The queen also became sad at this. Remaining silent for some time, she said :
“My dear husband ! Who can undo the decrees of Destiny ? Why should we bear with sorrowful heart what has been destined to be ? Our misery is common. Now please tell me why Lobhanand and Lobhakar were made to suffer this burning sensation by the Yogi po!
The king gave the details :
“There is a city of Kushvardhanpur very far from here, King Surpal ruled there. He had two sons-Jaychand and Vijaychand. Jaychand was the elder of the two. So he was made an heir-apparent during the very lifetime of Surpal. The younger brother Vijaychand felt bad. He thought that his father shows partiality. So he left the house. Once an “Acharya' came in the city. The king renunciated the world, hearing his sermons. Now Jaychand became the king. He ruled his subject honestly and religiously.