Book Title: Parliament of Worlds Religion 1993 Chicago IL
Author(s): Parliament of the World’s Religions
Publisher: USA Parliament of the Worlds Religions
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Tuesday, August 31 Seminars & Lectures
rather worry about "what is to be done"? Discussion will include a consideration of genetic engineering and related topics. Dr. Munawar A. Anis-Editor-in-Chief, Periodica Islamica, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Irfan Ahmed Khan-Professor, American Islamic College, Chicago, Illinois.
Dr. M. Amir Ali-Director, Institute of Islamic Information and Education, Chicago, Illinois.
Dr. Mohammad Aslam Niaz-Head, Training Division, Islamic Doi Bank, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
2:00 PM-4:00 PM Burnham Wing #4
"Building and Nurturing Eco-Communities" Charlene Spretnak; Rev. Finley Schaef; Gary Valen; Wendy Johnson Rudnick
How do we build just and sustainable local communities which take into account global realities? What do faith traditions have to offer to the building and nurturing of ecological communities? A consideration of the larger economic and political context of eco-communities, followed by case studies of such communities in four settings: campus, urban, rural, and prison.
Charlene Spretnak-author, States of Grace: the Recovery of Meaning in the Postmodern Age; The Spiritual Dimension of Green Politics; and Lost Goddesses in Early Greece; editor of the anthology, The Politics of Women's Spirituality; currently visiting professor of philosophy and religion, California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco. Rev. Finley Schaef-United Methodist pastor in Brooklyn, New York; co-founder of a coalition of churches to promote energy conservation; instrumental in the development of alternative community institutions; long-time activist for peace and civil rights. Gary Valen-Executive Vice President, the Kerr Center for Sustainable Agriculture; former Dean of Students, Simpson College and Hendrix College; long active in community-building and the promotion of environmental awareness among students. Wendy Johnson Rudnick-Green Gulch Zen Center, Head Gardener.
2:00 PM-3:30 PM Burnham Wing #5
"Science and Spirituality"
Dr. Ravi Ravindra
Theme of the workshop is that transformation of nature takes place in two realms, the inner and the outer. The process of the inner way is that of spirituality; the outer way is that of science and technology. In both cases, transformation proceeds towards increased coherence, order, and usefulness-either of matterenergy or of human being. But the nature of transformation depends on the intention and quality of the transforming agent which are quite different in the two enterprises.
Dr. Ravi Ravindra Professor of Physics and of Comparative Religion, University of Halifax, Nova Scotia; published works include Theory of Seismic Wave Heads; Whispers from the Other Shore; The Yoga of Christ; and Science and Spirit.
2:00 PM-3:30 PM Clark Wing #1
"The Theosophical Congress at the 1893 World's Parliament of Religions"
Dr. Michael Gomes
Participation during the 1893 World Parliament was a triumph for theosophists. The workshop tells their efforts to gain representation in a stark and sometimes humorous vein, highlighting the forces that were not ready to examine unorthodox ideas and findings of psychic research. The concerns which were typical of other presentations at the Parliament are contrasted with the ideas presented by theosophical speakers. Their remarks were focused on the doctrine of the unity of all spiritual beings, of spirit and matter, and how these and other divine truths are discoverable and verifiable by enlightened humans.
Dr. Michael Gomes-historian of theosophy as reflected in his books, The Dawning of the Theosophical Movement and HPB Teaches; formerly at
70. THE PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS, CHICAGO, 1993 Jain Education International 2010_03
Columbia University in New York; has recently completed two years research in India for a new book, Theosophy in the Nineteenth Century.
2:00 PM-3:00 PM Clark Wing #2
"The Unity of Religion"
Venerable Worasak Worathammo
All sentient beings, especially humankind, have one common problem which is, How to reach the perfect life? This can be divided into two problems: One, the lack of material to support the convenience and comfort of the physical life, and two, the lack of the spiritual knowledge to manage the human's spirit for the real happiness in spiritual life. All religions try to solve directly the second problem while worldly knowledge solves the first problem. Spiritual knowledge and physical knowledge should go together without contradiction in every aspect. Then all religions shall be united for the perfect life of sentient beings. Venerable Worasak Worathammo-BA degree in Economics from Thammasat University; was an officer in the Corrections Department of the Ministry of Interior; ordained as a Theravada monk in 1967; studied Buddhism and practiced meditation under the supervision of the Venerable Buddhadasa; has written books and gives lectures domestically and internationally.
2:00 PM-2:30 PM Clark Wing #3
"Past and Present of a Jain Festival" Professor Nalini Balbir
This program is a discussion of the Akshaya-Tritiya festival as practiced from the 10th century until today. Thanks to a vast literature preserved in Sanskrit, Prakrit, Apabhramsa, Hindi, and Gujrati, we can follow the development and evolution of this festival in the course of time and examine the religious discourses delivered by the monks of the past on this special day.
Professor Nalini Balbir-professor of Indian studies at the University of Paris; student of Prof. Mrs. C. Caillat and studied Jainism as her main field of research; since 1980, has been involved in the study of classical Jain literature.
2:00 PM-3:30 PM Clark Wing #5 "Vivekananda-Historical FootprintsFeminism, Training, Spiritual Identity"
Ann Myren; Pravrajika Prabuddhaprana; Dorothy Madison The topics to be discussed include the origin and development of Vivekananda's focus on woman's independence, his methods of training as applied in spiritual practice, and Vivekananda's effect on cross-cultural assimilation of traditional religious modes. Ann Myren Editor of Living at the Source, a book on the teachings of Vivekananda celebrating his participation in the 1893 Parliament of Religions; retired college instructor presently at work on book about women and Ramakrishna, Sara Devi, and Vivekananda. Pravrajika Prabuddhaprana-first American to join Sri Sarada Math of India; writer; her recent book is a biography of a woman who was a close friend of Swami Vivekenanda.
Dorothy Madison-M.A., Sanskrit, U.C. Berkeley; editor of Living at the Source, a book on the teachings of Vivekananda celebrating his participation in the 1893 Parliament of Religions; articles on Vivekananda published in Prabuddha Bharata and Vedanta Kesari.
2:00 PM-3:30 PM Clark Wing #6
"Voodoo in Haiti"
Rénald Clérisme
Lecture, slide presentation, followed by question and answer period. The role and importance of Voodoo in Haitian society and as a tool of liberation.
Rénald Clérisme former Roman Catholic priest; former Provincial, the Monfort Fathers; former National Director, CARITAS; Co-founder, TET KOLE, a national peasant movement; one of Haiti's most respected authorities on Voodoo, with many years of research on the subject; currently on the faculty of the Anthropology Dept., Yale University.
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