Book Title: Parliament of Worlds Religion 1993 Chicago IL
Author(s): Parliament of the World’s Religions
Publisher: USA Parliament of the Worlds Religions
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Tuesday, August 31 • Major Presentations
ecofeminist philosopher, proposes an orientation she calls "ecolog- | South Asia, Europe, and North America. ical postmodernism," a grounded and embodied approach to the Adi J. Davar-member, Federation of Zoroastrian Association of North consideration of human experience. She examines the social con
America's Planning and Education Committees, and Zoroastrian struction of concepts but also suggests a new appreciation for the
Scholars Committee of North America; founder and president of the core teachings and practices of the great spiritual traditions-par
Zoroastrian Association of Metropolitan Washington; consultant on ticularly with respect to the unitive dimension of being.
international economic development; ex-director, World Bank. Charlene Spretnak-author, States of Grace: the Recovery of Meaning in the Postmodern Age: The Spiritual Dimension of Green Politics; and Lost
11:00 AM–11:45 AM Red Lacquer Room Goddesses in Early Greece. Editor of the anthology, The Politics of "Buddhism and the Modern World" Women's Spirituality; currently visiting professor of philosophy and religion, California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco.
Dr. Ananda Wickremeratne
Dr. Ananda Wickremeratne- Visiting Professor in Religion at Loyola 11:00 AM–11:45 AM Grand Ballroom
University; Visiting Fellow and Associate Member of the
Committee on Southern Asian Studies, University of Chicago. "Euthanasia" Joseph Cardinal Bernardin
11:00 AM–11:45 AM Salon I An examination of the issues surrounding the moral question of "Sikh Scriptures' Evolution and Its euthanasia. This presentation represents a further development of His Eminence's familiar "The Consistent Ethic of Life."
Revolutionary Role" Joseph Cardinal Bernardin--Archbishop of Chicago of the Roman Catholic Mr. Saran Singh; Dr. Balwant Singh
Church and the senior prelate among the Catholic Bishops in the US; Guru Granth Sahib, the Sikh scripture, contains the writing and the known worldwide for his authorship of "The Consistent Ethic of Life,"
hymns of saints and preachers belonging to other religions, whose and as chair of the committee that drafted the Bishop's Pastoral Letter on Peace; served previously as Archbishop of cincinnatti, General Secretary
philosophy conformed to the spirit of Sikhism. It is perhaps the only and later, President of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops,
scripture in the world which incorporates and sanctifies text of people Auxiliary Bishop of Atlanta, and priest of the Diocese of Charleston.
who did not subscribe to the faith. It is a unique pleasure and a noble
heritage for mankind. The hymns contained in the Guru Granth Sahib 11:00 AM-11:45 AM Parlor A
are based on traditional "Ragas" (ancient musical tunes). The
founder of Sikhism completed the compilation in 200 years of the "Bhakti Yoga: The Origin and Essence
Guru Granth Sahib during the lifetime of the ten Gurus. It is totally of All Religions"
free from any claims or dogmas. (Introducer: Mr. Amarjit Singh)
Mr. Saran Singh-Editor, The Sikh Review, Calcutta, India. Sushree Meera Devi; Sushsree Hari Dasi
Dr. Balwant Singh-M.A., Economics and Statistics, Panjab, Delhi, and Bhakti Yoga is a devotional-divine energy that unites one's con
Pennsylvania Universities; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania; scious mind with the omnipresent Divine Personality of one's
Professor of Management, Bucknell University, 1967, 1969-93; reci soul-beloved God. The complete science of how to develop this
ient, Burma Bowl Award for International Understanding energy' is revealed by God Himself in our Scriptures, like the Gita and the Bhagavatam, each in its own style.
11:00 AM–11:45 AM State Ballroom Sushree Meera Devi-sannyasi teacher; Vice-president, International Society of Divine Love; disciple of His Divinity Swami Prakashanand
"Peace in Islam: a Concept Central to Islam and Saraswati; first western woman to receive Vaishnava sannyasi in the to the Survival of Humanity"
tradition of Raganuga bhakti; lectures extensively around the world. Sushree Hari Dasisannyasi teacher, International Society of Divine Love.
Gai Eaton
In the Islamic religious perception, the human self and nature are 11:00 AM–11:30 AM Parlor H
brought into a relationship of "spiritual harmony." Both are dif
ferent and complementary manifestations of the creative will of "The Operation of Zarathushtra's Moral
Allah. The psychological benefit of this conception is a deep feelImperative in the World Today"
ing of spirituality and contentment. This presentation will focus K.D. Irani
on this ideal of spirituality and its importance for human survival.
Gai Eaton-London, UK, author, Islani and Hunian Destiny. This presentation will be an exposition of the Zoroastrian conception of natural law, its function as ground of moral judgement,
2:00 PM 2:45 PM Adams Ballroom and the notion of human personality structure as the ethical agents in creation. An exposition of how this moral philosophy
"Human Population and Women" works in the world today and the spiritual commitment it calls for. Helen Alvare K.D. Irani-Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, City College of New York;
A major presentation on abortion, population issues, and has lectured on ancient thought and the philosophy of the Indian-Iranian
women's issues from the view of the National Conference of tradition at several universities in North America and Europe, extensive publications in science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of religion.
Catholic Bishops of the United States of America. Addresses the
question of the benefits which accrue to women when their dig11:30 AM–12:00 PM Parlor H
nity and equality are recognized in society.
Helen Alvare-Director of Planning and Information of the Secretariat "Zoroastrianism: A Universal Faith"
for Pro-Life Activities of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. Adi). Davar
2:00 PM–2:45 PM Grand Ballroom Zoroastrianism is the world's oldest monotheistic religion. Was Zarathushtra's key teaching that God gave man a free mind "Ploughshares and Prayers: Bringing Spiritual and conscience to enable him to choose the paths of good or evil
Principle into the Development Dialogue" and be responsible for his destiny-a message for all mankind? This presentation examines: (a) scriptural evidence (Gathas and Mona Yazdi Grieser later writings) indicative of His vision of a universal faith; and Development practitioners frequently think of religion and tradi(b) the historical spread of the message from Central Asia to tional culture as barriers to development. Yet secular efforts intendChina, its return to Iran 1,000 years later, and its survival in
ed to improve human life and happiness have not succeeded either. Can religion provide leadership in the address to development
40 . THE PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS, CHICAGO, 1993 Jain Education Intemational 2010_03
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