Book Title: Shraman Bhagvana Mahavira Part 4 Author(s): Ratnaprabhvijay, D P Thaker Publisher: Parimal Publication View full book textPage 9
________________ Nihnavavada has proved detrimental to the cause of Jainism. Although there is very little sympathy for Nihnavas amongst Jainas, it should be remembered that these intellectual outlaws have indirectly helped to strengthen the ground of Jainism by their apparent harsh activities. Nihnayavāda is not a mere quarrel. But it is an intellectual debate in which the real essence of the religious precepts are to test. After having passed through the hard rest of the fire of Nihnavavāda, lustre of the precep. ts of the Jaina Canon has become brighter instead of becoming faint. Secondly, Nihnavas and their thoughts have clone gooil turn to the followers of Jainism by holding a torch-light in the form of their plight as Nihnnvas and warning them thereby of the disastrous consequences of running the risk that they had undertaken. Thirdly, Nihnavavāda draws our attention to one intrinsic weakness that is more or less inherent in every human being that of not putting into practice that we actually believe. Eventually such instances remind us of our own hypocrisy which is but another form of Nihnavavāda and make us introvert for a while to think if we could ever overcome the inconsistency of behaviour. Fourthly, the study of Nihnavavāda helps to cultivate intellectual robustness. Like Nihnavas one should learn to accept nothing without being convinced of it. Leaving aside their prejudicial temperament, Nihnavas possessed a remarkable quality of not accepting truth as it comes but only after intellectual test and direct experience. Their defeats teach us that there is one universal standard of testing truth and that is anèkāntavária, or all-embracive point of view. Fifthly, the story of each one of the Nihnavas is very interesting and provides literary flavour in between philosophical discussions. Being more realistic, it appeals to the common reader much more than mere enumeration or ellucidation of religious precepts. Thus the study of Nihnavavāda Lears importance from various sides. Slimmary of the text A brief summary of the life-events and thoughts of different Nihnavas could be drawn as follows:-- Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.orgPage Navigation
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