already dealt with this subject in a general way in the fourth chapter, but as it is of paramount importance to be acquainted with the special causes of specific karmas, we shall enter into a more detailed description of them here.
To begin with the group of karmas known as the jñå nâvaranîya, we notice that the energies which fall under this head are all those which are characterised by the property of offering obstruction to knowledge. Their causes, therefore, must be such as have a tendency to obliterate existing knowledge or to obstruct the acquisition of truth. Analysis of these causes would show them to fall under two different heads, namely, the endeavour to hold back, conceal or evade truth, and non-exertion in the right direction for its acquisition. The former comprise all those tendencies of mind which aim at obscuring the real point in issue by evasion, perversion, subterfuge, mysticism, false interpretation, hypocrisy, deceitfulness, misplaced subtlety, and the like; and the latter, such traits as physical laziness which prevent study and the acquisition of truth. According to the Jaina Siddhânta, the following, amongst others, are the main causes of the jnånavaranîya type of karmas:--
(1) maintaining silence born of resentment of hatred, in the presence of one who is imparting true knowledge ;
(2) knowing the truth and yet excusing oneself, when questioned, on the plea of ignorance ;
(3) withholding truth under the apprehension that the questioner would become equally wise ;
(4) interfering with the advancement of truth and learning, or preventing the acquisition of knowledge ;
(5) condemning the truth when propounded by another;
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