the body; for, how can a thing having a form enter into another having a form ? The Jaina theory, contends the Nyāya thinker, thus leads to the position that the Body is devoid of the Soul. Secondly, if the soul is of the same extent as the Body, how can the Jiva of a child-Body assume the bigger form of an adult Body in future? If it be said that when the soul assumes the bigger form of the Adult-body, it leaves aside the smaller form of the child-Body, then you must admit that the soul is non-eternal like the Body. If, on the contrary it be contended that in assuming the bigger form, the soul does not leave aside the smaller form of the child-body, it must be said that something impossible happens; for, how can another form be taken without leaving aside the existing form ? The last argument of the Naiyāyika's is that if you say that the soul is of the form of the Body, you must admit that the soul is cut in parts when the Body is cut.
In reply to the above criticism, the Jaina philosophers ask: What is meant by the soul having a form? If you mean that the soul does not permeate all the things of the world but is confined within one single Body, you thereby support the Jaina theory. But if you mean that the soul has a visible shape etc. the Jaina's object to the contention. If the soul be not all-permeating i.e. be of the same extent as the Body, it need not have a visible shape. etc. Mind, for example, is not all-permeating; but it is not a thing, having a visible shape on that account. The soul has no Shape; accordingly, it enters into the Body just as the Mind does so. The Jaina's point out that Water etc. which are grossly en-shaped matter can easily enter into Ashes etc; Why, then would it be impossible for the soul which has no shape to enter into the Body? Next, when the soul assumes the bigger form of the adult Body, it must be understood to have left aside the smaller form of the child body. There is no inconsistency here. It is possible for the soul to assume different forms by means of expansion or contraction just as
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