Shethani Priyadarshana was a lady devoted to her husband. She scornfully drove away that friend of her husband from the house. When the Sheth came home, she told him everything about the lustful gestures made by his friend.
Next time that friend came to see the Sheth when the eatter was present in the house. The Sheth welcomed the friend and said :
“My friend, the youngest Shethani insulted you in my absence. Therefore henceforth I myself shall come to your house to see you. It is not necessary for you to come bere to see me."
The face of the friend of the Sheth became gloomy. He was pained at his own misdeed. He was much impressed by the generosity and the forgiving nature of the Sheth. He went straighaway to the forest from the house of the Sheth. He fasted