why should I get hell ? Please save me from the hell. I am your davotee."
Mahavir : “The result of our action can not be avoided. It is inevitable. But have patience. You need not worry. After passing through the hell, you will be the first Tirthankar named Padmanabh in Utsarpinee Times."
When the king still pressed his demand, for anyhow saving him from the hell, God Mahavir said :
“I show you some means ; (1) If your maid-servant Kapila givesalms to someone with respect. (2) If Kalsaukarik butcher remains without killing for one day. (3) If the merchant named Puniya or Punyak surrenders the fruit of his one Samayik vow or (4) your grandmother pays respects to the munis. If you succeed in any one of the above alternatives, you will not liave to gó to hell."