प्राकृतसर्वस्वम् ।
to. In case the reading common to the Mss, but not in agreement with B appears more reasonable, then that reading is preferred to that of B. Whenever a new reading appears in a single Ms. as in case of A cited above, it also finds place in the text if it is correct and suits the context. Next to B preference goes to U as it is written in Oriya character, (complete, excepting of courses a few omissions noted above) and less corrupt. In case I have felt inclined to suggest emendations, not quite within the scope of the available readings I have done so after showing grounds. Such emendations have been specially noted and the grounds thereof have been shown in the footnotes. Every effort has been made to record the original reading faithfully and therefore the variants of Mss., even though corrupt, have been noted in the footnotes. But these are so many that it is rather impracticable to incorporate each and every variant in the footnotes and therefore only in relevant and interesting places the variants have been shown. When the variants of certain Mss. have been noted whereas those of others not, it is to be understood that the latter agree with B. It is natural therefore not to record the reading of B in the footnote when it fully agrees with the text constituted. Sometimes in order to remove doubt, the readings of all the Mss, as well as of B have been shown in the footnote.
One of the important things added to the text constitution is that wherever a quotation occurs in Präkrit, the Sanskrit chāyā of it has been given within the bracket. The sources of all traceable quotations have also been given side by side. Moreover, in the footnotes the most difficult words or passages have been explained and often translated into English. Utmost care has been taken not to leave any reading whatsoever in doubt.
4. Introduction : Method of treatment.
After the review of Mss. and text constitution in general, let me be allowed to write a few words regarding the critical introduction to the work. The introduction has been divided into following five sections ;
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