Book Title: Parliament of Worlds Religion 1993 Chicago IL
Author(s): Parliament of the World’s Religions
Publisher: USA Parliament of the Worlds Religions
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Tuesday, August 31 Seminars & Lectures
Ewart H. Cousins-Professor of History, Fordham University, New
York; General Editor, World Spirituality: An Encyclopedic History of the Religious Quest; author, Christ of the 21st Century; Director,
Arcadian Institute Studies Center. David M. Sherman independent scholar; has prepared over 100 vol
umes of research on the noetic roots of science, art and literature.
2:00 PM–3:30 PM Clark Wing #7 "Churches' Questions About Interfaith Relations" Dr. Jay T. Rock This workshop will focus on issues which the churches face as they enter more and more into relationships with people of other faiths. It will include a brief review of the history of the ecumenical community's dialogue work. Discussion. Dr. Jay T. Rock--Presbyterian pastor; Co-Director for Interfaith
Relations, National Council of Churches in the U.S.A.
2:00 PM–3:30 PM Clark Wing #8 "What Do Christians and Jews Have to Say to Each Other" Rev. Michael McGarry A roundtable beginning with a presentation and followed by two responses. It proposes interreligious conversation as a means to discover ourselves. Rev. Michael McGarry-priest of the Congregation of Saint Paul and
Rector, St. Paul College, Washington, D.C.; member of the Faiths of the World Committee of the National Association of Diocesan Ecumenical Offices; Consultant, National Conference of Catholic Bishops.
2:00 PM–3:30 PM Dearborn Wing #1 "How to Have a Spiritual Experience" Marshall Zaslove, M.D.; Ricki Linksman, M.Ed. Discover the different types of spiritual experiences people have through near-death experiences, and meditation practices, and learn how it is possible to have a spiritual experience for yourself. Marshall Zaslove, M.D.-Educated at Columbia and the UCLA
Neuropsychiatric Institute; Diplomate, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, psychiatric practice since 1967; over a dozen research publications; explores connection between mysti
cism, spirituality, and psychotherapy. Ricki Linksman-M.Ed.; writer, educator, and speaker on spiritual
and educational topics; has written and edited several books on spirituality as well as curricula for educational institutions in Virginia and Florida; special interests: meditation, mysticism, and science; education and spirituality
2:00 PM–3:30 PM Clark Wing #9 "The Sikh Religion: Overcoming Discrimination and Adversity to Become a Major Religious Force" Sat Jivan Khalsa; Ranbir Singh Sandhu; Jaswant Singh Neki The Sikhs have endured, survived and overcome five centuries of persecution and discrimination. The Sikh Religion is now poised to become a major religious and political force. We will examine the adversity experienced by Sikhs and the upliftment of all minorities in the century to come. (Moderator: Dr. Sangat S. Syalee) Sat Jivan Khalsa- a practicing attorney and founder of the oldest law
firm serving the Sikh community in the New York Metropolitan Area; active advocate of Human Rights in the Punjab and for the rights of Sikhs in the U.S. Executive Director of the International Human Rights Organization and a member of the Board of Trustees
of the Sikh Temple in Manhattan. Ranbir Singh Sandhu-Ohio State University, Department of Civil
Engineering, has written over 150 reports and articles on topics in
engineering and in Sikh faith. Jaswant Singh Neki-M.D., Ph.D.; eminent psychiatrist; former con
sultant to the World Health Organization and the United Nations Development program; author of several books on Sikh philosophy and theology: prominent Punjabi poet.
2:00 PM-3:30 PM Dearborn Wing #2 "Spiritual Psychology-Preparing the Soul for the Future" Robert Sardello, Ph.D. What is the nature of the convergence between spirituality and psychology? This workshop will explore the possibilities for providing a spiritual basis for the renewal of individual soul life. Practices for strengthening the soul's longing for beauty and for enhancing its inner sensibility. Robert Sardello, Ph.D.--Eleven years as Co-Director and director of pro
gram in spiritual psychology, Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture; author, Facing the World With Soul; completing compilation of the lectures of Rudolf Steiner concerned with spiritual psychology.
2:00 PM–3:30 PM LaSalle Wing #1 "Mystic Goal-lessness: Where the Traditions Meet" Rabbi Herbert Bronstein; Jim Kenney This presentation is based on the wonderful mystery that all spiritualities have at their core a motif and practice of the transcendence of ego as a means to the discovery of true self and the release from the attachments that shut out reality and suffocate love. Associated with this motif is the notion of a purpose beyond the self (nirvana, the Void, "detachment from the fruits," diminution of pride, etc.). The aim of the presentation is to set forth the parallels in various traditions and to promote within the group that very higher perspective, thus working toward one of the loftiest goals of the Parliament itself. Rabbi Herbert Bronstein-editor of liturgies for liberal Judaism,
including The Home Service for Passover (the Haggadah); has lectured at Lake Forest College, Northwestern University, the University of Illinois, the University of Rochester, the University of Chicago Divinity School, and numerous other institutions, Senior Rabbi, North Shore Congregation Israel, Glencoe, Illinois. Jim Kenney-Co-Founder and Executive Director, Common Ground
interfaith study center; Co-Editor, Fireball and the Lotus: Modern Spirituality from Ancient Roots; Vice-Chair and Program Chair, Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions.
2:00 PM–3:30 PM Clark Wing #10 "The God Who is Love and the Personalist Traditions of Spirituality" Richard J. Payne; Ewart H. Cousins; David M. Sherman A presentation of the trinitarian, incarnationbal or embodied, and salvific God at the heart of the world's monotheistic traditions (as experienced in Christian mysticism, Jewish Kabbalism, Islamic Sufism, Hindu Vaishnavism, Pure Land Buddhism, Zoroastrianism). The seminar will explore the worship of the God Who is Love in history, the character of the resultant universal core morality and high civilization Richard J. Payne-editor, publisher, long-time leader in the field of
inter-religious dialog; conceived and developed the 75-volume The Classics of Western Spirituality, the 25-volume World Spirituality: An Encyclopedic History of the Religious Quest, and the forthcoming 60volume Classics of Eastern Spirituality; Executive Director, the Arcadian Institute, Rockport, Massachusetts.
2:00 PM–3:30 PM LaSalle Wing #2 "What is Spiritual Companionship?" Elizabeth G. Edwards The workshop consists of brief presentation by Elizabeth Edwards and members of The Institute of Spiritual Companionship board
THE PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS, CHICAGO, 1943. 71 For Private & Personal Use Only
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