The parrot began to talk with him in human language.
Sheth "Parrot ! How do you know man's language ?"
Parrot "Sheth ! in fect, I am a god. It is due to a curse that I am born a parrot. If you desire to hear my story. I will tell you. Listen:
I am an humble servant of the assembly of Dharanendra. My name is Nanda Varta. By order of Dharanendra, I had gone for 'darshan' of God Parshwanath in a garden near Varanasi. (Modern Benaras.) In that garden one man who had aquired many divine powers had come: for stay in that very garden. Many persons began to do service to do him. One shepherd said :
"God! Give something to me also."
The man who had realised may things remained silent. The shepherd repeated.