mantras. Devrakshas came to Chandranagari along with Gunvarma and king Vijaychand. He sprinkled water on Lobhanand and Lobhakar. The elder brother Lobhapand became normal and quite alright; but Lobhakar could not be cured. Gunvarma prayed to Vijaychand :
‘Your holiness ! Why is not my uncle cured ?' Vijaychand replied :
'Gunvarma ! His pain can not be removed, because he is childless.'
Veerdhaval said to his queen :
“My beloved ! Gunvarma was telling this thing only to me, short time ago. You have heard the end-portion of it. He was telling me that though he regarded his uncle as his father, as I am not his son, his burning sensation could not be cooled....
Seeing such a cursed living without a child, king Veerdhaval and queen Champk