Book Title: Parliament of Worlds Religion 1993 Chicago IL
Author(s): Parliament of the World’s Religions
Publisher: USA Parliament of the Worlds Religions

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________________ Thursday, September 2. Seminars & Lectures pant in Catholic/Jewish and Catholic/Polish Dialogue. Sheila Adams---African American Consultant, Archdiocesan Office of Ethnic Ministries; serves her parish, Our Lady Gate of Heaven as lay minister in liturgy and music, Region VII and VIII Coordinator, National Black Catholic Congress of the NABCA; former Chair, Bishop's National Advisory Council. Sr. Dominga M.. Zapata-native of Puerto Rico; member, Society of Helpers; Hispanic and Native American Consultant, Archdiocese of Chicago; doctoral candidate, University of Salamanca, Spain, Teresita L. Nuval-R.N.; M.A.; Assian American Consultant, office of Ethnic Ministries, Archdiocese of Chicago; former Director, Office for the Filipino Apostolate; coorinates four Asian Centers, the IndoChinese Center, the Chinese Center and two Korean Centers, in the area of organizational and program Development. India, and offer a clarification of the path to attaining God's love and an explanation of the science of devotion and grace. Includes traditional chanting meditation, song, and an explanation of passages from Vedic Scriptures in the original Sanskrit. Sushree Meera Devi Sannyasi teacher; vice president of the International Society of Divine Love;disciple of His Divinity Swami Prakashanand Saraswati; after many years of devotion and study in India under the direct guidance of Shree Swami Ji, the first Western woman to receive Vaishnav sanyas in the tradition of Raganuga bhakti; lectures extensively in India, New Zealand, Canada, and the United States on the philosophy of divine love Sushree Hari Dasisannyasi teacher, international Society of Divine Love. 4:00 PM–5:30 PM Dearborn Wing #2 "Spirituality, Healing, and AIDS" Reverend Aaron Zerah: Panelists: Teriananda; James Hicks; Arthur Shatluck. Several panel members, many of whom are HIV positive, or who have been diagnosed with AIDS, will discuss the importance and significance of spiritual beliefs and attitudes in maintaining and building healthy lives. A brief history of religious attitudes towards health, homosexuality, and compassion for the sick, will be part of this program Reverend Aaron Zerah- grew up in a small business" family and has been engaged in entrepreneuraial pursuits for 20 years; interfaith minister and teacher, with an extensive background in philosophy, economics, alternative healing and religious scripture; current min. istry is the business community; serves as a Board Member of Food for All, a California based organization working to end world hunger, and does research and consultation for Threshold Enterprises, a dietary supplemant manufacturer and distributor. Panelists include: Teriananda--works with Act-Up in New York; life-long interest in Native Americcan and Buddhist teachings. James Hicks--HIV+, diagnosed with AIDS, devoted to the under standing of healing on all levels. Arthur Shatluck-acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist; student of spiritu ally based medical practice; runs Chicago Clinic, treating AIDS patients. 4:00 PM-5:30 PM LaSalle #3 "Bhakti Yoga (Divine Love Meditation): Longing for the Divine Beloved" Sushree Meera Devi; Sushree Hari Dasi The ultimate goal of the soul is to receive the unlimited love of God. The supreme sweetness of Divine love has been described by the Vrindaban tradition of spiritual masters and the sacred Vedic scriptures of India. This workshop will explore the practical aspects of selfless devotion to the personal form of God and the attainment of Divine love. The devotional meaning of key verses from Vedic scriptures will be explained. Chanting meditations will be taught to gently inspire feelings of love for God. Sushree Meera Devi--sannyasi teacher; Vice-president, International Society of Divine Love; disciple of His Divinity Swami Prakashanand Saraswati; first western woman to receive Vaishnava sannyasi in the tradition of Raganuga bhakti; lectures extensively around the world. Sushree Hari Dasi --Sannyasi teacher, International Society of Divine Love, 4:00 PM-5:30 PM LaSalle Wing #1 "Astrology; The Sacred Science" Joan Kellogg This workshop will feature a historic perspective on the development of astrology and the practical applications both ancient and modem We will discuss the pastoral, psychological, and healing settings including its relationship to eastem and westem medicine and natural healing techniques, Joan Kellogg-M.A.; Co-founder and co-director of Mary's Place, a healing center offering traditional and natural healing therapies; has served as a hospice bereavement counselor, and is in private prac tice as a grief therapist and counseling astrologer. 4:00 PM–5:00 PM LaSalle Wing #4 "Spiritual Initiation: Gateways to Transcendent Consciousness" Rev. Dr. Barbara O'Guinn Condron From near-death experiences to precognitive dreams, from meditative peace to visionary ecstasy, by learning to acknowledge the mysticism in our lives we can begin to unfold our consciousness to include our Creator and all of creation. These experiences are describerd as spiritual initiations steps in awareness which open our minds and hearts to greater understanding of who we are and why we exist. A vision of the unfolding inner creative consciousness, as lived and taught by the world's masters of spirituality for thousands of years. Rev. Dr. Barbara O'Guinn Condron-Chair, Board of Directors, School of Metaphysics and International Church of Metaphysics; author of seven books, including Kundalini Rising: Mastering Creative Energies; ordained minister in ICOM; professor of metaphysics and spiritual disciplines for almost two decades. 4:00 PM–5:30 PM LaSalle Wing #2 "Sacred Stories: The Relationship of Creativity and Spirituality" Anne A. Simpkinson This workshop explores the elements that make stories sacred, and the renaissance of storytelling in the U.S. Sacred stories will be shared, both by the presenter and within the group. Anne A. Simpkinson-Editor, Common Boundary magazine; with her husband, Charles Simpkinson, edited an anthology about Sacred Stories which will be published by Harper San Francisco this fall. 4:00 PM-5:30 PM Montrose Wing #1 "World Vision 2000: The Vision of Wholeness for the 21st Century" Dr. Mahesh J. Mehta Centuries of experimentation in all fields of knowledge lead us to believe that solutions to current problems facing the human community lie in the integral or holistic approach to life. This program explores the need for a paradigm shift in our current fragmentary world view. Dr. Mahesh J. Mehta--President, Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America; Chair, World Vision 2000 programs; 2:00 PM–3:00 PM LaSalle Wing #3 "Divine Love Meditation" Sushree Meera Devi; Sushree Hari Dasi This presentation will focus on divine love meditation as revealed by the tradition of the Rasik Masters of Vrindaban, 4:00 PM-5:30 PM Montrose Wing #2 "The Meaning of the Land: The Mayan Cosmovision" Juanita Batzibal; Daniel Matul Morales To the Maya people, the land plays a role which goes far beyond economics. The Maya vision of the world and life is rooted in the land: it 106. THE PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS, CHICAGO, 1993 Jain Education Intemational 2010_03 For Private & Personal Use Only


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