leads to Karmic bondage. When the real 'Ratnatraya (triple jewels of right belief, knowledge and conduct) is absent, mere external activities ‘such as strict observance of rules of conduct and performance of severe austesities' will be of no avail. An ignorant person who is not aware of this fact(truth) and boastingly exclaims. "I have keft up all the commandments, what more shall I do to enter into kingdom of God”,
will never be disillusioned, Q. 134. Do material (Dravya) Karmas, yoga
(Mind, body and speech, the three channels of activity), sensual gratification, wealth, family members, house etc., motivate or actuate Jiva to have ‘Raag and Dvesh' (attachment and aversion) ?
All six kinds of substances continue functioning within themselves by their own nature independently. None acts as the motivator for the other in the real sense. So, no substance is the motivator of Raag or Dvesh. But the intoxicatedness with perverted belief itself is the root cause of 'Raag and Dvesh', the intensest type of
passion called Ananthanubandhi Kashaya. Q. 135. It is said that ‘Jiva’ is compelled by the
force of material karmas to indulge iB passions “Raag and Dvesh' also that as and
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