Book Title: Parliament of Worlds Religion 1993 Chicago IL
Author(s): Parliament of the World’s Religions
Publisher: USA Parliament of the Worlds Religions
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Friday, September 3 . Seminars & Lectures
Keki R. Bhote one of the founders of the Zoroastrian Association of
America and the Zomastrian Association of Metropolitan Chicago; among the Chairs of the 2nd North American Zoroastrian Symposium.
al diversity is on the rise. This will require better tolerance and understanding among people. This presentation offers a Jain perspective on a unique modern problem. Professor Jagdish Sheth-Professor of marketing at Emory University,
Atlanta, Georgia; has worked for numerous industries in the U.S.A., Europe and Asia, both as a consultant and as a seminar leader;
and articles, numerous awards for his outstanding contribution to his profession.
8:00 PM-5:30 PM Clark Wing #6 "Sikh Scripture as Universal Text" Dr. Amarjit Singh; Dr. Sangat S. Syalee; Dr. Pritam Singh the Guru Granth Sahib is the most authentic and the holiest Waripture of the Sikhs. It but reveals the innermost mystic experiInce of a soul to ascending to the high domain of God. Thoughout the 1430 pages of the Guru Granth Sahib, the mesmange given by Sikh prophets and other Saints and Mystics who bepresent different religious backgrounds, echoes and reechoes. Dr. Balwant Singh (Moderator). Dr. Amarjit Singh-spokesman for the Panthak Committee, the reli
gious and political Sikh organization authorized by the Sarbat Khaisa to lead the Sikh Nation; lectures on different facets of Sikhism in Gurdwaras, universities, human rights seminars and other forums. Dr. Pritam Singh--Ph.D., Physics; religious leader; Sikh scholar.
4:00 PM-5:30 PM Dearborn Wing #1 "Birthing the Universal Human" Rev. Dr. Marcia Sutton This workshop will focus on individual spiritual evolution, and support people's understanding and experience of the religious life beyond all boudaries and divisions. It will offer the opportunity for participants to heal past wounds of separation and doubt in order to embrace, in common union with others, Divine Love. Practical tools for living the spiritual life as co-creators will be presented. Rev. Dr. Marcia Sutton-Senior Minister of the Golden Gate Church of
Religious Science; member, Board of The Foundation of Co-Creation; participates in the San Francisco Bay Area Interreligious Dialogue.
L00 PM–5:00 PM Clark Wing #7
The Practices of Other Religions and Christian Spirituality" Ft. Richard Chilson A Catholic priest and well known author on evangelization looks at how the Christian can benefit from the practices of other relipions without any loss of religious identity. Fr. Richard Chilson-priest of the Congregation of St. Paul (The
Paulists) and pastor of Holy Spirit Parish in Berkeley, California. LO PM–5:00 PM Clark Wing #8
The Vision of a Perfecting World" KD. Irani The world must be recognized as perfectible both socially and Spiritually. Socially it can be brought to a state of collective harmonious happiness with a concomitant spiritual upliftment as moral perception becomes clearer and intentions and motives nove closer to the divine purpose. K.D. Irani-Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, City College of New
York; has lectured on ancient thought and the philosophy of the Indian-Iranian tradition at several universities in North America and Europe; extensive publications in science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of religion.
4:00 PM-5:30 PM Dearborn Wing #2 "Transcendence and the Ultimate: Universal Principles of Psychospiritual Transformation" James E. Royster A consideration of: (1) the nature of the Ultimate in Itself and in relationship, (2) the universal human sense of separation from the Ultimate as well as from other humans and the natural world, and of inner division and discord, and (3) universal principles of transformation that can be practiced in ordinary life in order to regain a sense of connection, harmony, and oneness. James E. Royster Professor, Department of Religious Studies,
Cleveland State University, extensive travel and living experience, North Africa, Middle East, Pakistan, India, Asia; currently at work on book dealing with personal transformation in the world's religions.
4:00 PM–5:00 PM LaSalle Wing #1 "The Secret: Spiritual Texts in Children's Stories" Francine E. Marrus This workshop will explore the deep structure of children's stories and the spiritual meanings that appear. Emphasis will be on defining spiritual meanings and applying that definition to understanding both traditional folk stories and more current narratives. Francine E Marrus teaches speech and communication studies at Clemson
University in South Carolina; research interest is in the spirituality of communication in various contexts; has participated in the Speech Communication Association seminars on spirituality in 1991 and 1992
t00 PM–4:45 PM Clark Wing #9 "Gnosticism and the New Myth of Consciousness" Dr. Stephan Hoeller The lecture presents the emerging new myth of the culture that is contrasted and compared with earlier myths of humanity. This merging world-view grounded in myth is based on the pursuit bf personal spiritual experience combined with a religious search for meaning and arises from the rediscovery of the transformalive power of becoming conscious of the transcendent. The new myth is examined in relationship to Gnosticism and contempotary Jungian depth psychology Dr. Stephan Hoeller Professor Emeritus of Comparative Religions, College of Oriental Studies, Los Angeles, Director of Gnostic Society of Los Angeles, Lecturer for the Philosophical Research Society of Los Angeles, and Bishop in Ecclesia Gnostica; author, The Royal Road; The Gnostic Jung and the Seven Sermons of the Dead; Jung and the Lost Gospels, and Freedom.
4:00 PM–5:30 PM LaSalle Wing #2 "Spiritual Practice on a Multi-Faith Planet" Rudolf Gelsey Yoga and mantras, Zen Buddhist meditation, Sufi Dhikr breath purificaiton and sacred dance will be presented as elements for spiritual practice in the global village. Rudolf Gelsey-bom in Vienna, Austria; graduate degree in political science,
University of Geneva; degree in divinity, University of Chicago; Unitarian Universalist minister for over 30 years; author of Imagine... A New Bible.
L00 PM–4:30 PM Clark Wing #10 Jainism and Religious Tolerance" Professor Jagdish Sheth As the economy of the world is becoming more global, there is ncreasing personal mobility. Consequently, religious and cultur
4:00 PM–4:45 PM LaSalle Wing #3 "Language and Religion" Dr. John Algeo Linguists distinguish between "language", the innate ability of human beings to communicate, and "a language" such as English or Tibetan. It is ironic that "language" is universal, uniform, and exists to facilitate communication, yet "languages" are
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