The king looked after the monkey very well. The royal garden was always. there for the monkey to enjoy. Thus a. bond of friendship was developed between the king and the monkey. So much so, that he gave to the monkey costly clothes, and ornaments. The monkey was appointed. Body guard.
One day the king went to the garden.. It was spring.time. After a nice stroll, the king became asleep under the shade of a tree. The body guard monkey was. sitting nearby. At that time one wasp. came about there buzzing. It began ic buzz just over the face of the king. The monkey drove it away once, but again it. flew back and began to buzz. It happened many times like that, At last the monkey was annoyed. The monkey took the sword of the king which was lying there. Then, as soon as the wasp came again, the monkey, with all its powers, swung the sword on the wasp. The wash flew away