SVASTI - Essays in Honour of Prof. Hampa Nagarajaiah
कर्म रोग के द्वै चरण, विषम दुहूं की चाल। एक कंप प्रकृती लिये, एक ऐंठि असराल ॥२२॥ karma-roga ke dvai carana, visama duhu ki cāla.
eka kampa prakstī liye, eka ainthi asarāla. The diseases of karma are of two types. The progression of both is troublesome. One's nature is trembling, the other's is continuous spasms.22
कंपरोग है पाप पद, अकर रोग है पुण्य।
ज्ञान रूप है आतमा, दुहूं रोग सों शून्य ॥२३॥ 23. kampa-roga hai pāpa pada, akara-roga hai punya.
___jnana-rupa hai ātamā, duhu roga si sunya. The trembling disease is because of harmful karmic bondage. Inactive disease is because of beneficial ones. The soul, whose nature is knowledge, is free from both diseases.23
मूरख मिथ्यादृष्टि सों, निरखै जग की रोंस।
डरहिं जीव सब पाप सों, करहिं पुण्य की होंस ॥२४॥ 24. mūrakha mithyā-drsti sõ, nirakhai jaga ki romsa.
darahî jīva saba pāpa sõ, karahî punya ki homsa. Through deluded view, the idiot sees the anger of the world. Sentient entities are afraid of all harmful karmic bondage and desire beneficial ones.
उपजै पापविकार सों, भय तापादिक रोग।
चिन्ता खेद विथा वढे, दुख मानै सब लोग ॥२५॥ 25. upajai pāpa-vikära sõ, bhaya tāpādika roga.
cintā kheda vithā vadhai, dukha mānai saba loga. Fear, fever and all other diseases appear because of a transformation of harmful karmic bondage. Anxiety, depression and pain increase. Everybody considers it as misfortune.
उपजै पुण्यविकार सों, विषयरोग विस्तार। आरत रुद्र विथा बढे, सुख मानै संसार ॥२६॥
22 The word asarāla is not traced in the dictionaries consulted (Gupta, McGregor, Monier-Williams, Turner). It appears in the glossary of the AK established by Nāthūrām Premi (PREMI 1957) with the equivalent 'asarāra' and the synonym "lagātāra, bahuta". The word aimthi is well defined: aimthana "spasm", aimthanā to be twisted, to be cramped, or contorted" (MCGREGOR 1993: 144). The first disease has trembling (kampa) for symptom, the second one is 'inactive' (akara). 23 There are two main kinds of karmic bondage: beneficial and harmful. sadvedya-samyaktva-hāsya-ratipurusaveda-subhāyur-nāma-gotrāni punyam. ato 'nyat pāpam (TS 8.25-26). "Pleasure, [near-perfected] enlightened world-view, laughter, relish, male disposition, auspicious birth, auspicious body, and auspicious status are beneficial karmic bondage. Other bondages are harmful." (TATIA 1994: 203-4).