Truthful Vasu A powerful king named Abhichandra ruled in a city called Shuktimati. The name of queen, the wife of king. Abhichndra, who was as dear to him as his life, was Kamalavati. In course of time, a son was born to Kamala vati. He was named Vasu.
· Prince Vasu was truthful from childhood. He never told a lie with his friends even in play and games, or in humour and jokes. In addition to being truthul both in speech as well as is actions, Vasu was polite, compassionate, philanthropic, just and virtuous. He, however, had greater leve for truthfulness.
When prince Vasu became eight years of age, king Abhichandra sent him for study to a preceptor named Kshirkadambak. Preceptor Ķshirkadambak was a Henr .20