Lord Mahavira
that they are made by his action and exertion. In reply to another question he answers that he will beat or kill the miscreant who steals his wares or plays mischief with his wife. Then Mahavira points out that if all is pre-determined there is no point in taking action against the miscreant. Thus Saddalaputra realises the nonapplicability of determinism or fatalism.
Mahavira preached that the life of a human being was the most important not only of all the rest of lower creatures but also of all the celestial beings -devas. It is only the human being who can exert of his own free-will and attain emancipation.
According to Mahavira there are two fundamental substances, living and non-living, i.e. Jiva and Ajiva. Jiva. Atma or soul is the embodiment of consciousness and where there is no consciousness, we have Ajiva, the non-soul. A substance is a permanent entity which undergoes change in its various modifications which are destroyed and created a new every moment. A substance is never destroyed but its forms change.
This is the realistic point of view adopted by Mahavira. He denies both the absolute momentariness of the Buddha and the absolute permanency of Upanisad. As such he is a realist and not an idealist. This multiple outlook of his is called Anekantavada or Syadvada. This we come across at various places in the scriptures(AgamaSastra).
In a discussion between ascetic Roha and Mahavira, the former asked whether the hen or the egg came first. Mahavira reply was that none of them can be called first. Because each is the cause of other: both have continuity from the beginningless time. To Jamali's question whether the world is eternal (anania) or transient ( santa ), Mahavira's answer was that from the point of view of substance it is eternal and from that of modification it is transient. To it we can add the discussion that was held between Jayanti and Mahavira on the questions of metaphysics and ethics.
At the time of Mahivira there was a great turmoil in the religious and philosophical world. Various religious leaders were: engaged in search of truth. Each maintained his own point of view disregarding others' view-points. It led to controversies. Nobody would tolerate the views of others. This state of affairs had a great effect on the mind of Mahavira and he found the way out. He would consider all the points of view and would never