Book Title: Parliament of Worlds Religion 1993 Chicago IL
Author(s): Parliament of the World’s Religions
Publisher: USA Parliament of the Worlds Religions
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Thursday, September 2⚫ Seminars & Lectures
4:00 PM-5:30 PM PDR #5
"The Spiritual Dimensions of Globalization" Sally J. Walton
Spirituality is a human orientation underlying cultural values and behaviors. In this seminar we will examine spirituality in cultural context, exploring different viewpoints from various societies and value systems as a tool for visioning the future of our world. Sally J. Walton has 12 years international experience; currently a consultant in globalization strategies and multicultural workforce issues for corporations, government, and organizations.
4:00 PM-6:00 PM Sandburg Wing #1
"A Pilgrim's Portrait of Blessed Women" Laryl Fett
Based on the presenter's photo documentation, this lecture with slides will describe her pilgrimage among known and not well known women spiritual healers, mentors, and leaders. Presentation is followed by participation and sharing by the group, of their own experience with women spiritual healers; concluding with a ceremony celebrating women of spirit. Laryl Fett-Co-Founder/Director with Rev. Frederick Potter of "For All Season's" seminary at "Comes the Season Life Sanctuary" in NW Indiana; author of the forthcoming book, A Pilgrim's Portrait of Blessed Women.
4:00 PM-5:30 PM Sandburg Wing #2 "Mini-Cities Throughout the World: Models for a New Society"
Jo-Ellen Karstens
Members of the Focolare in the United States will present the movement's 15 mini-cities throughout the world through slides, video excerpts, and a brief history of their development and cultural characteristics. These little cities have blossomed in all continents since 1964 as a model of how modern society could ideally function with Christian mutual love as a basis. They range in size from 50 to 800 inhabitants, including families and persons of all ages, cultures and religious traditions, and they are sustained by economically viable manufacturing and agricultural enterprises. Jo-Ellen Karstens-member of the Focolare Movement, a Catholic movement founded by Chiara Lubich (1977 recipient of the Templeton Prize) and present in 186 countries.
4:00 PM-5:30 PM Sandburg Wing #3 "Spiritual Communities Today and Tomorrow" Gordon Davidson; Professor Corinne McLaughlin This talk will explore the benefits and challenges of spiritual community living, and the innovative ideas being pioneered by these community "research and development centers" for both personal and social change. New community approaches to social problems will be discussed, including group attunement and meditative decision making, conflict resolution techniques, worker owned businesses, sustainable agriculture and ecological architecture. Examples will be given from the Findhorn and Sirius communities of how real people have benefitted from a deep exploration of the dynamic dance between the individual and the collective.
Gordon Davidson-co-author of Spiritual Politics: Social Change for the Millennium, a metaphisical perspective on world events, and Builders of the Dawn, an overview of new age communities today; cofounder of Sirius Community in Massachussetts and The Sirius School of Spiritual Science, and Fellow of the Findhorn Foundation; has taught at American University in Washington, D.C., the University of Massachussetts, and Boston College, and has been featured in interviews with The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Boston Globe and the NBC Today show. Professor Corinne McLaughlin-co-author of Spiritual Politics: Social Change for the Millennium; and Builders of the Dawn; and co-founder of Sirius Community, an ecological village in Massachusetts; currently teaches Transformational Politics at American University in Washington, DC.
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4:00 PM-5:30 PM Sandburg Wing #4 "Spiritual Democracy: A Key to Personal Transformation and Global Change"
Arthur Stein
This talk/participatory workshop develops two new concepts: spiritual democracy and the democratization of spirituality, as links to the experience of peace within ourselves and to the building of peace across the planet. We will explore insightful ways of understanding the mystic core of the world's great religious and spiritual traditions, and of making these oft-hidden treasures accessible to inquiring people everywhere. Therein may lie the key to personal and global awakening. Arthur Stein-Ph.D., Woodrow Wilson Fellow in International
Relations from the University of Pennsylvania in 1965; post-doctorate in South Asian Studies and later a Scholar in Residence at the University of California in Berkeley; studies abroad included a Fulbright Fellowship at the University of Melbourne, Australia; has studied, traveled or lectured abroad in over 50 countries including a dozen visits to the Indian subcontinent.
4:00 PM-5:00 PM Sandburg Wing #5 "Human Life at the MarginWomen and Feminine Dignity"
Mary A. Hallan
A seminar on the critical issue of the marginalization of women. Particular attention will be paid to the elderly woman, the mother, children and babies. This will be an opportunity to hear voices of women who are not heard elsewhere.
Mary A. Hallan--director of Respect Life Activities for the Archdiocese of Chicago; Doctor of Jurisprudence degree, DePaul University.
4:00 PM-5:30 PM Sandburg Wing #6 "Spirituality, Socialization
and Sexuality of Girls 9-15"
Gretchen Buenger Leppke; Barbara Meier Barkony; Jody Gardner; Donna Goetz; Kathy Dickens Wager
Designed from survey and study on the spiritual development of girls, aged nine to fifteen, this workshop explores the issue from the standpoint of socialization and sexuality. Along with encouraging self-esteem in young women, does the development of a spiritual sense offer new ways for Christian women to "image" God? Gretchen Leppke-Women of Faith Resource Center, Evanston,
Illinois; member, Program Committee, Council for Parliament of the World's Religions.
Barbara Meier Barkony-A.B. Psychology, Univ. of Michigan, N.A. Education Administration, Case Western; on staff of the Ecumenical Institute in Chicago; on Women of Faith Board.
Jody Gardner-M.A. Religious Studies, Mundelein College, Chicago; PhD candidate in Education and Women's Studies, Union Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Donna Goetz-PhD in Psychology, Wheaton College; Professor of Psychology, Elmhurst College, Elmhurst, IL..
Kathy Dickens Wager-M.A. Counseling and Pastoral Studies, Loyola University, Chicago; training in Spiritual Companioning and Shamanic Studies.
4:45 PM-5:30 PM Burnham Wing #1
"Jain Legends in Art and Rituals"
Dr. Saryu Doshi
Jainism, one of the oldest religions of India, has bequeathed a rich artistic legacy to its adherents. Its myths and legends have found expression in paintings, in ancient sacred texts written on palm-leaf or paper, in metal images, and-above all-in temple sculptures executed in stone or wood. This talk will describe some of the legends of the Tirthankaras and show their interpretations in art. It will interweave the rituals connected with these
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