मन -- शक्ति, स्वरुप और साधना : एक विश्लेषण : 119
8. 9.
11. 12.
14. 15.
16. 17. 18.
धम्मपद यमक वर्ग 1 धम्मपद यमक वर्ग 2 धम्मपद चित्तवर्ग 43 धमम्पद चित्तवर्ग 37 चित्तं वर्तते चित्तं, चित्तमेव विमुच्यते। चित्तंहि जायते नान्यच्चित्तमेव निरुध्यते।। - लंकावतारसूत्र 145 ब्रह्मबिन्दु उपनिषद् - 2 गीता - 3/40 गीता - 6/27 गीता, 3/40 गीता, 3/40 देखिये -- दर्शन और चिन्तन, भाग 1, पृ0 140 तथा भाग 2, पृ० 311 मनश्चैव जडं मन्य -- योगवासिष्ठ, निर्वाण प्रकरण, सर्ग 78/21 भूमिरापोझलो वायुः खं मनो बुद्धिरेव च। अहंकार इतीयं मे भिन्ना प्रकृतिरष्टधा।।
- गीता 7/4 मनः द्विविधः -- द्रव्यमनः भावमनः च। राधाकृष्णन -- भारतीय दर्शन भाग 1 -- जैनदर्शन The Jaina's have given a modified parallelism with reference to psychic activity as determined by the Karmic matter -- They presented a sort of psycho-physical parallelism concerning individual mind & bodies yet they were not unaware of interaction between the mental and bodily activity -- Jaina's do not speak merely interms of pre-established harmony their theory transcends parallelism and postulates a more intimate connection between body and mind their motion of the structure of the mind and functional aspects of the mind shows that they were aware of the significance of interaction. Jaina theory was an attempt at the integration of metaphysical dichotomy of Jiva and Ajiva and the establishment of the interaction of individual mind and body.
- Some Problems of Jain Psychology, Page 29. विशद तुलनात्मक विवेचना के लिये देखिये -- दर्शन और चिन्तन, भाग 1, पृ० 134-135
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