“It is this way only” 'is called perversity
(Viparyaya) for example' “I am body'” Q. 147. Define 'Indecisiveness (Anadhyavasaya)
"fffACTT17 F17HTETTFTT:" i.e., comprehending an object) without (its) certainty, such as something is there, is called 'indecisiveness' for example, “I am something".
Q. 148. Define non-abstinence (vowlessness),
Avirati. 1. The state of impurity or passion with
vowless conduct which is contrary to passionless realisation of the self pertaining to conduct attribute, is called
non-abstinence. 2. Indulging into sinful acts, such as
injury, telling lie etc., and in the objects of five senses & mind, is called
non-abstinence. Q. 148. How many kinds of non-abstinence are
there ? It is of 12 kinds :--
Not abstaining the self from injury (killing) to the six types of embodied living beings and indulging the self into the objects
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