Book Title: Parliament of Worlds Religion 1993 Chicago IL
Author(s): Parliament of the World’s Religions
Publisher: USA Parliament of the Worlds Religions
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E Seminars & Lectures
Studies, Mundelein College; Executive-in-Residence, DePaul University Graduate School of Business; pursuing Ph.D. in Philosophy at DePaul, concentrating in American Business Philosophy.
10:00 AM–12:00 PM Burnham Wing #1 "Greenspirit: A Marriage of Ecology and Multi-Faith Spirituality" Mr. Albert LaChance Albert LaChance's book, Greenspirit: Twelve Steps in Ecological Spirituality, and his Greenspirit support groups are a response to Thomas Berry's call for a "deep cultural therapy" to heal our society's cultural pathology. As LaChance sees it, the current ecological crisis is a spiritual, psychological and physical malady rooted in addiction. Greenspirit addresses this malady using the nonsec tarian 12-step spirituality and process and integrating contributions from the major world religions. This marriage of multi-faith spirituality and ecology into a 12-step eco-spirituality is proving to be a very powerful tool of transformation and renewal. Mr. Albert LaChance husband, father, poet, environmentalist,
author, therapist and lecturer; co-founder, with his wife, Carol, Greenspirit Center in New Hampshire; his book, Greenspirit, was highly recommended by Thomas Berry as a practical extension of his own work.
10:00 AM–1:00 PM Burnham Wing #4 "Discovering Our Common Ground: Spirituality in Agriculture" David Lynch; Barbara Coffman A dialogue process designed to bring people together who represent a wide range of spiritual values around the topic of spirituality in agriculture. The significance of this process lies in its deliberate intention not to try to solve agricultural problems or resolve organizational differences, but to create an atmosphere in which greater wisdom and understanding can occur. David Lynch Chairman for the coalition for Spirituality in
Agriculture, a network of individuals and organizations devoted to the spiritual values that underpin the sustainable agriculture move. ment; agricultural director for a 150-acre Stewardship Farm and
Conference Center and President of the Stewardship Community, Barbara Coffman-Core facilitator for the MIT Dialogue Project, a Kellogg
Foundation Leadership program to develop dialogue as a way to guide polarized groups into an expansive, innovative consciousness.
10:00 AM–12:00 PM Burnham Wing #2 "The Greening of Judaism" or "Toward an Eco-Kosher Judaism" Dr. Arthur Waskow This workshop will focus on the emergence and trajectory of an environmentally concerned Jewish community. Some of the suggested areas of change include: "Liturgy and Prayer","Daily Practice", and "Public Policy". The discussion of Liturgy and Prayer will cover festivals such as the earth/moon/sun cycle, Shabbat-being not doing", and prayer forms and language; the discussion of Daily Practice will cover "Eco-Kosher" practice in consumption and investment (food, energy sources, money, etc.); and the discussion of Public Policy will cover action which could be taken by the Jewish community to change public policy (energy, transportation, water use, etc.) to protect the earth. Dr. Arthur WaskowDirector of The Shalom Center, Fellow of
ALETH/Alliance for Jewish Renewal, and author of Godwrestling; Seasons of Our loy; and Becoming Brothers.; member of the faculty of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, 1982-89.
10:00 AM-12:00 PM Burnham Wing #5 "The Road from Rio: An Ecological and Spiritual Perspective" Carolyn Ford; Peter H. Aykroyd The theme of this workshop is Ecology and the Earth. All religions must come together to bring a moral, spiritual and ethical dimension to the blueprint for the 21st Century. We must recon nect with Mother Earth. We must find the sacredness in every living being, sentient and insentient. We must put aside our greed and nurture our ailing planet. We must live with reverence for all which God has made. We must come back to our primitive roots, back to beginner's mind, if we are to undo the damage already done. Rio begins here. Carolyn Ford--Peace and Justice Director at St. Isidore Church,
Diocese of Joliet; teacher, writer, lecturer, ecologist, peace and civil rights activist, composer, musician and singer; has performed in concert all over the world and frequently gives workshops, repre
sented the Diocese of Joliet at last year's Earth Summit in Brazil. Peter H. Aykroyd-former director of public relations, Centennial
Commission, Canada 1967; former Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet and assistant deputy minister, Research and Development, Transport Canada; Chairman of the Board, Millennium Institute; author, The Anniversary Compulsion.
10:00 AM-12:00 PM Burnham Wing #3 "Contemplative Dwelling II: Alternative Business Enterprise, Universally Affordable Dwelling, Contemplative Practice and Planetary Harmony" Steve Kozan Beck; F. Byron Nahser For millenia the indigenous, pre-industrial vernacular dwelling traditions provided a largely sustainable means of dwelling, affordable in some form by all, which functioned by producing necessities in cooperative self-reliance first, and non-necessities second, allowing the competitive economy to fluctuate without jeopardizing survival. This presentation, the second of two, will explore alternative development and business enterprise design based on this principle. It will also examine relationships between a potential for the universally affordable ownership of a sustainable means of dwelling, social harmony, ecosystem balance, contemplative practice and planetary survival. Steve Kozan Beck - Certified as a priest and teacher of Buddhism; holds a Master of Architecture degree; over the past ten years he has
Signed, built and lived in a series of affordable solar dwellings and continues to do so. F. Byron Nahser-President and CEO, Frank C. Nahser,
Inc./ Advertising, M.B.A., Northwestern University; M.A., Religious
10:00 AM–10:45 AM Clark Wing #1 "From the Rig Veda to Sri AurobindoContinuity of Indian Thought" Dr. Adwaita P. Ganguly This workshop will discuss the relevance of Vedantic thought in Our times through the idea of the world as a trinity: Ancient Indian, Medieval Islamic and Modern Western Civilizations. Dr. Adwaita P. Ganguly-M.A., Ph. D.; lecturer in Indian Studies at the
City Literary Institute, London, England since 1972; author of Indiu: Mystic, Complex and Real, published in 1990, a multi-dimensional study of Forster's 20th century classic, A Passage to Indiu.
10:00 AM-10:30 AM Clark Wing #2 "Hinduism as a way of Life" Swami Asramji Maharaj A discussion of Hinduism as a way of life, with an emphasis on the Blugaoud Gita, universal peace, and unversal harmony.
M. THE I'ARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS, CHICAGO, 1993 Jain Education International 2010_03
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