Book Title: Parliament of Worlds Religion 1993 Chicago IL
Author(s): Parliament of the World’s Religions
Publisher: USA Parliament of the Worlds Religions
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Thursday, September 2 Seminars & Lectures
Ruta Baltrukenas, Ph.D.
Transpersonal psychology is a relatively new field in psychology that affirms the reality and importance of spiritual experiences and is attempting to develop theoretical frameworks for understanding these experiences. This presentation will introduce the audience to the major thinkers and theories in the field. Ruta Baltrukenas, Ph.D.-psychologist in private practice and adjunct professor at Roosevelt University in Chicago; field of interest is transpersonal psychology.
2:00 PM-3:30 PM Dearborn Wing #2 "Parapsychology and Religion"
Dr. Ramakrishna Rao
This lecture provides an introduction to the field of parapsychology, its findings and their relevance to religious beliefs and practices. It will be proposed that parapsycholological phenomena for which there is scientific evidence, such as telepathy, precognition and psychokinesis, closely resemble religious phenomena like prophesy, prayer and miracles. Also discussed will be the future of research in this field, exploring concepts of major concern to religion such as freedom of will, the psyche's survival of bodily death, and the question of dualism.
Dr. Ramakrishna Rao-Director of the Institute for Parapsychology, Durham, North Carolina; Ph.D., D. Lit., University of Chicago, Andhra University, India; editor of the Journal of Parapsychology; author of Experimental Parapsychology, Mystic Awareness, and Gandhi and Pragmatism.
2:00 PM-2:45 PM LaSalle Wing #1
"Bhakti Marga and the Unity of Religion" Ravindra Svarupa Dasa
Bhakti has often been treated as an impediment to unity and harmony among religions, being associated with sectarianism, exclusivism and intolerance. This workshop will set forth a non-sectarian, non-exclusivistic theology of world religions based on bhakti. This theology will draw upon the resources of theistic Vedanta to harmonize and reconcile the various spiritual paths in the world. At a time when various sorts of fundamentalisms are growing throughout the world, a theology that is both devotional and universal may have a chance to correct sectarian excesses.
Ravindra Svarupa Dasa-(William Deadwyler); Ph.D., Religion,
Temple University; author of several books and academic articles; Chairman, North American Governing Body Commission of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) and an initiating spiritual master/guru for ISKCON.
2:00 PM-3:30 PM LaSalle Wing #2 "Reconnecting with the Divine:
In Your Self, In All Those You Meet Today, In All of Creation: Part II"
Anne Walsh
Second in a series of three workshops sharing a common theme but differing in content. Anne Walsh will use Jungian insights to help us understand and nurture our spiritual longings, the feminine aspect of the deity, and the true nature of our Self and our soul. Active group participation.
Anne Walsh Jungian psychoanalyst, with a private practice in Princeton, New Jersey and in New York City where she also teaches at the C.G. Jung Foundation.
2:00 PM-3:30 PM LaSalle Wing #3 "Contemplative Prayer in Catholicism"
Prioress Margaret Mary Funk, O.S.B.
Prioress Margaret Mary Funk, O.S.B.-Superior of Our Lady of Grace Monastery; member of Contemplative Outreach; national lecturer on centering prayer in the Roman Catholic tradition; member of the Board of Directors of Monastic Interreligious Dialogue.
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2:00 PM-3:30 PM LaSalle Wing #4 "Gods, Goddesses, Goblins:
An Introduction to the Celtic Fairy-Faith" Andras Corban Arthen; Aine Arthen
An exploration of the colorful and intriguing denizens of the "Invisible World" and their role in Nature worship, the evolution of religion, and contemporary "UFO abductions."
Andras Corban Arthen-initiated into the traditional practices of a Scottish family of Witches in 1969; Cunningman of the Glainn Sidhr Order of Witches and Director of the EarthSpirit Community, one of the largest Pagan organizations in the country; has served on the board of officers of Covenant of the Goddess, a national council of Witches; and has recently released a recording of stories, titled, "Tales of Wonder". Aine Arthen degree in Psychology with an emphasis in Women's Studies, and is an initiate of the Glainn Sidhr Order; leads workshops on a range of topics, including Celtic Spirituality and communication issues between women and men.
2:00 PM-3:30 PM LaSalle Wing #5 "Theosophic Worldview-Part III: Bridging Science, Religion, and Philosophy" Will Thackara; Joy Mills; Rob McOwen
Third of a series of four panels, each independent of the others, presenting basic concepts of the theosophical tradition for audience discussion. The universe may be understood in its wholeness only by accessing a source of truth. Irrespective of religious orthodoxy, people have attained a perspective from which science, religion, and philosophy are seen as different aspects of a sublime unity. Illumined by compassion, this unified approach leads to a higher view of life and recognition of the inherent worth of every being. Will Thackara-staff member of The Theosophical Society, International Headquarters, Pasadena, California.
Joy Mills-General Secretary of the Theosophical Society in Australia; former president of The Theosophical Society in America, before becoming the Society's International Vice-President in 1974; Director of the Krotona School of Theosophy, in Ojai, CA; past editor, The American Theosophist; author, One Hundred Years of Theosophy: A History of the Theosophical Society in America, and of numerous articles. Rob McOwen-writer and lecturer; Associate of the United Lodge of Theosophists, Los Angeles.
2:00 PM-3:30 PM Montrose Wing #1
"Struggle for Religious Freedom" Dr. Robert Traer
This workshop will describe and illustrate the International Association for Religious Freedom's struggle, as an international interfaith organization, in support of nonviolent movements in Romania and Pakistan.
Dr. Robert Traer-General Secretary, International Association for Religious Freedom; author of Faith in Human Rights: Support in Religious Traditions for a Global Struggle, Faith in the Buddhist Tradition, and many essays on interfaith issues; teacher of ethics and world religions; ordained minister in the PCUSA; international human rights lawyer.
2:00 PM-3:30 PM Montrose Wing #2
"The Meaning of the Land: the Mayan Religion" Juanita Batzibal; Daniel Matul Morales
To the Maya people, the land plays a role which goes far beyond economics. The Maya vision of the world and life is rooted in the land: it is the basis of the philosophy, religion, and science of the Maya people.
Juanita Batzibal-Maya Kakchikel; anthropologist; President,
International Maya League; has toured extensively in the U.S. and Europe, lecturing about Maya culture.
Daniel Matul Morales-Maya Kiché; Doctor in Judicial and Social Sciences; Master in Public administration; author, numerous articles about the Mayas and Guatemalan society; member, International Maya League.
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