Good woman ! Chant this Mantra with faith, All your miseries will go away its power.'
I obeyed wholeheartedly the commandment of the Rishi. I began to repeat the Navkar Mantra. After that the sage flew away through the clounds by the help of Janghacharan type of Knowdlege and power, I felt as if he was sitting there simply to show me the way.
By the powerful effect of the Mantra, there appered before me the goddess Shasof Bhagwan Rishabhdev. I bowed to that goddess named Chakreshwari. I prayed to her to save me from misery. the goddess said :
‘Daughter ! Don't be afraid. You will be able to see your husband shortly. I am very much pleased by your devotion. Ask what you will. I will fulfill your wish to-day.'