the inflow of fresh karmic-matter is called material sloppage (Dravya-Samvar). 6. Nirjara (Shedding).
"Nir jara' means partial release from bondage i.e. partial shedding (dissociation) of bondage.
The partial end or shedding (dissociation) of impurity in the form of auspicious and inauspicious desires (emotions) from the state of the soul by means of partial growth of purity (desirelessness ), as a consequence of concentration and reliance on one's own perfectly blissful pure soul, is called psychic shedding (bhava Nirjara). And at the same moment, the automatic partial shedding of Karmic matter which are fit for shedding from the soul, is called material shedding (Dravya Nirjara). 7. Moksha (Liberation).
“Moksha" means complete release from bondage i.e. complete sheddiing (dissociation) of bondage.
The origination of perfect and totally pure state of the soul and complete destruction of impure state is called Psychic liberation (Bhav Moksha). And at the
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