61 Similar considerations also govern achakşu darsana, which means perception with the help of the remaining four senses other tban sight.
As regards the different kinds of sleep, it is to be observed that sleep is inconsistent with the nature of soul which is pure consciousness or intelligence, but is forced on it in consequence of its union with matter. Hence, when the soul's union with matter becomes less overpowering in nature, as bappens in the case of true munis (ascetic saints), sleep, somnolence, and all other forms of stupor which are matters of daily experience to all spiritually undeveloped souls, lose their hold on the jiva.
The causes of the different forms of stupor and sleep are various; they are caused by mental worry, passions, and the like, and also by foods which augment somnolence, laziness, and lethargy of body or mind.
We now come to the third group of karmic energies, known as redanîya. Bearing in mind what has been said about the power of suggestion and the negative attitude of the soul in connection with the other kinds of karmas, it can be readily seen that the causes which give rise to the experiences of pleasure and pain must be as follows :(a) in the case of pleasurable feelings, sympathy,
gift (of four kinds, viz., of medicine, food,
protection and knowledge), piety, renunciation, purity of mind, speech and body, mercy,
tranquillity, and the like, and (6) in the case of unbappy experiences, the causing
of pain to others and also to one's own self, grief, vain regrets, weeping, and also causing
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