Lord Mahavira
Knowledge is light
One day a young disciple came to Mahâvîra and sat nearby in an eager mood. Mahâvîra asked what troubled him ? He replied, “Reverend Lord, you are my master. You are illumined and omniscient. All my problems are solved by you. Whenever a question comes before me, I come to you and give an answer which solves all my difficulties. I have a special place to live in. I have got enough clothes to cover my body. I receive food and drink to satisfy my hunger and quench my thirst. So why should I read and educate myself in the scriptures ? After all, the scriptures satisfy only intellectual curiosity, which I can do through you."
The Lord advised. "Vatsa ! You are still in ignorance, Knowledge leads to illumination. It is light, and ignorance is darkness. Others knowledge is of no use. Knowledge of the self leads one to the righteous path. Don't you know the parable of that blind man who lost his life through dependence on the eyes of others listen to me as I'say unto you.
The parable says : "There lived a blind old man in a village of Bihar. He had ten sons. All of them were married. One day the eldest son said to his father, 'You are not able to see. It is better you get your eyes cured. It will make life easier and more comfortable.' The old man replied, “No why should I care for my two eyes even though I do not have my own eyes. I have forty two eyes, I have twenty eyes of my ten sons and twenty eyes of my ten daughters-in-law, and two eyes of my wife. These forty-two eyes are enough for me to keep me out of danger. All laughed at his answer. They persuaded him again and again to get his eyes cured, but he would listen to none. They all said, 'One's own eyes are more powerful and helpful than the eyes of the whole world.' But the old man did not stand from his stand. The members of the family were kind enough to recognise his weakness and senility.
Days and months passed by. One day all of a sudden the house was on fire. All were alarmed at this critical situatation. They began to take out everything from the house. All were active. All the valuables were taken out. All concerned themselves only with the valuables. They forgot the old man he was crying aloud. But nobody heard his cries and he was burnt alive.”