Lord Mahâvîra
I renounce all taking of anything not given, either in a village or a town or a wood, either of little or much, of small or great, of living or lifeless things. I shall neither take myself what is not given, nor cause others to take it, nor consent to their taking it. As long as I live, I confess and blame, &c. (all down to) body.
iv. The fourth great vow runs thus: Brahmacarya (Celibacy) I renounce all sexual pleasures, either with gods or men or animals. I shall not give way to sensuality, &c. (all as in the foregoing paragraph down to) exempt myself.
v. The fifth great vow runs thus: Aparigraha (non-possession) I renounce all attachments,20 whether little or much, small or great, living or lifeless; neither shall I myself form such attachments, nor cause others to do so, nor consent to their doing so, &c. (all down to) exempt myself.
He who is well provided with these great vows and their twenty-five clauses is really Houseless, if he, according to the sacred lore, the precepts, and the way correctly practises, follows, executes, explains, establishes, and according to the precept, effects them.
II. 10. iii. The Young Ascetic
(The False Ascetic)27
1. All men who are ignorant of the Truth are subject to pain; in the endless Samsara they suffer in many ways.
2. Therefore a wise man, who considers well the ways that lead to bondage28 and birth, should himself search for the truth, and be kind towards all creatures.
3. 'Mother, father, daughter-in-law, brother, wife, and sons will not be able help me, when I suffer for my own deeds.'
4. This truth should be taken to heart by a man of pure faith; he should (therefore) cut off greed and love, and not hanker after his former connections.
5. Cows and horses, jewels and earrings, cattle, slaves and servants all these (possessions) you must give up in order to obtain the power of changing your form at will.30
6. Everything that happens to somebody, affects him personally; therefore, knowing the creatures' love of their own