Worshipped and adored by devas and men, the Conqueror lingers in the world of men till His achâtiâ karmas are worked off, when He rises to the top of the universe to reside there, for ever, in the enjoyment of all those divine qualities and attributes which people associate with their Gods.
It would not be amiss to say a few words here about the nature of the 'shock '* which is occasioned by the manifestation of omniscience. It arises from
* The rending of the rocks and the quaking of the earth referred to in Matthew XXVIII. 51 are to be understood as the rending of the
adamantine'knots of karma, and the shock occasioned by their destruction. The true interpretation of the Biblical text in this instance, as in most other instances, is an esoteric one, as explained in The Key of Knowledge. It will be observed that the remaining three 'miracles,' namely, the darkening of the sun, the rending of the veil in twain, and the opening up of the graves, said to have occurred at the time of the crucifixion of Jesus, are all to be taken in an esoteric sense. Their true interpretation, however, will be understood and appreciated by those alone who first of all succeed in emancipating their intellect froin the clutches of the belief in the super-natural. The intelligent reader might well ask himself, why no one out of the millions of men and women who witnessed these miracles embraced Christianity ? On what prop was the temple supported when its wall was rent from top to bottom? Was it ever repaired, and by whom? Why no one ever took the trouble of recording the name of the person who had it repaired, and the year in which the repairs were carried out? What, again, happened to the risen dead whom the graves had given up ? Did any one interview them to unravel the mystery of death ?-if so with what result? Did the risen dead finally go to their respective homes, and live for the rest of their fresh term of life among men as ordinary citizens do, or were they devoured back by their gaping graves, or re-buried in fresh ones by their astonished brethren of this world ? If the reader will only insist on being satisfied on these and other similar points relevant to the matter, he will
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