The attribute which has consciousness as its inherent life called spiritual vitality and which provides substantiality to soul, is known as 'Jivatva Guna' (life attribute of soul), only due to this attribute a soul
retains its name as Jiva. Q. 103. How many kinds of vitality are there?
It is of two kinds : 1. Material vitality (Dravya Prana). 2. Spiritual or Psychical vitality (Bhava
Prana). (Dravya Prana is an apparatus or instrumental part made up of matter substance which helps in ascertaining the existence of soul (beingness) in the physical body; whereas Bhava Pran is the conscious life of the soul itself without which there can not be
a soul substance). Q. 104. How many kinds of material vitality are
there ? It is of 10 kinds :-- 1. 5 sense organs (sense of touch, sense
of taste, sense of smell, sense of sight and sense of hearing).
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