Book Title: Kumarpal Charita Author(s): Shankar Pandurang Pandit Publisher: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute View full book textPage 5
________________ INTRODUCTION* . THIS rovised edition of the Kumārapālacarita of Homarandra is based upon the same manuscript material as was used for the first edition by the late Mr. S. P. Pandit and his Shastri, Pandit Shivram Shastri Tatke. The material prosented in the first edition required a thorodgh revision and rearrangement, particularly in view of the great advance made in the Prakrit studies since the days of the late Mr. Pandit. Mr. Pandit used three M88. for the text and the commentary of the Kumārapalmokrita, and one Ms, and two printed editions of the eighth chapter of Hemacandra's Grammar dealing with the Prakrit dialects which he gave as an Appendix. I give below the description of the material: 3. (A) THE KUMĀBAPĀLACARITA AND ITS.COMMENTARY B. This Ms. consists of 67 leaves and has 17 lines to a page. The leaves are 113" x 4]". The colophon at the end runs as follows: . संवत् १५७१ वर्षे कार्तिकवदि चतुर्दशी बुधे सालीवाडामध्ये वास्तव्यपंडितकोठलसुतपंडितलटकणलिखितं ॥१॥ यादृशं पुस्तकं दृष्ट्वा तादृशं लिख्यते मया । यदि शुद्धमशुद्ध वा मम दोषो न दीयताम् ॥ २॥ शुभं भवतु ॥ कल्याणमस्तु ॥१॥ संवत् १५५० वर्षे श्रीअणहिल्लपुरनगरे श्रीखरतरगच्छे श्रीजिनसागरसूरिपट्टे श्रीजिनसुंदरसूरिपापूर्वविल (2) सहस्रकरावतारश्रीजिनहर्षसूरिशिष्यैः श्रीकमलसंयमोपाध्यायः श्रीप्राइसम्याश्रयवृत्तिलेखयांचके ॥१॥ This Introduction embodies a good deal of material from the Introduc, tion to the first edition. P. L. V,Page Navigation
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