Weightage assigned for each of the mandatory criterion under
"Hamari Dharohar” scheme to preserve rich heritage of minority communities under overall concept of Indian culture
Note : The minimum qualifying points for an Organization to fall in zone of consideration for next level of screening under the scheme, would be 35 out of 50 i.e. 70%. After qualifying, the organizations will be asked to present before Project Approval Committee. Criteria
Maximum Points no.
Points Obtained Criteria to be given weightage for short listing
50 (a) The number of years of existence and operation
of the organization beyond the minimum requirement of three years. (Registration certificate to be uploaded). Marks would be awarded as follows: 6
Total 3-6 years: 2
7-10 years: 4
More than 10 years: 6 Note: If tile organization is not registered for minimum
3 (three) years, they will 110t be eligible to apply. (b) The experience of the organization In preservation of
heritage and curating works. Supporting documents to be enclosed. Marks would be awarded as follows:
25 years: 4
More than 25 years: 8 (c) Number of years for which the organization is
involved in curating and preservation of heritage of minority communities exclusively. Supporting documents to be enclosed. Marks would be awarded as follows:
25 years: 3
More than 25 years: 6 (d) The number of projects funded by Central
Government Ministries/Departments/State Govemments to the organization for curating and
Minority Be