he wanted. He said : "If you are pleased with me, fill up my whole house with jewels." I granted the request and filled the storehouse of his house with jewels. The shepherd was overjoyed. He thought : "This is all due to grace of That Page #413 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ - 1392 *Realised Sage who had given me this mantra Thinking thus, he went to him and offered some jewels out of respect. That sage was surprised and was going to ask how he got them when the shepherd said : “The mantra 'O' you go, woe !' Which you had given to me has made this possible for me.” The sage thought : 'Keeping faith on my words uttered in wrath, he has got nice results. How great significanee Faith has !' Now, because I had gone there to give jewels to the house of the shepherd, I forgot to offer worship to God. Parshwanath. And at that time, my master Dharnendra came there and not seeing me, there, he cursed : "You and that shepherd remain as parro and Jay in this garden.” Page #414 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 393 I was grieved hearing this Curse. I apologised frequently. After sometime his anger was calmed and then he said: The curse which I uttered can not go in vain, but you will be free from this curse through Kath, the merchant of Rajgruha.' tree In order to be free from the curse, I have been waiting in the garden. Once a poor Brahmin sat under the same and he began to shed tears on his miserable condition. Myself and this Jay came down from the tree and said: If you take both of us to Sheth Kath the the merchant, he will purchase us by giving you the price of five hundred gold Coins. You will be free from poverty and we will be free from the curse. O Sheth! This is our story, but remember one thing: don't tell this to any body. If you let out the seclet, you will have to face many terrible calamities." Page #415 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 394 Sheth Kath promised the parrot that he would not divulge the secret any-where. The merchant Kath was sitting in his shop with the cage and the pair of birds, when an ascetic came there. It so happened that one straw from the roof of the shop came down and fell upon the head of the ascetic. Taking the straw in his hand he spoke, “Due to which sins of mind this has fallen on me ? Because uptil now I have not taken a single straw without anybody's giving it. Today unknowingly I have become a thief. I will therefore, out off my head.” Telling in this way the ascetic took a sword and became ready to commit Suicide. At that time people prevented him doing so. The merchant Kath thought : *This ascetic seems to be a great Page #416 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 395 moralist. If it stays at my house, the whole environment will be religious. Moreover, my wife will pass time in hearing his sermons.' He therefore, requested the ascetic to grace his house because he was going abroad and his wife could pass her time religicusly. Protesting, the ascetic said : “Sheth ! Of what use is the household to us ? I never stay at any household.” Kath insisted and said ; “Prabhu ! You can stay even at my house without difficulty. I will arrange for your separate room, outside the palace. But anyhow you oblige me.” The ascetic was extremely pleased with him. He agreed and so the merchant Kath came home with the parrot, female Page #417 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 396 parrot and the ascetic. He said: "My dear wife! The cock, the parrot and the jay will be your companions. You take care of them with love. This great ascetic will stay near the gate of the palace. You serve him with feelings of worship. I will return soon. It is said by wise man that women should not be trusted. No body knows what she will do. It is difficult to know even for gods to forecast two things: The destiny of a man and the character of Woman. Then what to talk of man ? Bradra! The wife of the mearchant slipped fron her chastity. She was attracted towards the ascetic and the ascetic also fell in love with her. Both fearlessly enjoyed the sexcual sports. Tee ascetic wanted now more and more comforte and luxuries. Bhadra spent money profusely to satisfy all his wants. One day, the Jay Sinful acts the ascetic bird and saw the the wife Page #418 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 347 of the merchant. She said : "Parrot ! I can't bear the sight of this sin which is being acted by both of these. How is it that you are keeping silence all the while ?” The parrot "Dear ! It is better not speak anything at the moment.” to But the Jay could not control her-- self. She said to the ascetic bitterly : “Oh ascetic ! ou are Yunfaithful. You do harm to the person who has provided you with shelter Bhadra, the woman got angry at this and wanted to finish off the Jaybird. With this intention, she Openld the cage but the Jay was alest, she flew away. The parrot did not speak anything. One day an astrologer named Bhoodev Page #419 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 398 came there. The ascetic asked him the secret about the cock. The astrologer said that one who eats the crest of this cock will be a king in seven days.” The ascetic desired now to be a king. So he asked Bhadra to cook it for him. you will She replied ! “How can I kill it ? Because my husband loves this cock very much.” The ascetic : "If you really love me, have to kill it." The woman was afraid of him and killed the cock. When the crest was cooked properly, she told the ascetic to take meals. "The ascetic went to the river for bath. Now, during that time, Sagardatta the son of Bhadra came from the school and said : “Mother ! I am very hungry. Give Be immediately something to eat." Page #420 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 397 The mother, Bhadra replied : “Nothing is ready at hand, you do one thing : the meat of the cock is cooked and is there in the kitchen. You eat something from that.” Sagardatta went to the kitchen and took the crest of the cock from the vessel and ate it. He, ihen, quite satisfied, immediately went back to the school. After sometime, the ascetic returned after taking bath and completing his usual meditation etc. Immediately on his arrival, he asked for the meat of the cock. He was told that it was quite ready in the kitchen. The ascetic sat down 10 relish the meat. But he could not find the muchwanted crest therein. So he asked Bhadra : “Where has the crest gone away from this ?? Bhadra : “Sagardatta had come, a short while before; he must have perhaps Page #421 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 400 eaten it." The ascetic "Go quickly, kill him and bring from his belly, the cooked crest. I will not rest without the crest." Bhadra "What do you say? Should I kill my own son in order to serve you crest ? I will not do such a cruel act." The ascetic threatening her said: "If you do not bring the crest, I will just now go away from here." Love-blind Bhadra, a mother, became ready even to kill her child! See the reault of being mad after someone! Sexdominated infatuation always brings evil. One maidservant, Gomati, overheard this exchange of talks. She had hidden herself and she also heard the willingness of Bhadra to kill Sagardatta for the sakeof her lover. So Gomati immediately went away and reached the school. She took Page #422 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 401 Sagardatta with her and began to walk fast. They walked for six days and nights. Then they reached the city of Champa. They put up at one garden there. At that time the king of Champanagari had died, and the ministers and the courtiers decided that the new king should be decided upon by traditional method. Five divine vehicles were prepared. Thousands of citizens accompanied the Royal procession. The elephant, who was to decide, sprinkled the holy waters on the head of Sagardatta. The horse neighed. Thus Sagardatta was decided upon to be the king of Champa. He was renamed as Dhatreevahan. On the otherside, Bhadra was lost in sexual rapport. All wealth was squandered in the satisfaction of various wants. Because of irregularity in pay, the servants and maid servants gradually left them. શ્રેણી ૪ ૬. ૨૬ Page #423 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 402 The palace which once looked very attractive now wore a look of deserted ruins. The goddess of wealth said 'goodbye' to them. The merchant Kath returned from the foreign land completing the work entrusted to him. He was paired to see the condition of his palace. He could not find even Sagardatta. So he asked Bhadra. How could she reply? She remained silent. Then he asked the parrot. The pari ot said : “First set me free; then I will tell you.” Kath opened the cage. The parrot flew and sat on the tree in the compound. Then the parrot narrated everything from the beginning to the end. On hearing all these things, especially the infidelity of his wife and the consequent cruelties, his · mind was detached. He lost all interst in the worldly life. Page #424 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 403 Kath took Deeksha from Acharya Gunsunder. The timelimit for the freedom from curse, of the parrot was also over and so he regained his original form of Nandavarta and joined his master Dharnendra in the abode of gods. The Muni Kath got many powered, afterwards, by intense penance. He wandered in villages, giving moral advice. On the other side, Bhadra and that rogue the ascetic were fully exposed. They were the topic of the day. Their sins were hated by all. They were so much defamed that they could not show their faces to anybody. So they left the city ultimately, Wandering here and there they reached Champa city. They stayed in a hut. The ascetic worked as a fram-labourer in one field and Bhadra earned some money by doing miscellaneous work at different households. She fatched water, cooked food for some families. They were Page #425 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 404 thus reaping the bad fruits of their evil doings. Muni Kath happened to arrive at the city of Champa. Bhadra recognised him and with a suspicion that she would be exposed here also she contrived a plot to defame him. She put her own ring in some food and asked to Muni to accept food from her. The Muni accepted the food, put it in his begging bag and went. on. Soon Bhadra made hue and cry that the rogue in the garb of a Muni had stolen away her ring. People, not knowing the truth, handed over Kath to the police. Now when he was being taken to the jail, Gomati saw him from the palace of Sagardatta She told everything to the king. King Sagardatta came bare-footed, bowed to him i.e. Kath, his father and then after learning the characterss of Bhadra and the ascatic sent them into exile. :: Sagardatta arranged for Muni Kath everything. He was to spend the four Page #426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 405 months of monsoon there only. He went daily to listen to his religious precepts and took the twelve vows including equanimity. But in this world, there are jealous persons also who collectively formed a scheme to defame the Muni. One woman of lowest caste who was pregnant was bribed; five hundred gold coins were offered to her for publicly apnouncing that she carried in her womb the embryo of the Muni. Accordingly she went to the religious assembly one day and said : “Muniji ! First make some provision for your child which I am carrying and then give sermons. I am a poor lady. Who will make provision for my delivery ?” The people assembled there were :stunned. They looked to Muni, with suspicion. The Muni, unperturbed, said peace Page #427 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 406 fully "Sister, why do you such a falsecharge on me? Tell the fact why you. behave in such a way to all these people. Who has made you say this?” The woman angrily replied: "Oh, you hypocrite Muni! Why do you hide your sin now? I will not leave you. After making me pregnant, you can't live peacefully." : The fraudulent persons who had done all this mischief were mentally pleased. The doubts of the rest of the people were now on the increase. The Muni, now awefully angry challanged the lier, woman: (Please read part 2 for further). Page #428 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Ungrateful Bheel “You wicked woman ! If it is my embryo, it will now come out from your sex-organ instantly, and if it is of somebody else, your belly will burst.” Immediately, in the presence of all, her belly was burst and a child was born. There was pin-drop silence. All were spell-bound. The Muni was still in anger, but he was as pure as gold. It was proved. The fraud-makers turned pale and the persons of faith were pleased. When the woman was normal and got consciousness, the King asked her in stern language : “Tell the truth, why did you act this drama ! Page #429 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 408 The Woman confessed everything and gave the names of fraudulent persons. The King got them imprisioned and ordered to hang them till death. But the generous Muni got them pardoned and freed. The Muni then continued his hard penance, dificult fasting called 'Sanlekha' and then ultimately took 'Samadhi' and attained godhood. O' Kunchika ! That woman of law caste could not understand. Similarly, I persuade you often but you do not understand. So its seems to me that I will have to show you some miracle. Why do you invite my curse ?" The Son of Kunchika Sheth who had stolen wealth was also present there. He began to trembled on hearing the warning from the Muni. He said to his father: "Father, you please reconsider in the matter about the Muni. When he has Page #430 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 409 Tenounced such a big Kingdom why should he stel your wealth ? If he becomes angry we will have to die a Pre-mature death just like Namuchi.” Namangan share the Kunchika asked his Son : “My dear son ! What was done by Namuchi? Why had he to die pre-mature death !” and one bad Page #431 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE END OF NAMUCHI The son of Kunchika began to narrate : “The days when Acharya Suvrat was influencing the world by his Divinity, King Dharmasen ruled the city of Ujjaiyinee. He was religious, just and popular. Namuchi was his principal minister. They both were of quite different aptitudes. Namuchi was a great hypocrite, a lier and cruel. Once Acharya Suvrat graced the city by his holy Visit. The King and all others went for his ‘darshan.' All the people present there were impressed by the preaching of Muni,But Namuchi used to criticise and argue unnecessarily. Once he began to argue with a Muni called Kshullak. The discourse was quite long, but ultimately Namuchi got a crushing defeat. Page #432 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 4.1 How can a wall of sand with stand the waves of an Ocean? He was ridiculed by all present there. Being thus offended he was searching for a chance to take revenge on the Muni. After some days, he went into the garden with an intention to kill Kshullak Muni. But the ruling goddess prevented him. He was turned into a statue of stone with a sword in his hand. Next morning, people saw him like this and Censured him. Then he apologised to the goddess and the Muni. He was forgiven and so he regained his original human stature. But he left the city and went to Hastinapur. In Hastinapur Padmottara was the King. He had two queens Jwaladevi and Lakshmi. They had two sons, Vishnukumar and Mahapadma. The younger son Mahapdama was Heir-apparent because the elder prince was to take to the life of a recluse. Page #433 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 412 Now, Namuchi managed to get the ministership there. Not only that but he destroyed one great dacoit there who was also the ageold enemy of Mahapadma. Namuchi was asked to ask for anything. But he told that he would ask for the reward in future. Mahapadma promised him. Now because of petty quarrel about whose chariot shall enter first, the King Padmottar ordered that both the rival queens should live in the garden. Heirapparent Mahapadma was displeased and left the city with Namuchi. But Mahapadma won six great regions and so he was re-called by his father and was coronated as All-Conqueror King. The king and the elder prince both became disciples of Muni Suvrat. Now, Namuchi had still not forgotten Kshullak Muni who had defeated him in verbal controversy of religion. By chance Muni Suvrat along with Kshullak Page #434 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 413 Muni decided to spend monsoon months: in Hastinapur. Namuchi found this a proper opportunity to avenge the Muni. He reminded King Mahapadma that he had promised a boon to Namuchi anytime in future. Mahapadma : "Yes I remember, ask anything” Namuchi : I want to perform one Sacrifice. (Yagna): So hand over this throne to me for one month and nobody should interfere in what I do. He was granted this boon. As a King he ordered to arrange a big ceremony of Sacrifice. All priests and religious leaders gladly co-operated. But Acharya Suvrat did not participate. Namuchi was therefore burst into rage and passed the royal decree that the whole group of monks belonging to Muni Suvrat should leave the city within twenty four hours. Acharya Suvrat and all his disciples Page #435 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 414 were greatly puzzled as they were not to move elsewhere before the completion of four months of monsoon (Chaturmas). But Namuchi was so proud and adamant that he did not listen to anybody. One recluse suggested that Muni Vishnukumar was the only one who could bring Namuchi to senses. But he was deeply meditating on Sumeru mountain. Some other monk offered his services because he had the requisite powers to reach his place at least. He was entrusted with the work. He reached Sumeru and made Muni Vishnukumar aquainted with everything. He became ready to persuade Namuchi. They arrived at the Pandal of the intented Sacrifice. All stood up to honour Vishnukumar except Namuchi. So much proud and shameless he was. Vishnukumar said to him "Namuchi, just now you are protector Page #436 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 415 of the people. It is your duty to safeguard religious practices. The difficulty of these monks is genuine because they can not move during 'Chaturmas'. You should listen to my advice." Namuchi replied : “I can not withdraw my orders; but to respect you, I give three footsteps worth land for them to stay." Vishnukumar realised that such an impudent man must be taught a proper lesson. So he assumed, by his spiritual powers, a gigantic form. It was magnified worth more than eight lakhs of miles. Even the gods trembled seeing this form. Vishnukumar pervaded the whole universe by two steps. He asked : “Where should I put any third step, Namuchi !" “God ! Put the third step on my Page #437 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 416 head.” He had to tell this, as he saw death. near. Muni Vishnukumar put the third footstep on the head of Namuchi and thrust him into the Nether regions. Since then “Vamunavtar' or the incarnation of Vishnu as Vaman is famous. Vishnukumar was angry. So to satisfy him Brahmanas tied cotton threads. Since then the festival of Rakshabandhan' is being celebrated. . After that, Vishnu retired to his place and after some years he aquired supreme ‘Kevalgnan.' Completing the story, the son of Kunchika requested Kunchika not to invite the wrath of the Muni. He confessed that he had stolen the wealth secretly kept by his father. Kunchika sincerely apologised for false charges he levelled and Muni for gave him. Kunchika subsequently by became his disciple and took Deeksha, After years, he attained to godhood. Page #438 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Truthful Vasu A powerful king named Abhichandra ruled in a city called Shuktimati. The name of queen, the wife of king. Abhichndra, who was as dear to him as his life, was Kamalavati. In course of time, a son was born to Kamala vati. He was named Vasu. · Prince Vasu was truthful from childhood. He never told a lie with his friends even in play and games, or in humour and jokes. In addition to being truthul both in speech as well as is actions, Vasu was polite, compassionate, philanthropic, just and virtuous. He, however, had greater leve for truthfulness. When prince Vasu became eight years of age, king Abhichandra sent him for study to a preceptor named Kshirkadambak. Preceptor Ķshirkadambak was a Henr .20 Page #439 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 418 knower of Brahma and an extremely learned person, well-versed in scriptures. In a true sense of the term, he was considered "Parasmani" so far as his pupils were concerned. He changed a pupil hard like iron into one like gold. Besides Vasu, there were two other pupils also in the hermitage of preceptor Kshirkadambak. One of them was his own son Parvat. The other pupil was Narad who had come from some other distant country. All the three pupils had immense faith and devotion towards their preceptor. The preceptor also imparted knowledge to all the three pupils. With equal affection. He always wished the welfare of these three pupils. + was Once preceptor Kshirkdambak feeling asleep. His three pupils had already slept off. Two saints were passing from there. Both the saints were mutually talking while going. One saint said to the other Page #440 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 419 "This place seems to be the hermitage of some one. The atmosphere is very beautiful." The other saint said : "Yes, this is the hermitage of preceptor Kshirkadambak. He imparts the gift of knowldge to students. At present three students ere studying in his hermitage. The first pupil is his own son Parvat. The other is Narad who has come from a foreign country. The third pupil is the truthful Vasu, the royal prince of this City. The son of the preceptor is highly well-versed in scriptures. Vasu is supremely truthful. The frist saint listened with silence. He was thinking about the future of these three pupils. After thinking. he said: "Prabhu ! the learning of Naread who has come from a distant country will be fruitful, because he is to attain salvation. Page #441 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 420 Both the knower of scriptures, Parvat, and The truthful Vasu will have to go to hell." The other saint was philanthropic.. He asked: "That would be strange! All desired objects are obtained by truth can make fire cold like water. The lion, elephant and big serpents also cannot cross the line drawn by a truthful person.. For a trthful man the sea becomes like a small pool of water, the enemy becomes. like a friend, a god becomes like a servant and a snake becomes like a garland of flowers. How can truthful Vasu then go to hell? Again how can Parvat, the son of preceptor Kshirkadambak, the knower of Brahma and the incarnation of religion, go to hell? It is difficult to understand all this. The first saint said : "I told you what is destined to Page #442 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 421 happen. It is bound to happen so. Future will now show in what manner and how that will happen." "9 Talking accordingly both the saints went away. Preceptor Kshirkadambak heard the conversation between the who saints. His mind was stuck up in misery and gloominess. He began to think : "I have always taught to my pupils the essence of religion. Fie on my learning if my pupils are to go to hell even after getting so much knowledge! I would not have been pained so much if some ordinary person had told such a thing. But these are the words of a learned saint. I shall test all the three pupils to-morrow morning. I should also know about my pupils." So thinking the preceptor became absarbed in religious meditation. He Page #443 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 422 passed the rest of the night in religious. practice. As soon as it was morning the preceptor finished his daily routine. Then he called his three pupils. He gave to them each a cock made from flour. He: then soid to them: "Go each one of you with your own cock in three different directions. Select such a place where no one can see you. After going there, turn the neck of the cock. Kill your cock at such a place where there should be no one who can see you." Bending down their heads in acceptance of the command of the preceptor, the three pupils started off. They walked together upto a certain distance. Thereafter they went away in three different. directions. They returned in the evening. The preceptor asked each of them to give Page #444 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ him his cock. 423 of the Prince Vasu and the son preceptor Parvat, handed over to the preceptor their cocks each with its neck twisted. Narad however returned to preceptor Kshirkadambak the cock in the same condition in which the preceptor had given it to him in the morning. With feigned anger the preceptor said to Narad : "Narad! You have disobeyed my commend. Have you no faith in the words of the preceptor ?" With tears in his eyes Narad said : "Gurudev ! I can never think of disobeying your command. I have not been able to kill this cock only on account of your command. Every fur of my body is indebted to your grace." Page #445 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 424 The preceptor now asked Vasu Parvat : and “Where and how have you both killed your cock ?" Parvat said : “Father ! You are not only my preceptor but father also. After accepting with reverence your command, I wandered in every forest, but I could not find any place where there was nobody. I hid myself behind a cluster of trees. There was no one there. As soon as I became ready to twist the nick of the cock, I saw a chameleon hidden in the cluster of trees. I walked away further from there. I entered a cluster of tree on the top of a mountain. : There I saw and ascertained that there was no bird or insect. Getting an opportunity there I twisted the neck of the cock.” The preceptor then asked prince Page #446 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 425 Vasu : “Prince ! Where did you kill your cock ?” Vasu replied : “Gurudev ! I was constantly doubtful about the existence of insects, worms, moths, ants, etc. in every cluster of trees. So I entered one cave in a mountain. there was darkness all around inside it. I thought “There would be nobody in this cave. Even if there would be any thing, it would not be able to see anything in such darkness. So looking to this loneliness I twisted the neck of the cock.” The preceptor asked Narad : “My son ! Show me your difficulty. How is it that you could not find any such place ?" Narad replied : Page #447 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ “Gurudev ! I wandered in every cluster of trees and in every Cave. I Could not And any place where there would be nobody to see. If there were nobody else, at least God, Lokpal and Sidhdha are seeing everywhere. No action can be concealed from them.” "Gurudev ! I also thought that even though the cock is made of flour, the ever-merciful preceptor Can not ask us to do such a low, deed as violence and killing. Having regard to all these reasons I could not kill the cock.” Preceptos Kshirkadambak at once pressed Narad with his chest. With tears of love in his eyes he said : "My son ! Only your knowledge has be come fruitful. The words of the saint can not be false.” thereafter the preceptor sat in a Page #448 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 427 solitary place and thought : "It is certain that my son Parvat and the royal prince Vasu will both go to hell. Ifsuch is their destiny, what is the benefit in giving them knowledge ? Giving them knowladge is as good as showing a mirror to a blind person, playing music before. a deaf person, weeping in wilderness, trying to grow lotus in stone, seeing sunrise in the west and raining in salty ground." “Red water is that which quenches thirst; real brother is he who helps in misery; real son is he who gives peaceful rest to the father. Similarly, real teaching and real knowledge is that by which a. soul does not go to hell. Everything else is cheating. If my son Parvat and prince Vasu are destined to go to hell, there is no point in my remaining a householder. It is also useless to conduct this hermitage.” With such thoughts revolving in his Page #449 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ mind, the mind of preceptor Kshirkadambak became inclined towards renunciation. He at once determined to abdicate the house. Thereafter the preceptor gave final instructions to his three pupils. The time limit for the study of all the three pupils had also become complete. Narad endowed with pure intellect touched the feet of his preceptor and started for his country. Prince Vasu returned to the palace. The preceptor entrusted the responsibility of the hermitage and the maintenance of his wife to his son. He then accepted “charitra." Parvat who was well-versed in scriptures started to conduct the hermitage of his father. Parvat was very clever in interpreting the scriptures. On heaving the reputation of Parvat, students began to to come from great distances. They started studies by living in his hermitage. Page #450 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 429 When prince Vasu returned to the palace after completing his studies, king Abhichandra got him married with a beau- . tiful princess. Thereafter the king started efforts for promoting the welfare of his soul. He placed the crown over the head of his son Vasu and accepted 'diksha.' King Vasu started to protect his subjects according to religious dictates. From the very beginning king Vasu, the lover of truth, became famous everywhere on account of his truthful actions and truthful speech. As a result of the love for truth of king Vasu, the subjects of Shuktimati city and the royal courtiers also began to take interest in truthfulness. All lokpals and gods also praised king Vasu. Once one hunter of Shuktimati city itself went out for hunting a deer in the forest. The hunter aimed at one deer which was grazing, and darted an arrow at it. The arrow did not reach the decr. It struck Page #451 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 430 something in the middle and broke down. The hunter darted many other arrows. All of them however broke down on the way. The hunter was much astonished. There appeared no obstruction in the middle. Still however the arrows could not reach the deer. The hunter came to the place where the arrows were lying. The hunter moved his hand at that place in all directions. His hand touched one stone. The hunter was again astonished on seeing this strange stone. This stone was not merely transparent, but it was also not visible by the eyes. Its existence could be known only by touch. The hunter had seen the deer through that very stone. All the arrows of the hunter had struck that invisible and transparent stone and broken down. The hunter thought : Page #452 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 431 "This miraculous stone should be given as a present to the king. The king will give me sufficient money. If I give this stone as a present to the king secretly, he will be able to surprise all. He will also praise my intellect." The hunter secretly gave the stone as a present to the king. The king was much pleased. He gave considerable money to the hunter. Vasuraj called one sculptor secretly got got at night. A dais of that stone was made by him. The royal throne was placed on that dais. On account of that invisible stone the royal throne appeared to be hanging in the air without any support by reason of some miracle. Seeing such a fantastic and charming throne Vasuraj was wonder struck in his mind. He wanted to keep this whole matter a secret. So he got that sculptor killed. In the morning when the king sat on Page #453 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 432 the throne, the whole royal court was stunned. Gtadually a rumour spread in the whole city that as a result of the power of truth, the royal throne of truthful king Vasu is hanging in the air without any kind of support. The discussion about this miracle also spread in neighbouring kingdoms.. As a result thereof many kings subdued themselves of their own accord to Vasuraj. Gods also began to help Vasuraj on account of the powerful effect of truth. The fame of truthful Vasuraj spread in every nook and corner in all directions. Truth does not mean merely the speaking of truth by mouth. A man taking a vow for truth must become truthful by mind also. Vasuraj had not told to any one by his speech to believe that it is due to the power of truth that the throne is established on the invisible dais. Still however, when people said and believed so, Page #454 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 433 he kept silence and concealed the truth. This was also a kind of mental lie. Vasuraj was thus attempting by his mind to make others speak about the existence of what did not really exist. It could therefore be said that his vow of truth had been broken. In accordance with this principle, a grain of salt in the form of untruth had fallan in the ocean of life long truth of Vasuraj. There is a similar incident in Mahabharat. Krishna, Arjun, Bhim and others wanted Yudhishthira to speak that Ashvatthama, the son of the preceptor, had been killed. Yudhishthira flatly refused to tell a lie. At that time Bhim killed one elephant named Ashvatthama, and he said to Yudhishthira : “Now you can say at least this much that Ashvatthama has been killed," Yudhishthire replied : “I shall speak accordingly, but at Die ? x . 26 Page #455 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 434 the same time I shall also say that elephan and not the man is killed." Krishna asked. : "When you are merely asked whether Ashval thama has been killed or not, what will you say?" Yudhishthira replied: "I shall answer in accordence with the nature of the question." Thereafter all jointly said to preceptor Drona: "You do not trust us. Yudhishthira is however truthful. So you may ask him whether Ashvatthama has been killed or not." The preceptor Drona asked Yudhish thira : Page #456 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 435 "My son Yudhishthira! Has Ashvatthama been killed ?" Yudhishthira replied: "Yes, he has been killed, but man, elephant has been killed." not When Yudhishthira uttered the words "Yes, he has been killed," all others made a very great noise. Preceptor Drona could not hear the words "but not man, elephant has been killed" and he became unconscious. In this case Yudhishthira spoke the truth by speech but he spoke untruth by mind. The reason is this. Preceptor Drona had asked about his son Ashvatthama. Yudhishthira also knew this fact that the purpose of the question of the preceptor did not relate to the word or name Ashvatthama, but it was to get information about his own son. So Yudhishthira Page #457 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 436 should have said as follows "No, he has not been killed. An elephant of that name has been killed." Such a statement can be said to be true both in mind and speech. The first statement "Yes, he has been killed" is true in speech but it is uatrue in mind. Byreason of such mental untruth a finger of Yudhishthira had melted away. In the same way in the present case Vasuraj became untruthful in mind. This. beginning of untruth impelled him in future to tell untruth by speech also. A. small spark of fire however develops intoa serious destructive fire. Once Narad who possessed pure intellect came to the hermitage of his prece-ptor-brother Parvat to see him. At the time when Narad came, Parvat was teaching his students. Parvat was explaining to Page #458 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 437 them the meaning of the term "ajairyashtavyam." While explaining the meaning of that term, Parvat said : The sacrificial worship should be made by "aja" which means a goat. Narad was startled by this explanation. He stopped Parvat in the middle and said: "Parvat! You are falsely interpreting the words both of your preceptor as well as father. You are showing a wrong meaning to the students." "The preceptor had shown the meaning of that term as under : "Aja" means that which can not grow. That means that sacrificial worship should be made by three years old rice. He had explained such meaning of the term "aja" in the presence of all three of us Vasu, Page #459 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ .. . 438 myself and yourself 'That which does not grow is “aja”. To day you have forgotten the explanation given by the preceptor. You are giving an explanation which, will instigate violence.” On hearing what Narad said, Parvat became very angry. He thought : “Narad is trying to humiliate me in the presence of so many students. I am also well-versed in scriptures. I shall not accept defeat from him at any cost.” So thinking Parvat said : "Narad ! The simple and direct mean-- ing of the term "ja" is goat. How can you prove that the meaning of "aja" is three years old rice which can not grow How will you prove that "aja" does not mean goat ? Narad replied : Page #460 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 439 “Parvat ! I do believe that one word may have a number of meanings. It depends on the discretion of the person using a particular word as to what meaning should be given to it and where. We should consider as to what meaning the writer of the scriptures intended to signify. The scriptures never advise violence of animals. Giving the meaning of "goat would lead to violence to animals. Giving the meaning of "old rice” would not lead to violence of animals." Parvat changed his argument. “But while interpreting this phrase the father had said the meaning of “aja" to be goat. Narad said : “Parvat ! The revered preceptor has never said so. You are under an illusion. Therefore you say thus." Page #461 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 440 Now Parvat became angry. He said in anger : "Narad! It is you who are under an illusion, not I. I say with conviction that the meaning given dy the father was goat and not old rice which would not grow, In order to stop further controversy Narad said: "Parvat! The decision of our this controversy can be given only by Vasuraj. One reason for this is that he, being a king, has authority to do justice. Moreover, he is truthful also. The third reason is that he was our co-student. He himself will show us as to what meaning the revered preceptor had given to the phrase "ajairyashtavya." With this determination Narad and Page #462 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 441 Parvat both took a vow : "If I turn out to be wrong, I shall cut off my tongue.” Next morning was fixed for taking the decision of Vasudev. The mother of Parvat was frightened by this controversy. She called Parvat in a solitary place and said : “My son ! You have committed a a mistake in taking a vow of cutting off tongue without any thought. You have unnecessarily put yourself in trouble. What Narad says is true. Your father had interpreted the word "aja" as meaning three years old rice which was incapable of growing. Vasu is a truthful king. He will also say so, as he was told by his preceptor and your father.” Parvat repented and said : “Mother ! Who can prevent what is destined to happen ? My vanity was woun Page #463 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 442 ded by the statement of Narad. The vanity of my knowledge rose up. I wanted to establish my opinion as corret in the presence of the students. Now what is going to happen will happen. Why should you worry?" Howsoever the son may be, a mother will try to save him at any cost. The mother of Parvat became very unhappy at this dispute. At night she silently went directly to Vasuraj. Vasuraj stood up to welcome the wife of his preceptor. He gave a seat to her to sit and with folded hands asked her : "Mother My house has been sanctified by your holy footsteps. Tell me, what is your command ?" The mother of Parvat said : "Oh king! in one way you are pupil of my husband and therefore the my : Page #464 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 443 son. But I have come to you in your capacity as king to demand the life. of my son." With astonishment on his face,. Vasuraj said: "Mother! Who is harassing my brother Parvat? Who is he that wants to take his life? Tell me clearly. I shall try to save his life with all the power at my command." The mother of parvat said: "Oh king! There has been a dispute between Parvat and Narad concerning the: meaning of the phrase "ajair yashtavya." Vows have been taken about cutting tougues. According to Parvat your preceptor had said that the meaning of "aja" was goat. Narad says that he had said its meaning to be rice that can not grow. Both have decided to consider your say Page #465 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 444 ing in this marter as authority. Both of them will come to-morrow to your royal court to ask about this. You should only say that the preceptor had said the meaning of “aja” to be goat. By that reply the tongue of my son Parvat will be saved his fame will also increase." Vasuraj said : “But mother ! I never tell a lie. How Can I say something which is a lie? Besides, it is a serious sinto falsify the words of the greceptor. Mother ! Please tell me if I can do some other service to you. But do not press me for this." The mother of Parvat said : “Vasuraj ! God persons save the life of others by sacrificing their own lives. You have to tell only a little lie." Page #466 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 445 Vasu firmly said : “Mother ! A truthful person would not tell a lie even if he has to give his life. It is said in the scriptures that a person giving false testimony goes to hell. I ask you tell me how I can, when I am alive, tell a lie and commit a breach of the words of my preceptor ? How can I do this ?? The moiher of Parvat said emphatically : “Oh king ! I have come to you for the first time in my life to ask for something. That also you refuse to give me. Whatever may happen, you will have to give me promise to tell a little lie in order to save your preceptor-brother.". As a result of being pressed oft and on, Vasuraj at last agreed to tell a lie. The wife of preceptor Kshirkadambak went home pleased with the promise from the king. Page #467 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 446 Next morning Narad and Parvat came up the court of Vasuraj. Vasuraj stood up and welcomed both the preceptor-brothers. He made them sit just by his side. Parvat and Narad then expressed their views each. In the end Narad said : "Oh king ! You are our co-student and Preceptor-brother. At the same time you are truthful also. Therefore tell the complete truth as to what meaning the revered Preceptor had given to the term saja." “Vasuraj ! Being a truthful man, you very well know know that all accomplishments are obtained according to desires by means of truth. When a man speaks, whether truth or a lie, gods, lokpals and digpals all hear. Therefore, do tell the truth only. Even if the sun were to rise in the west, the earth were to abandon its power of endurance, mount Meru to shake, truthful persons never tell a lie.” Page #468 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 447 Vasuraj heard such words of Narad which were capable of encouraging him to tell the truth. Still however, Vasuraj did not change his decision to tell a lie. After remaining silent for about a moment, he said : “The revered preceptor had Shown the meaning of 'aja” to be goat only. That was the end of it all. The moment he said so, the presiding deity of the kingdom became very angry for giving false testimony. He at once pushed down Vasuraj from his throne. He carried away his invisible stone. Vasuraj fell down, vomitting blood. Turning away his face from him, Narad said : “It is a sin to see the face of this wretched man who has given false testimony” Narad vent away. Parvat also went to his hirmitage. Vasuraj died there and then and went to hell. Page #469 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Vasuraj had eight sons. All of the mset on the throne turn by turn. But the deities filled with anger killed them all as soon as they sat on the throne. In this way the dynasty of Vasuraj also came to an end. f: 48 Parvat also had declared the words. of his father to be untrue. Therefore, olthough he was well-versed in scriptures, he went to hell after his death. ! It has accordingly been said that ghee becomes pure by heat, virtues by discretion and the life of a house-holder by charity. Just as the beauty of a body increases by gold and jewels, the beauty of the heart increases by truth. Even if eat poison in humour, it would not fail to have its effect. Similarly, a person who tells lie even in joke goes to hell. * Page #470 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- _