Book Title: Shravakachar of Vasunandini
Author(s): Signe Kirde
Publisher: Signe Kirde

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Page 155
________________ 8.1 Srävakācāra (57-205) 8 APPENDICES rovato vi na chuttasi kaya vi429 puvva-kaya-kammassa // (144) evam soūņa tao māṇasa-dukkham visesam uppannam/ to duviha-dukkha-daddho rosaittho imam bhanai // (145) jai vā puvvammi bhave jūyam ramiyam mae mada-vasena / tumham 30 ko avaraho kao balal jena mam hanaha 432 // (146) evam bhanie ghittuna sutthu rutthehi433 aggi-kumdammi / pajjalayammi nihitto dajjhai so amgam amgesu // (147) tatto nissaramāņam datthüna jjhasarehim 434 kumtehim/ pilleūņa radamtam tatth'eva chuhamti435 adayae // (148) hā muyaham ma436 paharaha puno vi na karemi erisam pāvam / damtehi amgulio dharei karunam puno ruvai437 // (149) na muyamti taha vi pāvā pecchaha liläe kunai jam jivo / runnena visaha tam duttha L ala hi ruyanena visaha tam duttham Śr (M) vilaha're duttha. I follow a suggestion of Prof. Balbir (p.c.) to adopt the reading with the verbal noun in the instrumental, ruyanena, which is more plausible than the reading Ba alam hi runnena with the instrumental of the past participle. In the commentary of Śr (M) Sunilasagara translates the phrase alam hi ruyanena into Hindi rone se bas kara!, which denotes a prohibition: "Stop crying!". "The result of this [deed] has come forth. Enough of crying! You rascal! You have to endure it!" (Prof. Balbir, p.c.). In the commentary of Śr (M) the phrase is rendered into Hindi re dur-acari [...] use sahana kara: "Hey evil-doer, you should endure that!" i.e."Rascal, you have now to suffer from the result of evil thoughts!". 429 (144cd) [na chuṭṭasi kayâ vi] Ba na chuttasi kayaim L na chuttasi kayai. In the commentary of Śr (M) the phrase is translated into Hindi [purva-kṛta-karma se] kabhi bhi nahim chuṭega: "you will never escape from it" [= the deeds you have committed previously]. The author of the commentary of Śr (M) suggests that Pkt. chuṭṭai derives from✓CUT/CHUT (MW: p. 400). Cf. Hindi chuṭna / choṛna: "to get free from; to come free from"; "to leave". See also Turner 1966: No. 3707. 430 (146c) [tumham] I L tumhe Jha tomhi Ba tohitam. For the declension of Pkt. pronouns see Van den Bossche 1999:53ff. 431 (146c) [kao bala] L koha-balā 432 (146d) [mam hanaha] I maham hanaham Ba ma hanaham L ma hamnaha 433(147a) [sutthu ruṭṭhehi] I L muddha rutthehim v.l. mudha rutthehim. Pkt. sutthu is the adverbial adjunct, which is rendered in the commentary of Śr (M) into Hindi atirusta hue: "very much enraged". Cf. Sheth 1923:914. 434 (148b) [jjhasarehim] I tase hi ahava L jhasehi ahava. In the commentary of Śr (M) jhasarom is rendered into Hindi sastra-visesa: "certain kinds of knives". 435 5(148d) [chuhamti] cf. also (158d) v.l. chuhimti (160c). In the commentary of Śr (M) the predicate is translated into Hindi dala dete haim v.1. dalate haim: "they [= the inhabitants of the regions of hell] push it [pitilessly]. According to Sheth 1923:340 chuhai derives from ✓ KSUBH / KSIP: "to stir up; to excite; to shake; to push". 436 (149a) [muyaham ma] Śr muyaha mam mā 437 37(149d) [karunam puno ruvai] Jha Ba kalunam puno ruvai L karunam puno puno ruvai 137


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