(ii) The duration of each training programme for modern skills shall be of minimum
3 months duration depending on the Skill Set including Technical Skills, Soft
Skills and Life Skills. (iii) The duration of each programme for traditional skills shall be up to a maximum
of 1 year duration depending on the trade. The program would include formation
of SHGs Producer Companies. 10. Placement and Post Placement Support:
As the focus of this programme is to provide meaningful employment, following are some general placement conditions which must be met by PIAS: (i) Placement assistance and counselling should be offered to all candidates and
placement must be ensured for a minimum of 75% candidates and at least 50%
in organized sector. (ii) Placement as far as possible should be made with minimum dislocation. (111)
The aim of providing Post Placement Support (PPS) is to help the candidates in settling down and taking care of their needs in the starting months of
employment (iv) The distribution of PPS is one of the key responsibilities of the PIA. (v) Preferably, placement should be in organized sector with associated benefits
like PF, ESI etc. (vi) But as some sectors like construction are not very organized but payments
mostly exceed the organized sector; hence informal sector jobs would be considered subject to the following stipulations: (a) A particular job recognizes skills acquired by the candidate.
(b) Offers a valid future progression. (vii) The placement in the informal sector should be considered only if the following
conditions are met: (a) A offer letter assuring the minimum wages of the state. (b) Certificate from the einployer that wages have been paid as per the minimum
wages. (c) The jobs should not be purely temporary and must have stability. (viii) The candidate would be treated as placed if he/she continues to be in job for
at least 3 continuous months after training. One of the following documents would be treated as proof of placement: 1. Salary slips issued by employer. 2. Account statement of bank account of candidate with credits of salary.
3. Letter with name of candidate and salary details. (ix) PIA has to ensure Post placement tracking and monitoring the extent of retention
in the new jobs for a period of one year.
nority Benefits