Buddha & Mahavira
thing has happened about the Buddhas at the hands of the Jainas. The real and authentic form of the beliefs of any cult can possibly be known only from its own works and tradition.
[Darsana aur Cintan, pt. 2, pp. 50-59, 97-100]
References Bhagavati 5.9. 225. Uttaradhyayana, Adh. 23. Viranirvana Samvat aur Jain Kalaganana-Bharatiya Vidya pt. 3. p. 177. Majjhirnanikaya S. 26-Fudhacarita (in Gujarati) by Prof. Kaustambi. Dighanikaya S. 2. The Mahâvîra Issue of 'Utthana' (Sthanakavasi Jain Conference, Bombay, P. 46).