of the help given by the Chāyā a few verses present some difficulties here and there; but I believe that they can be easily overcome when some more Mss. are brought to light. 3. THE AUTHORSHIP, AGE, ETC., OF THE POEM
The Madras Ms. does not mention the name of the author of Usāạiruddham and therefore we have no definite evidence at all about the authorship of the poem. M. KRISHNAMACHARIAR 4 plainly attributes the composition of Usaņiruddham and Kassavaho to Rāma Pāṇivāda, but he adduces no specific evidence. Mahākavi Ullur S. Paramesvara AIYAR, Trivandrum, also informs me that Rāma Pāṇivāda is the author of these two Prākrit works. It is on the authority of the opinion of these two scholars I included Usāniruddham among the works of Rāma Pāṇivāda.“ As long as there is no evidence to the contrary we may assume that Rāma Pānivāda is the author; and this assumption gets positive support from the linguistic, stylistic and other similarities between the two texts. There are some common words. forms and phrases that possess special interest : ammaka for asmādsía (U. iv. 23, K.i.37) ahake for aham (U.iii.7, K.ii.6), aṁkaņa for angana (U.ii.56, K.ii.38) kamaņi for kamaniya (U.iv.79, K.ii.19), kuamada for kodanda (U.i.48, K.1.57); compare forms like vanatthaliaṁ (U.i.14) juhi (U.ii.34), etc., with amkanatthaliam (K.1.38), dikkhu (K.iv.41) etc., and phrases like visattakardotta are seen in both the works (U.i.16,K.i.41). Some ideas too are strikingly similar : compare U.i.37 and K.ii.16, U.ii.62 and K.iv.37, etc. And lastly salutation to the Guru is found in both the works (U.i.5 and the concluding colophon in K.). The handling of the Prākrit language is much alike in both the works. These common points by themselves do not
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