of karmas. The sharp point of this powerful instrument, when applied to the centres of concentration already referred to, begins to pierce the layers of matter which compose the obstructing veil, and in due course of time, the duration of which varies with the energy of will in each individual case, cuts asunder the last knot of karma, flooding the individual consciousness with the divine effulgence of omniscience and raising the conquering jiva to the supreme and worshipful status of godhood.
Such is the physical process of emancipation which is purely scientific in its nature. As regards the length of time necessary for the realisation of the Ideal, tbat really depends on the intensity of dhyāna, or concentration of mind, so that where the will has acquired the mastery of mind in the fullest possible degree, an antaramahurata (a period of less than 48 minutes) is quite sufficient to destroy the karmic bonds, while in other cases it may take millions and millions of years.
Dhyâna, it should be stated, is of four kinds :
(1) arta dhyâna which is the cause of pain and arises from dwelling on the loss of an object of desire, the association with an undesirable person or thing, bodily suffering, and envy;
(2) caudra dhyâna which implies the absorption of mind in himsâ and other forms of sin;
(3) dharma dhyâna, that is meditation on the teaching of religion ; and
(4) śukla dhyâna or the pure contemplation of one's own åtman.
Of these, the first two forms are obviously evil, but
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