multifacedness (Multifarious nature) of a substance called “Anekant”.
(Aslo refer to question No. 87 (A). Q. 121. How many “Tattvas” (Fundamental princi
ples) are there?
Jiva (the soul), Ajiva (the non-soul), Asrava (influx or inflow), Bandha (bondage), Samvar (stoppage), Nirjara (gradual shedding or dissociation) and Moksha (liberation or emancipation)-these are the
seven first principles. Q. 121A. Define the seven (fundamental) principles.
1. “ Jiva”. “ Jiva” means soul. It is intrinsically an embodiment of knowledge (knowing activity), totally distinct from other substances and an eternal entity. 2. “A Jiva”. “Ajiva” means non-soul. It is intrinsically devoid of sentience (consciousness). “Ajiva'' substances are five. Out of them the four-Ether, Anti-Ether, Space and Time substances are non-material (arupi) and the matter substance (Pudgal Dravya) is material (rupi i.e. one which has speci
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