Lord Mahavira
eleven holy scriptures appears to be a tentative one because he could not claim mastery over them as will be evident from the questions put to him when he was bent on being regarded as Kevalin.
For about ten years he remained with Lord Mahâvîra. Definite account of his activities during this long period is available. The analysis of subsequent events confirms that he must have struggled hard to gain a high position among the Mahâvîra's ascetics and even aspired to obtain the coveted rank of a Kevalin.
So far as the observation of rigid rules of ascetic life is concerned he followed a course of extreme self-discipline. From the very start he practised a rigorous form of austerity and used to fast until the fourth or sixth or eighth meal and onward, i.e. for one day or two days or three days and even more. Some times he gave up all food for a fortnight or even a month. Thus he wandered mortifying himself with peculiar penances and constraints. The excellence of his self-restraint and purity of conduct was made known to Gautama by Mahâvîra after Jamali's death. Gautama asked the Lord."7 “Sir, did the houseless monk Jamali take flavourless, tasteless, left-over, coarse, rough and inferior food ? Did he live on such meals ? Was he a man who had subdued his passions, lived peacefully and led a solitary as well as holy life ?” “Yes, Gautama”, was the reply. 7. Severance of Jamali from Mahâvîra
One day during the 12th year18 i.e. 489-488 B.V. of Mahâvîra's life as Kevalin, Jamali approached the Lord and having praised him thus said, "I intend, Sir, being permitted by you to wander over various villages and towns together with five hundred monks.” On hearing this request, Lord Mahâvîra remained perfectly silent.19 The request was repeated for the second and even third time but it failed to bring out any tangible result. The commentator Abhaya Deva Suri20 assumes that Mahâvîra's silence on the request was due to his indifference to the proposal as it contained in itself the seeds of future disruption.
Then Jamali, probably taking this silence as a form of approval.2 bowed down, saluted the Lord, left the Bahusala caitya and began to tour independently along with 500 ascetics.