(Bhavendriya consists of dormant consciousness called “Labdhi' (attainment) and attentive consciousness called “upayoga” (operative consciousness ). This is found in mundane non-omniscient souls only. The physical sense organs are called “Dravyendriyas”). (Bhava Bala Prana is the modifications of power (Virya) attribute of the soul. “Dravya Bala Prana"
is the physical capacity for action). Q. 107. How many kinds of Psychical sense are
there? It is of five kinds : 1. The psychic sense of touch. 2. The psychic sense of taste.
The psychic sense of smell. 4. The psychic sense of sight.
5. The psychic sense of hearing. Q. 108. How many kinds of potential vitality of soul
are there? (i) Mental Power (the force of thought
activity called "Manobala).
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