his disease would be. Also, whenever you will be in misery or anxiety, your work will become completely successful as soon as you will think about it."
So saying, the god lifted Keshav, curried him to the park outside Saket city and left him there.
In that park preceptor Dharmadev was giving religious instructions. Keshav went there to hear his instructions. Dhananjay, the king of Saket city, had also come there to hear such instructions. After the completion of the speech, he asked the revered preceptor : "Oh divine sire ! This very morning I got a dream that a person will come to the religious assembly of preceptor Dharmadev and that person will take good care of my kingdom. I also dreamt that I shall take recourse to renunciation before you. So kindly show me such a man who will take care of my kingdom.” The preceptor pointed towards