11. Management Information System (MIS)
(a) The management of the quality of the programme requires information to be constantly assessed and built upon. This can be ensured only through regular tracking and follow up. Thus maintenance of MIS as per formats and standards prescribed by the Ministry will have to be done by the PIAS.
(b) Use of ICT platform for hosting and delivering variety of project services like financial management system (FMS), decision support systems (DSS) for the project. Implementation agencies will have to maintain participant specific information and meet all applicable reporting requirements. The regularity and quality of entry of information may prescribed by the Ministry or the appointed TSA.
(c) The PIA would maintain tracking data for one year after completion of training and would maintain the same on real-time web based system to monitor the progress of trainces.
12. Knowledge Partner/Technical Support Agency (TSA), Supervision and Quality Management
12.1 The Ministry will not only make the implementing agencies accountable for the components listed under appraisal, but will also position systems and checks to ensure that what actually is happening on the ground is effectively and consistently supervised. For this purpose, the Ministry will engage a specialized agency in the field of skill development programmes as "Knowledge Partner or Technical Support Agency (TSA)" following due procedure prescribed under General Financial Rules right from the time of launch of the scheme.
12.2 The TSA will assist the Ministry of Minority Affairs in devising area specific strategies, designing of project format, training, developing performance indicators and monitoring of implementation of programme.
12.3 TSA would develop suitable protocols for the supervision of the following processes:
(a) Ensuring that PIA's adopt appropriate mobilising strategies as well as candidate selection and counselling.
(b) Ensuring compliance with certification and accreditation procedures. prescribed.
(c) Presence of minimum training infrastructure and requisite human resource at the PIA's skill training centres, before allowing project to commence. (d) Updation of required MIS entries, at pre-determined time intervals.
(e) PIA's adherence to transparency requirements, as prescribed by the Ministry from time to time.
(f) Maintenance of training centres, as per the norms prescribed from time to time.
Minority Bens