it does not encounter any obstacle. When the normal special stationary wave motion of matter meets with obstruction in a molecule due to adjoining particles, it becomes abnormal and is charged with different attributes (gunas), and creates variation in the shape of the particle and changes its attributes. For the sake of convenience, such transformed motion is termed as abnormal super energy wave motion. Ultimate particles are inobstructible because of its motion and can penetrate any object. When other matter hinders the movement, the ultimate particles will affect the other matter it contacts.
The Fine Nature of Ultimate Particles: The special characteristic of the ultimate particle is that it can occupy a point of space without any resistance. Similarly, the fine form of a molecule consisting of infinite ultimate particles can occupy the same point without any resistance (Jain S. 1960: 5.14), because they have no visible extension, they are fine in nature and they have powers of contraction and expansion. For instance, the lights of several lamps in a room intermingle.
Ultimate particles have eternally positive (snigdha) and negative charges (ruksa) which give them the natural binding force of stickiness. The binding force of a free particle is short-lived. When it comes into contact with other particle(s), the normal special stationary motion is obstructed with and becomes abnormal, which increases the stickiness of the particles so that they form aggregates.
Eight Types of Combinations of Ultimate Particles: Appropriate ultimate particles can combine to form five types of 'body' for living beings, as well as the breathing organs, the speech organs, and mind. These combinations occur on the basis of phenomena extension and are dependent upon attached karmic particles. They are called 'variforms (varganaas) of ultimate particles, as they change their mode. They are:
Gross (audaarika): This consists of the combination of ultimate particles to form
gross bodies for humans, animals, vegetables, earth, water, fire and air. • Transformational (vaikriya): This consists of aggregates of pudgalas which have the
capacity to express qualities such as small and large, light and heavy, visible and invisible, for example to form the body of heavenly or infernal beings. Projectile (aahaaraka): This body can be made by yogis and is the aggregate of auspicious pudgalas. Luminous (taijasa): This body is the aggregate of pudgalas formed of the ultimate particles with luminous energy. Karmic: This subtle body is the aggregate of pudgalas formed of the fine particles of matter found in the universe. Respiratory (svacchosvaasa): This is the aggregate of pudgalas, which enables the function of breathing.
Speech (vacana): This is the collection of pudgalas necessary for speech. • Mind (mana): The collection of fine particles of pudgalas forms the mind.
Characteristics of Pudgalas: Jain philosophers have made a study of pudgala and its various characteristics, the like of which we do not find in other systems of philosophy. In modern science, we find recognition, to a large extent, of the Jain viewpoint. According to Jainism, the pudgala has ten characteristics: sound (sabda), heat (taapa), light (udyota), combination (bandha), fineness (suksama), grossness (sthula), formation of body (sansthaana), distinctions (bheda), darkness (tama), and shade (chaaya). The eight forms of energy and the variations of heat, light and sound are the modes of matter. Prajnaapanaa mentions electrical light, which is a form of natural electricity produced